Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 726: The Dark Lord is invincible!

Ivan's words were so sharp that Avery was stunned, and he couldn't believe Ivan's words.

"It's absolutely impossible... you're lying!" Avery yelled frantically, struggling to pounce on it.

However, Fran on the side was always vigilant. As soon as Avery made a move, he grabbed his back collar, kicked him to the ground, and forced him to the floor.

Avery twisted his body vigorously, trying to break free from Fren's restraint but could not do anything. In the end, he had to prangle his head with difficulty, staring at Ivan viciously with his eyes, and said angrily.

"You must be lying to me. The Dark Lord is invincible. He is stronger than any living wizard. You just managed to get away with your master by luck. I saw you with my own eyes that day. How did you run away in embarrassment..."

"I don't have to lie to you." Ivan looked at Avery and shook his head, sighing. "Think about it, Avery... I guess you waited all night in the cemetery that night and didn't wait for the Dark Lord to return from victory, did you?"

Under Ivan's questioning, Avery's heart gradually sank to the bottom, and the memory in his mind slowly emerged.

As Ivan said, on that night a few days ago, after the Dark Lord went to hunt down Harry Potter, he never returned to the cemetery, but gave them instructions through the Dark Mark to order them to disband temporarily. Leave there.

In the next few days, he also failed to see the Dark Lord. Voldemort's instructions were all communicated through Severus Snape...

"He was seriously injured, of course he dare not go to see you in person!" Ivan read Avery's mind and continued mockingly. "Voldemort doesn't want to let you know that the so-called Dark Lord is a powerful wizard! He, like everyone else, can get hurt and die..."

Hearing this, Avery trembled involuntarily. He couldn't believe all this, but all the evidence pointed to the fact that the Dark Lord was really defeated...

When he realized this, Avery seemed to have completely lost his vitality, lying limp on the ground, repeating "impossible...this is impossible, the Dark Lord is invincible".

Watching this scene, the wizards felt a chill in their hearts, and their fear of Ivan became more profound.

They heard the conversation between Ivan and Avery just now, and even stupid people could realize that their leader Hals had already fought with the resurrected Dark Lord.

Although the specific details of the battle are still unknown, one thing is certain, that is, Voldemort was severely injured in the battle and was forced to hide, but Ivan stood here fortunately.

It's obvious who wins and loses...

However, there are also many people who question this. After all, Ivan's age is too deceptive, and the fear caused by the Dark Lord is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

If Avery’s expression did not seem to be false, and he received a heart-piercing curse firmly, no one would want to believe the fact that the Dark Lord was defeated...

"Pull it down!" Seeing Avery, whose will was almost collapsed, Ivan suddenly lost interest, waved his hand and ordered Fren to take him away.

"Yes, Lord Hals!" Fren said respectfully with a little awe, and then dragged Avery down by his heel.

At this time, Ivan turned his head to look at the people in the conference room, stretched out his hand and gestured, and said. "Sit down, everyone! Now we can start talking about business..."

Ivan's gentle tone dissipated a lot of the depressed atmosphere on the court. The wizards gathered in the conference room were relieved and sat down in their chairs honestly.

Dougt and Aysia sat in the positions of Ivan's left and right hands, and the other wizards also subconsciously followed them and were divided into two factions.

On the left are the pure-blood wizard and Dougt’s friends, while the poor wizards and werewolves from Knockdown Alley are all sitting on the right.

It is worth mentioning that the place next to Esiah was empty, and no one dared to sit down. It was probably reserved for Fren.

Ivan did not interfere, silently saw the situation in his eyes, and then asked freely what happened in the alley during the time he left.

Aysia didn't conceal the slightest bit of concealment, and said everything in detail, Dougt also added.

In general, Knock Down Alley was fairly peaceful during the year, and the wizard market resumed operation after some maintenance, which greatly alleviated the previous lack of funds.

The training of personnel is also carried out every day. Now 60% of wizards have successfully mastered the Iron Armor Curse, and the number of law enforcement officers has increased to more than 20 in one breath, each of whom is an experienced combat expert.

"Even the striker of the Ministry of Magic, in the case of one-on-one combat, will not be the opponent of the law enforcement! If it is an Auror that doubles as a group battle, it will be able to fight!" Dougert is very proud. Said.

These remarks didn't mean anything to exaggerate.

Although the law enforcement officers have only been trained for a year or so, their daily training intensity is several times higher than that of the hitters of the Ministry of Magic. What's more, they have a good foundation in choosing the winners in the duel arena. .

If he could recruit some more people, Dougte would even have the confidence to directly confront the Ministry of Magic!

"Very well, you did a great job!" Yifan glanced across each law enforcement officer, and said admiringly.

The law enforcement officers all straightened their chests, like soldiers under review~lightnovelpub.net~ When Ivan spit out these words, they all felt that this time of hard practice was worthwhile.

Walker asked boldly. "Your Excellency Hals, we have been waiting for a whole year. When will we be able to make a big move?"

The wizards present also looked at Ivan in anticipation, and were eager to try. They had nothing to do except for patrolling, training, and gathering intelligence every day for the past year, and they were about to fall ill.

"Since you all can't wait, let's just set it tonight!" Ivan nodded and nodded, then turned his gaze to Dougert and asked.

"How many wizards are there in the entire Knockdown Alley?"

"The people who have been here for a long time, besides us, there are about one hundred and sixty people..." Dougert hesitated and replied.

Ivan thought about the conditions for achieving the system task [Rectify Knockout Alley], and quickly made a decision. "What you have to do tonight is to bring everyone in Turnover Alley to the Wizarding Market. I have a few words to say!"

(PS: One more today)