Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

v2 Chapter 74: Four major families in the dragon indust

After Hermione's consolation, Hagrid felt a little better, at least his face was no longer mourning.

Clark also made a promise following Hermione's meaning: "Hermione is right, if you can reach the level of a professional dragon trainer in the future, then we are still willing to give you the opportunity to regain the power to take care of Norbert."


Hagrid took the dirty handkerchief and twisted his nose hard, and said in a choked voice, "I know, I know, I'm not good enough to take care of him, he deserves better care. Just as you say. Do it, Clark, I trust you."

As he spoke, his tears and snot flowed down again, and Harry, who was sitting beside Hagrid, raised his hand to pat him on the shoulder, but the half-giant was taller than him even when sitting down, so he could only be embarrassed Pat Hagrid's arm.

Seeing that Hagrid had been persuaded by himself to temporarily give up his ownership of Norbert, Clark began to tell them about his dragon-raising plan.

"I've said it before, who is our friend and who is our enemy. We must distinguish this matter. Similarly, in the application for the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's application for a license to raise dragons, this is true. The same applies."

"Only when we can clearly distinguish who is our enemy and who is our friend, can we make targeted arrangements to win over those friends or those who can be friends, and those who are enemies or will become enemies. Suppression, only by making more friends and less enemies, can this matter be successfully handled.”

Although Harry and the others in the room couldn't fully understand what he meant, they pretended to understand and nodded again and again. Only Hermione, who had really gained something, asked, "Then, who are our friends and enemies?"

"Good question. In the UK, there are four pure-blooded wizard families that cooperate with the Eastern European dragon-raising family, and they are all recorded on this piece of paper."

Clark took out a piece of parchment from his arms with a smile on his face. Harry and the others approached curiously and saw four names written in very beautiful cursive letters on it.

Ollivander family: Garrick Ollivander.

Burke family: Caractacus Burke.

The Slughorn family: Horace Slughorn.

Crouch family: Barty Crouch (Barty Crouch).

"This is it?" Hermione pointed to a name on the paper, "Of course I know Mr. Garrick Ollivander, he is one of the three most famous wandmakers in Europe, and every little wizard in the UK needs it. Went to his wand shop to buy wands, and I met him once. Who were the others?"

Before Clark could speak, Malfoy, who was sitting beside him, interjected: "I know, Barty Crouch, I followed my father and met him at a diplomatic reception organized by the Ministry of Magic's International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department. , he is the director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department, and he can be regarded as a big figure in the Ministry of Magic."

"I know Karaktacus Bock," Hagrid, who was relieved at this time, hesitated for a while, and said in a stern voice.

"Of course people are more used to calling him Borgin Burke, or Mr. Borgin. Anyway, this is a bad businessman with a heart full of filthy Galleons. He's driving in Knockturn Alley. There is a large black magic item store, specializing in the sale of stolen goods and smuggling, and many bad things that cannot be found in the market are said to be found in him."

The resentment in Hagrid's words was almost overflowing. It was obvious that this honest gamekeeper must have also suffered from Bojin Boke's hands and was fooled.

Now, there is only one person left. After seeing that the others did not intend to answer, Clark stretched out his slender fingers and clicked on the name.

"Horace, whose full name is Horace Eugene Flaccus Slughorn, was born in an ancient wizard family, the Slughorn family, which is also a 28th pure-blood family. One of the wizarding families. Actually, Hagrid, you should know the name."

"Huh?" Hagrid was stunned.

Looking at his blank expression, Clark shook his head. He could only say that students all over the world couldn't remember their teacher's name very well.

"This Horace Slughorn was once a student at Hogwarts and was assigned to Slytherin House. Like Professor Snape, he was also an amazingly gifted Master of Potions, so when After graduating from Hogwarts, with this extraordinary potions skill, he won a letter of appointment to teach potions at the school."

"Oh! I remember." Hagrid shouted, and at Clark's prompt, he finally remembered, "I remember seeing this guy when I was in school."

"But he seemed a little..." Hagrid hesitated, as if looking for some adjective. "He seemed a little snobby. I remember he set up a club at school to invite children from good families."

Clark nodded, "Yes, but this Mr. Slughorn has long since resigned from his position as a potions teacher at Hogwarts, and has been replaced by the familiar Slughorn. Professor Napp."

"So," Hermione looked at the list, "a master wand maker, a Ministry of Magic official, a black shop merchant, and a master potion maker. These four people control the dragons of the whole of England. Material industry chain?"

Not only was she in disbelief, but Harry, Malfoy, and Hagrid were a little disbelieving.

Although they didn't know the other three well, they bought a wand at Ollivander's wand shop before school started last year.

It was hard for a few people to believe that that ordinary old man who just made some handicrafts. On the surface, a wand with a few Galleons is being sold, but behind the scenes there is a big business involving hundreds of thousands of gold Galleons.

Are the rich people now so low-key? Could it be that he also has a name called Jack Ma and is not interested in money?

"This is too magical!" Hermione exclaimed.

Clark laughed, "My news can't be wrong. This is the information I got from the Daily Prophet's news database."

"And didn't I write it above, it is not only them that are related to the giant dragon industry chain, but also the four major families behind them. They are all members of the twenty-eight pure-blood families.

Due to the influence of Mysterious Man, many pure-blooded families have withdrawn from the stage of history, and some have even entered Azkaban. The influence of these remaining families has naturally increased.

In addition, there are many emerging families also parasitic in this industry chain, but the four of them are the main ones. "

Next, Clark began to popularize the power of these four pure blood families to them, so that they could have a clear concept of the importance of the dragon material industry chain in the UK.