Hogwarts’s Affectionate and Righteous Slytherin

Chapter 164: Love Letters and Hormones

Gryffindor lounge.

James rolled his eyes and murmured, "I know exactly what I'm doing, Bigfoot. I've wanted to write about this for a long time."

"Yes, but this is the first poem you wrote as yourself, not as Lily's crush," Sirius pointed out as Peter looked up the mysterious word.

James pushed the dictionary in front of Sirius and read aloud: "Continuation across sentences: a technique in poetry to move one sentence to the next without pause."

Sirius hummed thoughtfully.

"Interesting. Do you use cross-sentence continuity in your poem, Prong?"

James gave him an impatient look.

Sirius, however, had already turned his gaze back to his book, and asked in a low voice, "What about symbolism? I wish you could use some. Girls like Lily probably like symbolism, don't they, moon face?" "

Remus shrugged and replied, "I don't know, Bigfoot."

James rolled his eyes, wrote one sentence, and tapped the next sentence with the tip of his quill...  


Timing really is everything, you know.

Library on the fourth floor.

"Lily, this one seems to be for you," said a girl in a Gryffindor robe, and handed it to the red-haired witch who was walking towards the library door without thinking.

Lily, who was walking quickly, paused in her footsteps, frowned in confusion, and then took it - much to the panic of James, who was peeking from the corner.

"Do you really think that's rubbish, Bigfoot?" James growled in a low voice, wringing his fingers nervously, reaching for Peter's textbook.

He nearly smashed his textbook in the face for cover, though it didn't have any real effect.

Sirius stared at the entrance of the library intently, and soon the figure of the red-haired witch disappeared from his sight, and returned to a nonchalant look, casually leaning his body against the wall and humming: "Hmm, complete rubbish. Fork. , you're a rotten poet. I gotta say, Lily might kill you after reading that poem."

James turned pale.

He felt that his feet were a little weak, and it was too late to rush in to grab a reply...

Inside the library.

Lily placed the book gently on the table and smiled at the few people sitting there.

Regis looked at the red envelope in her hand and couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

If it weren't for the love at the seal, this could easily be read as a roaring letter.

He looked in the direction of the door, just in time to see a few ghostly looters.

Coincidentally, James also saw his gaze.

If it was normal, he would definitely come in to say hello very familiarly - and then stay by the side.

But this time it was very wrong.

The most guilt-ridden James caught Reggie's eyes as soon as he touched it, as if he was greatly frightened, grabbed a good buddy with one hand, and ran away without a trace.

Only Lupin stood in the doorway awkwardly and politely smiled at Regis, then turned around and left at random.

Some stunned to look back.

But his eyes inadvertently touched the red envelope on Lily's right hand.

"So that's the case." Regis calmly retracted his gaze.

Lily stood up abruptly before the stool was hot.

Snape: "???"

Anthony: "???"

Regis: "..."

May Merlin bless Potter.

The red envelope was deformed in the hands of the red-haired witch, Lily raised her eyebrows high, and immediately ignored the eyes around her and began to walk away in anger.

Reggie looked at her back.

My heart silently prayed for Potter again.

This semester, Lily's standings in the dueling club have been firmly in the first place in the fourth grade.

Although points do not represent strength, there is no doubt that this proves that Lily is an absolute duel master.

As we all know, she still has an aura of absolute repression towards James.

Gryffindor lounge.

Guilty guys are writing homework papers in the common room - well, mainly because some guy with glasses is very guilty.

It didn't take long.

Lily, who had left the library in a hurry, was walking towards their table...  

Killing intent, however, did not appear in her eyes: largely out of her disbelief at the conclusion.

James Potter actually liked her? !

"Potter!" she cried.

The predators all looked up in surprise, unaware that Lily would suddenly return.

Well, except for the guy with glasses who was trying to sneak off his chair when Lily came towards them.

Sirius laughed at James' predicament and said in a long voice, "Lily, what do you think of James' poems?"

