Hitting Up The Big Leagues with a Green Tea Personality

Chapter 902: 3x speed is on fire

  Chapter 902 3x speed is on fire

   Lip-matching is the basic job requirement of dubbing.

  However, the preparation time for the first question is only one minute.

  Li Rongguang said it again, and soon said, "The following 2x speed, 3x speed, please help me to double the speed, and show it to "Did you lose weight today?"

  The audience was in an uproar.

  But soon, when everyone held their breath, a clear and beautiful voice, with perfect pronunciation, tuned, flat, clear and coherent, came out of the background.

  "The pole is wide, the bench is long,

  The pole wants to be tied to the bench,

  The bench does not allow the pole to be tied to the bench,

  The pole has to be tied to the bench,

  The bench did not allow the pole to be tied to the bench,

  Whether the pole is wide or the bench long..."

  The audience all swallowed.

  They were not stunned, but they were also stunned by her tongue twister reading that perfectly stuck to the mouth of the host.

   "Pass at double speed!"

  "Please start double speed." Li Rongguang went through the field.

  The clear and beautiful voice coming from the background, the speed will be superimposed in the next second.

  If you say the double speed just now, everyone can hear the comma, period and pause in each paragraph.

  That time, at twice the speed, all the pauses disappeared.

  The words are almost all crowded together, smashing them all on the stage!

  Dense and coherent makes people unable to breathe.

  However, the magical thing is that this clear and beautiful voice not only matches the host’s 2x speed, but also retains the circumflex that it should have. It makes people hear clearly, and not a word is swallowed.

  The unique tone of the entire lyrics still exists.

  "The whole world is learning Chinese, and Confucius' words are becoming more and more international."

  The pride in it can obviously be heard from the girl's chants.

   "Triple speed!" Li Rongguang gritted his teeth and said, "Be careful,'have you lost weight today?'"

What will   triple speed look like?

  The audience all waited with bated breath.

   Then there is an answer.

   "This is the rhythm that makes the tongue on fire!"

   "Mom, my brain hurts, is this young lady reciting the golden hoop curse?"

  "Isn’t Miss Sister’s tongue knotted? 666"

   "Is the robot in the background?"

   "AI, right? Can humans achieve three times the speed of tongue twisters?"

  The backstage Xia Mint finished speaking in one breath, and obviously took a breath.

  Obviously, during this long period, she could hardly find the time to change her breath.

When   double speed, she can breathe invisible and calmly.

  But at three times the speed, there is no room for ventilation at all, until the last word is spit out, she can regain her breathing with big mouths.

Li Rongguang smiled, "Thank you for the wonderful performance of'Did you lose weight today?" Your lung capacity surprised me. I think it can't be done with triple speed. Please remember her excellent performance. Please let us invite you. The second player began to perform."

  Even if the host says so, even if the second contestant starts to draw questions.

  But the heat of the audience is still on Xia Mint.

  Everyone was talking about her, and she couldn't help herself.

   "There are words in front of me now, all of them are read by my lady."

   "If Miss Sister used this magic sound to recite English words to me, I would surely be able to recite it...too high!"

  And Xia Mint, who was resting in the background, was really slumped on the sofa.

  Her white face is all red.

   "Emma, ​​I can barely breathe with this breath."

  She stretched out her hand and was still calming her fast heartbeat, clutching her chest.

Lin Qi, Bao Xuanyu, and photographers next to   , none of them believed.

   "Xia Xia, are you not a human?"


  (End of this chapter)