Hogwarts’s Affectionate and Righteous Slytherin

Chapter 17: fryer

Who would have known that this squat and inconspicuous half-blood witch in front of her would be the headmaster of Hogwarts in the future?

Umbridge's tenure as headmaster was just over a year short, but she managed to replace Phineas Black as the most unpopular in Hogwarts history with her extraordinary charm in such a short period of time. headmaster.

According to Professor Slughorn's instructions, Regis gathered the various materials needed to make the potion from the potion cabinet, while his partner Umbridge made a fire and preheated the crucible to the specified temperature.

Reggie flipped through the "Magic Potions and Potions" Snape had left him, ready to start making potions according to the instructions in the book.

Professor Slughorn walked around the classroom, correcting some students' mistakes from time to time. Almost as soon as Reggie started, he heard his praise for Lily and Snape.

"You're doing it wrong. The book says that the beans should be cut with a knife to get the juice." Umbridge frowned. Her potion grades were good. In her opinion, Regis was just sent by Professor Slughorn to share herself. As a result, he was very disgusted with his chaotic behavior.

Regis didn't stop what he was doing, and squeezed the beans in his hand with the side of the knife, and a lot of green juice overflowed: "Really? Obviously, it's faster to get the juice this way."

Umbridge opened his mouth in surprise, suppressed the doubts in his heart, and after putting the ingredients together into the crucible, Reggie started to stir.

After watching for a while, Umbridge couldn't bear it any longer: "No, no, the book says it's three turns clockwise, then half a turn counterclockwise, and then stirring clockwise until it produces feathery smoke."

Umbridge was the girl who was hit by Rodolphus' spell in the lounge that night. She hated Rodolphus and Reggie even more. Those **** pure bloods didn't take anyone seriously at all. , no one apologized to her.

In addition to the extreme pain after being hit by the Burning Charm, she also had large boils on her face. She had to go back to class after lying on Madam Pomfrey's side for more than a week. imprint.

Regis, who was concentrating on making the potion, did not respond to her questioning, but just meticulously followed the instructions in the book and stirred for himself. After the liquid in the crucible turned light green, he quickly turned down the flame to prevent the liquid from boiling too much. .

At this moment, Professor Slughorn patrolled a large circle, and just came to Reggie's side. At this moment, the color of the potion in Reggie's cauldron was close to the most perfect dark green.

"Merlin, look what I've found, another potion genius! Slythering plus ten points, Poppy should be very happy to get such a perfect boil potion."

After the professor left, Reggie noticed the anomaly in Gryffindor, to be precise, it should be the anomaly of James and Sirius.

The two of them looked sneaky, Remus' expression looked a little helpless, and Regis kept monitoring the two of them from the corner of his eye.

Just kidding, Slytherin and Gryffindor's potions class, how could there not be a potion accident like an explosion?

There was a sudden commotion in the class, but it was Slytherin who made the noise.

It turned out that there was a problem with the potions of the Carlo brothers and sisters. The potions of the two brothers and sisters were constantly gushing out of the cauldron, and they were all over the table. A foul smell, like the smell of rotting rats.

Seeing this, the people next to him immediately dispersed, the poisonous gas is nothing more than that, right? Regis fought the discomfort and raised his wand.

"Clean up." The unknown liquid on the table disappeared instantly.

All this happened very quickly, but in just a few seconds, Slughorn reacted, and he cast an admiring look like Reggie: "Perfect spell and reaction speed, Slytherin adds five points! "

Then he frowned to deal with Amycus Carrow's injury. The latter was holding his hands and staring at Regis, and the potion should have splashed on his hand just now when there was a problem.

As for why he glared at him, Reggie grinned, maybe it was because of his spell that they lost their grades in this class.

Just as he was smiling, an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart. He saw that the corner of Sirius' mouth had already raised a smirk, and in an instant he walked away from his seat.



The potion that had basically been formed in front of Reggie’s table suddenly exploded. At the same time as the explosion, Umbridge also let out a scream. Although he didn’t see what the two had added to the cauldron, according to the original work The memory inside, obviously only the material of porcupine thorn often causes explosions.

Unfortunately, Umbridge's face, which was splashed by the potion, was constantly bursting with large blisters, which made her look like a toad.

After a moment of collapsing and screaming, Umbridge recalled the explosion just now, and found that Regis quickly flashed aside as if he had already noticed it. There is no doubt that he knew something in advance!

Anger made her lose her mind, and her finger almost poked her nose: "You! It's you again!"

Before myself, I was fine by myself, and there has never been a frying pan! When Ruiji came, her potions class was all ruined. First, she started messing around on her own initiative, and now she hurt herself again. She felt that her patience was approaching the limit.

It's just a pureblood who has been expelled!

Professor Slughorn, who had just dealt with the cauldron of the Carrow brothers and sisters, hurried past: "Oh, Merlin is here, what happened?"

A trace of grievance appeared on Reggie's face: "Professor, I saw James Potter and Sirius Black throw something into my cauldron, and then my cauldron exploded."

Ok? Potter and Blake? Slughorn's angry expression subsided, "Uh, Reggie is a serious accusation, maybe you read it wrong? Well, don't delay any longer, Ulam, I have to send you to the hospital immediately. "

Reggie pretended to inadvertently pointed to the shard of the cauldron and said, "Professor, is that a porcupine thorn?"

Umbridge, who was called the wrong name again, was both wronged and angry: "Professor, are you defending Gryffindor?"

This is killing people. Slytherin's little snakes all looked at their dean.

Slughorn, who originally wanted to play tricks and sell his favor, understood that he had to show his attitude, so: "Because Potter and Black made trouble in class, Gryffindor will deduct 20 points!"

James and Sirius shrugged indifferently, they always added back the points in Transfiguration and Charms.

"Carlo and you two are responsible for sending this classmate to the school hospital."

So Slughorn began another round of inspections so slowly.

After class, Snape speculated maliciously: "Maybe they did something to Carlo's Crucible!"

Lily rolled her eyes while listening. She no longer tried to dissuade the other party from getting along with Potter and the others. During the time that Reggie was away, they had a lot of conflicts.