Lily ignored Sirius and growled at the sneaky figure trying to slip away, "Potter. Don't you have anything else to do but write this **** to make fun of others?"

Behind a scrap of Lupin's textbook, James looked at Lily ingratiatingly, and in a cautious voice, stammered and said, "I don't know what you're talking about, Lily, my whole life. No rubbish, not to mention I have a wand enough to make fun of others..."

"Then what's this lump in my hand?" Lily asked, throwing the crumpled love letter on the table in front of James.

The crumpled red letter paper seemed like his messy heart at the moment.

James stiffened.

Then he dropped the textbook, grabbed the new parchment under the ball of red paper, and stuffed it into his pocket before Lily saw his second "rubbish" love letter.

His always carefree face suddenly turned bright red like never before, and after clearing the noise, Lily stared at him, still at their table.

He held the wand tightly in his hand, as if to enter a combat state at any time. .

"Uh. Well, that's great, and I'm glad to help you, Moonface. But I really have to go, Quidditch training or something," James said hurriedly, his face still flushed red. Out of the Gryffindor lounge.

Lily raised her eyebrows behind him.

Then looked at Lupin with puzzled eyes.

Lupin met the sight of the red-haired witch, and immediately shook his head wildly.

"I'm not, I'm not, he's talking nonsense."


James, who walked to the door of the lounge, shivered and quickened his pace to leave.

For the first time he was in a hurry to escape where Lily Evans was.

In short, in the end, Potter changed from four-eyed to six-eyed.

Two large bruises on his eyes didn't go away until a week later.

In fact, as long as he went to the school medical wing, Madam Pomfrey wouldn't even have three minutes to get him back to normal.

But as he often says to others: "It's a stamp of love that Lily sent me, and I hope it lasts a little longer."

Well, it's nice to be young.

You can also enjoy boxing of love.


"We're going to the Fourth Greenhouse in a moment." Marlene McKinnon happily pushed aside the plate in front of her and tucked the timetable into her book.

"The plants there are more interesting and more dangerous, guess what we'll see today?"

"All I know is there are poisonous tentacles and mandrakes."

"Ah, yes, poison tentacles..." Marlene McKinnon took a peek at the long Slytherin table, "I remembered that was where St. Regis' owl was found last year, right? Although? Just anklets and feathers."

"That's right." Lily replied with a smile.

Reggie's owl is so recognizable that it went to the greenhouse to secretly take galangal.

Just because it thinks it should be doing something in line with its identity - being maverick.

Since other owls are flying in the air, it should learn to swim in the black lake, just because Bibi Dong feels that it is so special.

In the end, Bibi Dong would be found because he had picked the wrong gills, and had bitten the leaves of the mandrakes instead.

Eventually there was a louder scream and wailing over Mandela's screams.

Lily thought that Marlene was going to feel sorry for that poor Bibi Dong again, and was about to comfort her a few words.

Unexpectedly, Marlene McKinnon changed her voice and said, "It seems that we have to get a seat early, but we can't stand beside the poisonous tentacles."

They left the castle together, crossed the vegetable patch, and walked towards the greenhouse.

Professor Sprout was teetering in the direction of the lawn with a pot of unknown plants.

Professor Sprout is a kind and amiable witch. She is not tall. She always wraps her brown hair in a floral headscarf. She always has a kind smile on her face, and she hardly treats students in class. Make trouble.

Also because she is so kind, she always seems to laugh, even when she is angry, it doesn't make the students afraid.

After entering the greenhouse, Professor Sprout flicked away the soil on the table with his hands, placed the potted plant in his arms on it, and took a silver knife to trim its branches and buds.

Lily soon discovered that the professor was not pruning the potted shrub, but a familiar vine wrapped around the shrub.

"Professor, are we talking about mistletoe today?"

The two just came to the greenhouse ahead of time, and the herbal medicine class has not yet arrived at the class time.

Hearing Lily's question, Professor Sprout raised his eyelids and glanced at her.

