Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 629: Perhaps this is the price of completing

Early the next morning, the castle was still very lively, and all the little wizards were discussing the wonderful game yesterday with enthusiasm.

This caused Ivan to hear someone discussing his glorious deeds no matter where he went.

Harry, who is also a warrior, had a 180-degree turn in his school's wind reviews.

No one cares about him cheating in the competition anymore. Everyone has let go of their prejudices, and even the students from other colleges will greet him when they meet him.

After all, Harry's heroic performance in the game is completely correct for his identity as a warrior!

But the good mood did not stay with Harry for long, because in the afternoon, Professor McGonagall solemnly announced the Christmas ball in the class after the transfiguration class was over.

"The dance party is the tradition of the previous Triwizard Tournaments, and it is also an opportunity for us to enhance feelings and friendly exchanges with foreign guests. All students in the fourth grade and above can participate!

As for the students in the lower grades, if someone is willing to invite you, they can also participate in this Christmas ball as a dance partner..."

Professor McGonagall’s words undoubtedly detonated the already lively atmosphere in the castle and pushed everyone’s emotions to another climax!

Vocabulary such as choosing a partner, participating in a dance party, and enhancing feelings make those boys of the right age start to move around.

The little witches were also looking forward to the upcoming Christmas ball. Before Professor McGonagall had finished speaking, they were whispering underneath, discussing the matters of the ball.

Several courageous girls even peeped at the boys in the classroom with their eyes, especially after staying on Ivan for a long time. After being discovered by Ivan, they did not evade. They smiled and turned towards him. Cast a wink.

Ivan was a little overwhelmed by such enthusiasm, and shook his head secretly, and couldn't help feeling in his heart. It's not entirely a good thing to perform too well!

There will always be some unnecessary troubles in life.

Maybe...this is the price that must be paid to complete the task...

Like Ivan, Harry was annoyed by the ball, especially when Professor McGonagall said that the warriors must attend the ball, he almost stood up and retorted.

When he walked out of the door of the transfiguration classroom and walked into the corridor of the castle, Harry immediately complained. "Why do the warriors have to attend those Christmas balls? I obviously can't dance..."

For Harry, who was shy by nature, inviting a girl to the ball in person was almost an impossible task.

How embarrassing would it be if someone was rejected on the spot?

Just thinking about it, Harry felt a little dizzy in his head.

"I would rather Professor McGonagall let me deal with another dragon on Christmas!" Harry said with a headache.

Ivan looked at Harry with a weird expression.

Is this that the legendary girl is more terrifying than the fire dragon?

But thinking of the next dance, Ivan also hesitated, hesitating who should be better.

While thinking about it, a figure suddenly appeared in Ivan's mind. He was about to turn his head, and Hermione's voice was heard first.

"Harry, you are the warriors of Hogwarts. What are you worried about? Even if you do nothing, someone will come and invite you! You only need to consider who to choose as a dance partner..."

Hermione’s tone sounded strange, and she stepped into the hall, then puffed her mouth and pointed forward. "No! Just look at them!"

Harry looked into the auditorium dubiously.

The decoration of the auditorium has changed a lot compared with the past due to the holding of the top three cup competitions. The flags of the three major schools are flying high in the air, and four new hourglasses are placed in prominent places. Looks like it should record the score of the game.

Durmstrang's warrior Krum was standing not far away, and a group of senior witches were chatting around him and talking.

Lotus, who was sitting at the Ravenclaw long table, also had a helpless look on her face, perhaps because there were always dizzy boys who wanted to invite her to the dance.

But in Ivan's opinion, Furong was very happy. Every time someone approached her, Furong would say a few more words to her.

She seems to enjoy the feeling of being sought after...

"Do you want to invite her to the ball?" Hermione asked abruptly when she saw Ivan staring at Fleur.

Ivan shook his head.

At this time, Fleur, who was sitting at the Ravenclaw table, suddenly got up and said something to the girls beside him, and then walked towards them.

She was like the focus of the audience, and her every move attracted many people's attention, but Furong didn't care much about the eyes of others, and went straight to Ivan's face and asked with interest.

"Halse! You haven't found a partner yet? How about it? Are you going to join me in this year's Christmas ball?"

Furong's bold words shocked everyone present, and some of the little wizards who were obsessed with Furong felt that their hearts were broken.

Ivan hadn't expected Furong to invite himself at all. These days, he and Furong had nothing to do with each other.

"You are all warriors, you should invite others to the party!" Hermione couldn't help but interrupted the conversation between the two, her face a little unsightly, her brown eyes staring at Furong angrily.

"Really? I didn't see this regulation!" Furong said proudly.

Although in the tent in the lounge yesterday, she noticed that Hermione and Ivan are very close, but since the two have not become partners, she still has a chance. Fleur believes that no one can refuse her charm.

However, Ivan's words exceeded Furong's expectations, and he bluntly refused. "Sorry, Furong, I already have someone I want to invite, so I can't agree to your request!"

The smile on Furong's face suddenly froze~lightnovelpub.net~ Looking at Ivan in surprise, her alluring charm lost its effect in front of a wizard for the first time.

"I think you should leave, Miss Furong!" Hermione was a little pleased at seeing Furong's embarrassment, but still sneered tit-for-tat.

"Really? That's really a pity!" Furong glanced at Ivan regretfully, and quickly adjusted her mentality and turned away without reluctance.

Just after Furong had left, George, Fred and others who had been on the sidelines immediately leaned forward, looking at Ivan as if they were watching a monster.

"Oh my god, I can't believe it, you actually rejected her!" George patted Ivan on the shoulder and said in an incredible tone.

"Aren't we dreaming?" Fred also exaggerated shouting.

"It's no big deal! Not everyone has to like her!" Hermione looked at the two angrily.

(PS: The relationship line is more difficult to write. Today is one change, and now I owe two changes. I will definitely make it up within this month...)