Hogwarts’s Affectionate and Righteous Slytherin

Chapter 1: Pureblood Squib

Chapter 1 Pure Blood Squib

1970, England, Lestrange Manor.

Goose feather snow was constantly floating in the sky, the lawn in the manor was covered with thick white snow, and there were no traces of other human habitations around the entire manor.

The two windows were opened at will, and the cold wind mixed with snowflakes kept pouring into the room along the windowsill.

The boy walked to the window and took a deep breath. It was a little cold but not as biting as he imagined.

As the ancestral home of the Lestrange family, this house has long been blessed with many protective spells. Every winter, Donas can't wait to wrap every corner of the house with waterproof and moisture-proof spells.

A small dark shadow appeared in the snowstorm—the owl flew straight towards his room with the envelope in its mouth.

Reggie Lestrange took the envelope from the little guy's mouth and fed him some high-quality owl wet food. gone.

Unfolding the letter is the latest edition of the New York Ghost.

Don't get me wrong, Regis doesn't have any interest in either ghosts or New York. Every issue of this newspaper presents an old Runevin logic guessing game, which is his purpose.

In the room, there was a sound like a burst of air, and a shrill voice sounded: "Master Regis, the master asked you to come downstairs."

Donas is the house-elf of the Lestrange family, with large, bat-like ears and bulging eyes the size of tennis balls.

"Okay, I know."

With another pop, Donas instantly disappeared from the room.

Reggie is ten years old this year, and it has been ten years since he came to the world of Harry Potter.

After knowing that he had traveled to the world of Harry Potter, with the perspective of God, he only felt that he was about to reach the peak of his life, and he was looking forward to growing up quickly and experiencing all the wonders of magic.

Haha, when I was a child, I was so stupid that I wanted to grow up quickly.

Soon Reggie panicked, because he found that he seemed to have accidentally become a little Death Eater.

The Lestrange family, as one of the oldest pure-blood aristocrats, can be called "full of loyalty" among the Death Eaters.

Recalling the original book, old Lestrange died early, and the cause of death book did not elaborate.

The eldest son, Rodolphus, married Bellatrix. "The whole family is loyal and no one knows the cuckold world." This is the biggest impression of most readers on Rodolphus - Harry Potter's first cuckold.

Apart from joining the Death Eaters, the second son, Rabastan, doesn't have much records. It seems that he has been making troubles behind his brother and sister-in-law.

Now there is one more of him-Rigi Lestrange, who is almost a surefire Death Eater reserve.

And he also went directly to his parents, that is, before the outbreak of the First Wizarding War. The plot in the original book was almost blank during this time. He only knew that Voldemort failed when he tried to kill Harry Potter.

If the above is nothing, after all, I know the general direction of the plot, then as I grow up day by day, Regis's situation gradually becomes more subtle.

Because his magic has never been awakened!

In the wizarding world, most young wizards will experience awakening magic before the age of seven, and receive a notice from Hogwarts before the age of eleven.

Now Regis is ten years old, but he still doesn't feel any magic fluctuations, which means that he is probably a Squib.

He is now the second child of the Lestrange family, the younger brother of Rodolphus and the younger brother-in-law of Bellatrix.

He felt as if he had guessed why the Lestrange family only had two sons in the original book.

"The noble Lestrange family has produced a dirty squib!" Just thinking about it was unbearable. Old Lestrange stared gloomily at Reggie who came down the stairs.

"I have something to announce."

The tone was a little heavy. Now that Voldemort is starting to recruit troops, Reggie knew from side-by-side that his family has not yet publicly stood in line, but only agreed with the bloodline theory that Voldemort promoted.

It was the Christmas holiday, and Rodolphus, who was in the fourth grade, was there, and the whole family gathered in the hall at this time.

The three of Ridge stood side by side. Old Lestrange sat on the dark green sofa, rubbing the armrest with his raised snake head, and the fire in front of the fireplace made him flicker.

"The Black family sent an invitation to invite all of our family members to the party tomorrow night. The venue is Black's old house."

Regis quickly reacted, and the Black family had announced that they would stand in line. In this sensitive period, tomorrow night would only be a feast for the family.

If his expectations were not bad, he should have invited a lot of families whose positions were still vacillating, and he would definitely publicize Voldemort's theory at the party to help them make up their minds.

Regis secretly speculated that maybe even Voldemort himself would be there.

"I want to know what you think about it."

Old Lestrange looked at Rodolphus, and he had high hopes for this family heir.

Rodolphus is only in the fourth grade now, and he doesn't care when he hears his father's questioning.

"I don't think it's a big deal, it's just a party. And father, I think it's time for us to take a stand, anyway, the idea that the grown-up is promoting is consistent with our goals."

Can't tell if it was disappointment or what kind of feeling, old Lestrange did not make any comments after listening to the eldest son's words, and then looked at the second son unexpectedly.

"What do you think?"

It felt a little surprising to be named Regis all of a sudden. My point of view? Of course, run away!

But he still answered truthfully: "Father, I don't think we should take our position lightly. Volted... Some of the actions of that lord are a little extreme and are not in the interests of our family, and Dumbledore will not sit idly by. , you must know that he personally defeated the German one not long ago. UU read www.uukanshu.com"

There was a "crack" in the fire, and he paused: "All we have to do is wait, and then stand on the side of the winner."

Old Lestrange was silent for a while, no one knew what he was thinking.

Rabastan blinked, silently recalling the words of the two older brothers just now, mixing them up in his heart, waiting for his father to ask him questions.

Unexpectedly, old Lestrange didn't ask any more questions, but got up and walked to Reggie.

"You still haven't felt any magic fluctuations?"

After a while of silence, Reggie shook her head with difficulty.

Even if there was only one year left, he did not give up hope.

He has always insisted on reading a lot of magic theory knowledge, not only taught himself rune, but even delved into why house elves can cast spells without a staff.

In fact, even if he is really just a squib in the end, he is confident that he can live like a duck in the water in the Muggle world.


Old Lestrange looked away, no longer watching him turn and leave, leaving only one sentence: "Our Lestrange family, born noble, will never have a squib."

Ridge groaned in his heart. This was the worst outcome he was worried about.

The Lestrange family, like the Black family, is paranoid about blood and family. In order to ensure the purity of blood, there have also been many close relatives.

If the Blacks' highest punishment for Squibs, traitors, and traitors is to be removed from the family—burning a hole in the tapestry of glory to maintain their claim of "eternal purity", then the Lestranges are Choose to let the shame of these families return to Merlin's arms and be purified.

The fireplace was burning brightly, but Ridge felt a little cold.