"No, what we're going to talk about today is mulberry." Professor Sprout's movements continued unabated.

"I just found this mistletoe on the other side of Black Lake. It was originally wrapped around a blackthorn, and it grew too lush, which is not good for it and its host, so I moved it. Come here. You're pretty good at recognizing this humble plant, knowing that most students only know what it looks like when it's fruiting."

Lily smiled slightly, while Marlene stared curiously at the vine man who kept fiddling with Sprout.

"Maybe it's because we only see its berries, but we rarely see its branches. In potions class last year, Slughorn taught Ra to teach us to make a potion of forgetfulness from the white fruit of mistletoe."

I see.

Professor Sprout nodded in understanding.

Thanks to Professor Slughorn's fondness for showing off, no one is unaware of his three favorite protégés - Severus Snape, Lily Evans, and Reggie Duke.

I still remember the potion materials from a year ago, and it seems that Lily is indeed talented in potions.


"The mistletoe branches are rare? I guess you didn't stay at school last Christmas, did you?" Professor Sprout looked at her with a smile, a rare flash of childishness in his eyes.

"If you stayed, the castle was full of holly and mistletoe dangling ribbons, and girls stood where the mistletoe hung, waiting for the boy they wanted to come up and kiss her. ...Ah, Reggie, you're here too."

The two turned back to follow Professor Sprout's line of sight.

Just happened to see Regis standing at the door of the No. 4 greenhouse, showing a confident and polite smile.

He greeted the three of them one by one, and then said, "Professor, I was planning to go to Black Lake to find you just now. I saw the door here is open, so I came over to have a look."

He paused and continued, "I didn't expect you to come here already."

"Oh, yes, it's just a few potted plants. I moved it myself. It's not good to bother you."

"You're welcome, Professor Sprout, I'm very willing to help." Regis hurriedly said modestly, "You seem to have discovered new plants again?"

"It's just mistletoe, it's nothing new," Professor Sprout said, with a cheerful expression on his face. It's hard not to like a smart and considerate student like Regis.

She continued: "I was just saying to Miss Evans that if she had stayed at Hogwarts last Christmas, she would have seen girls standing under the mistletoe waiting for their sweethearts to kiss her. Don't you think I'm the kind of stubborn old-fashioned, I've always been tolerant of young people's tender love..."

"But last Christmas when I saw a young couple kissing, the plant on the top of their heads was mulberry! It's been five years, and I have taught them for five years, and they can't even tell the difference between mistletoe and mulberry!"

When Professor Sprout said this, he sighed heavily, looking a little distressed.

"I think, Professor Sprout, at that moment, they probably won't have time to pay attention to what kind of plants are on the top of their heads." Marlene McKinnon glanced at Regis vaguely and whispered.

Lily heard a short chuckle from Reggie behind her.

"Does it matter what plant hangs on top of your head when you kiss?" she asked suspiciously. "You can kiss while standing under mistletoe, but why can't mulberry?"

Regis: "..."

Professor Sprout: "..."

Marlene McKinnon: "..."

It is not impossible.

Forget it~lightnovelpub.net~ Let's go to class.

Soon, students entered the greenhouse one after another, and Sprout also dealt with the vines in the pots.


Quidditch match.

Slytherin VS Hufflepuff, the match showed a one-sided trend from the beginning. Unless Hufflepuff catches the Snitch, their defenseless goal will continue to serve as a bonus for Slytherin.

Hufflepuff, however, was tenacious.

Their batting arms are amazing, and their torpedo-like Bludgers put a lot of psychological pressure on opposing players.

The Slytherins shouted loudly, urging Seeker Regulus to end the game quickly.

Finally, a golden light flashed in the hazy fog and rain, and it was the Snitch.

The Seekers of the two varsity teams, Slytherin and Hufflepuff, rushed in the direction of the Golden Snitch at the same time, and the eyes of the audience also focused on the direction of the two.