Hogwarts’s Affectionate and Righteous Slytherin

Chapter 36: Quidditch and St. Regis

After Halloween, the weather was getting colder, and a flu hit Hogwarts.

The sky in Scotland has never been clear again, and the rainy season in the UK will never stop once it starts.

The whole of Hogwarts will be wet for a long time until the cold wind turns the rain into snowflakes.

Under such weather conditions, most of the students were reluctant to stay outside. There were little wizards with two ears emitting smoke everywhere in the castle.

Madam Pomfrey's stockpile of refreshments had bottomed out all of a sudden, and Snape spent most of his time in the Dean's office - brewing new refreshments, his talent for potions was fully revealed, and Professor Slughorn almost No need to look around.

In front of the fireplace in the Slytherin lounge, there were no young wizards under the third grade at all, except for Regulus.

Because he's a Blake.

When Reggie woke up in the morning, she stared blankly at the curtains for a while, and then slowly came back to her senses.

When he opened the bed curtain, he saw that Anthony was constantly fiddling with the shape in front of the mirror.

"Rigi, how are you awake?" he asked, pointing to the Quidditch costume on his body.

"It can't be better." Ridge replied without a doubt. He put on his wizard robes, which cut off the pervasive cold air at once.

Since he found that the warmth retention effect is not enough, he added a new magic pattern to the clothes again, and the effect was immediate after the improvement.

"Thank you for the broom."

"Don't say such silly things, Anthony, we are friends."

Today is a big day at Hogwarts - a Quidditch match, with Anthony as the batsman for the Slytherin school team.

Reggie asked Nubis to send his broom through the owl, because Hogwarts Castle itself seemed to have some kind of protection, and some magic items could not be brought in through Apparition.

It's a Firebolt that hasn't come out yet, it's the only one, there's no semicolon.

It's always best to keep it for yourself.

At that time, I made one on a whim, but Regis was not very interested in brooms. After riding on it for a long time, he understood everything.

Just now that Anthony has entered the Quidditch team, let the Firebolt, which is eating ashes in the corner, play its role.

By the time they got to the Quidditch pitch, the stands were already crowded with people.

The weather was not good, with strong winds mixed with light rain, and Regis could already predict that after the game ended today, Madam Pomfrey would welcome another large number of patients.

Today's game is Slytherin vs Gryffindor, but all the house students are here.

This is also the first show of the Firebolt. After using it, it is a living sign. This broom Regis reduces the shockproof effect and improves the acceleration effect. It is the favorite of Seekers.

Reggie wasn't interested in Quidditch, but he had to be there for his friend's first game.

Competing in such weather is not an enjoyable thing for Slytherin or Gryffindor players, not to mention Quidditch itself is a dangerous sport.

There are many people in history who died after accidentally breaking their necks in Quidditch matches.

Before parting, Reggie put a waterproof and moisture-proof spell on Anthony's clothes, and then cast a long series of spells on him, which the two had communicated before.

This spell can be understood as an overdraft type of warming spell. The effect can last for an hour. The sequelae is that it will feel very cold for half an hour after the spell expires.

But Anthony still chose to accept it. In fact, he likes to hit people more than Quidditch. Being a batsman allows him to hit people with integrity.

Low temperature will reduce the flexibility of human movement, he wants to maintain the best condition.

As for the consequences, as long as you have fun, it will be worth it.

Reggie found the Slytherin area and found a place to sit down.

He took out a glass bottle, made a cluster of blue flames with his wand, put it into the bottle, and the wizard hand warmer came out like this.

When other students saw this kind of operation, they were envious and couldn't move their eyes. They couldn't change this flame.


He heard the voice and turned his head, it turned out to be Lily.

Reggie's location is at the border between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Lily just ran over with her roommate Mary and sat next to Regis.

One of the two is at the far left of the academy, and the other is at the far right. In order to divide the area, the space between the two seats will be larger than the other seats.

It just separated the golden-red Gryffindor from the silver-green Slytherin.

The gaps are not big, and the lines are clear.

After entering the second grade, the two of them met a lot less often.

One is because the current theoretical knowledge is not very helpful to him, and most of the time he will go to the Room of Requirement to practice spell casting skills.

The other one is something he did deliberately. One of the two academies is on the eighth floor and the other is in the basement. If you have the heart, there will be almost no intersection.

Seeing the excited eyes of the little red-haired witch, he keenly noticed that the tip of her nose was frozen red.

"Hey, Lily, this is for you." With just the right smile on her face~lightnovelpub.net~, Regis handed the glass bottle in his hand to him.

Lily wanted to refuse, but Reggie couldn't help but stuff the bottle into her arms.

Mary giggled at this scene.

People are not used to calling him Duke.

People from other academies talk about him more as "that weird Lestrange"

"Good Student of Slytherin"


After a series of events, the other three academies treated him much more friendly to Slytherin.

Many people because he thinks that Slytherin is not all bad people.

Regis feels powerful, talented, and polite.

It is worth mentioning that this made Dumbledore, who had been secretly paying attention to him, even more worried.

Never engage in Slytherin pranks during classes with students from different houses, and even helped Lockhart find and put on earmuffs in time for a herbal class - saving him from the sharp mandrakes Called and fainted.

For some reason, the roommate's laughter made Lily a little flustered.

She held the glass bottle that seemed to still have the residual warmth of St. Regis tightly in her hands, and buried her whole face in the fluffy and soft wool scarf.

He thought to himself, "Rigi is really amazing. He must have learned this flame magic by himself. It's really warm."

She didn't even notice the obvious flushing on her face exposed outside the scarf.

"Look! They brought them out!" Lily shouted suddenly, pointing at Potter who flew to the stand not far from the stand.

Reggie had just added a waterproof and moisture-proof spell to the little witch, and when she heard the words, she saw Porter performing a somersault with a broom, in exchange for the screams of Gryffindor women on the stage.