Hitting Up The Big Leagues with a Green Tea Personality

Chapter 809: She is bad and mean

   Chapter 809 She Is Bad and Despicable

   "Xiao Ran, what are you talking about?"

   "Is it a nightmare?"

   "Ran Ran, are you performing a New Year's show for grandpa to see?"

  Zhou's family all can't understand.

   Zhou Xiran heard their questioning, and he thumped his chest even more, “A despicable person like me is full of filth all over his body, and no place is clean.”

   "I am not worthy to show to Grandpa! I am not worthy!"

  Everyone in Zhou's family: "..."

  Uncle Zhou, who is the best in the whole family, can’t hold it anymore.

   "Calm down, Xiao Ran." Uncle Zhou's uncle shouted, "You should be clearer."

  While Zhou Xiran was still crying, heart-piercing, “I don’t deserve to be sober, let me keep dreaming! As long as I am awake, I can’t be a good person!”

   "Huh?" Aunt Zhou's family couldn't help but uttered.

  Mother Zhou couldn’t hold the fork in her hand. She screamed, "Ran Ran, stop making trouble, everyone is here. Grandpa wants you to review this year and make plans for next year!"

   Zhou Xiran was yelled heavily by her, as if she was a little more sober.

  But soon, before her eyes, there is the boundless white snow, covering her piece by piece, piece by piece is the bad thing she has done.

  "Review this year? My God, I have done a lot of ugly things to discredit my family, I am good or bad!"

  "Miss Lin's family held a charity party. I laughed at her as a fake charity, and deliberately donated one million more than her, which gained a good reputation."

   Zhou Xiran fell into reminiscence.

   "What?" Zhou Mu almost stood up, "Don't talk nonsense, where do you have so much pocket money?"

Zhou Xiran covered his face and choked, "Because I am despicable, I donated a million in the name of grandpa, but I didn't actually give it. Because I knew that the charity foundation didn't have the guts to ask grandpa for money in the end. "

  Old man Zhou's face twitched, "You...you donate, you still use my name?"

   Zhou Xiran sobbed.

   "Dad, this must be a misunderstanding. I think Ranran is drunk." Zhou's mother hurriedly walked over to pull Zhou Xiran away from her seat, "Ranran is nonsense and can't believe it."

Zhou Xiran shook his head miserably, "No, it's true."

   Zhou Mu is about to pass.

  Zhou Xiran also broke her fingers, “In February, the daughter of the Chen family invited me to have afternoon tea. I know that she is going to show me her latest limited edition rare leather bag.”

   "I stole my mother's bag and **** her back."

   "In March, Bao’s family had a party, and I coaxed my aunt to take me to London to make a couture dress."

   Zhou Xiran crying.

"As a result, I saw Miss Bao Jia was on the scene. I was too dirty. I secretly photographed her high-quality clothes and deliberately revealed them to Miss Lin Jia. She made her clothes of the same color, and slapped her shirt with Miss Bao to provoke their friendship. "

   "This way my high-order skirt is the best in the audience."

   Zhou's eldest mother was shocked and stunned.

   "I'm so mean, I don't deserve to sit here and eat with Grandpa!"

   "I don't deserve to make plans for next year. How can I be such a dirty person to imagine next year?"

   Zhou Mu screamed, and rushed over to cover Zhou Xiran's mouth.

   "Aze, take your sister to the room upstairs!"

   "Call the doctor!"

   Zhou Xiran broke free of her hand, "I'm not sick, I'm just dirty."

   Zhou's mother's eyes went black, and she turned her eyes and passed out.

  Zhou Weize curled his eyebrows and hugged his mother, and asked the housekeeper to call the doctor.


  "Lock up your sister! Without my permission, you are not allowed to let the room out!" The Zhou family's old man's eyelids were constantly jumping.

   "The sick are all confused!"

  The face of the whole family became ugly.

  Is Zhou Xiran talking silly?

  Obviously very logical, time and place are clear, behavior motives are clearly stated, but... it's really bad and despicable!

  (End of this chapter)