Holistic Fantasy

~: 030 Wendy! The second dragon guide!

(Thank you very much for the 1888 rewards of 'Yearing Years Love'! and '亓官轩琦', '冰·月影', '剑指九霄临苍穹', 'Secondary is my home', 'Love control night's ghost road' , 'Dragon days i', '吢魂落魄', 'Panda!', 'Tiying', 'Cloud Qiqinggu', 'sing仔' reward!)

(At present, the new book list is the fifth, it is necessary to go over, and vigorously seek support for wow...[rolling]...)

At this time, Noah had some forgot the original intention of coming here, came to the grass of the little girl hiding, crouched down, gently plucked the grass in front of him.

The next moment, one holding his own knees, rolled into a ball, looked at Noah's blue-haired little girl with a horrified expression and once again entered Noah's field of vision.


Looking at Noah's face that suddenly appeared in front of her, the blue-haired little girl crawled back in horror, her face full of fear.

"Don't be afraid, I am not a beast, nor a monster. I am not malicious to you." Noah tried to lighten her tone and put a soft smile on her face, reaching out to the little girl with blue hair. Your own hands.

"Come, come over here."

Looking at the face full of soft smiles in front of her eyes, the fear of the blue-haired little girl's heart was incredibly reduced, and the pale and pretty face also returned a bit of blood, but still stared at Noah with some scared look. The hand that reached in front of him, the petite body shook a little.

Noah did not urge the other side, but kept looking like a smile, waiting for the blue-haired little girl to react, not showing a little bit of impatience, letting time pass.

The blue-haired little girl secretly observed such Noah, it seems that she made a judgment that the other party should not hurt herself. She stretched out her little hand and trembled and put it on Noah’s outstretched. Hands.

At the moment of contact, Noah and the blue-haired little girl had different feelings.

Noah felt that the little palm of his hand was too cold, and the coldness seemed to lose all the temperature that the human body should have, which surprised Noah.

The little girl with blue hair is completely opposite. She only feels that the palm of the hand that contains her own little hand is too warm. The warmth of the blue-haired girl can not help but create a feeling of attachment.

Then, the blue-haired little girl's hand was tightly controlled, like holding the straw, holding Noah's hand tightly.

Under the night, in the forest, one big and one young, two different ages, but the same young children clasped each other's hands, and in the absence of witnesses, they formed a tie that was unknown and difficult to break.


In the middle of the night, in one of the corners of the silent forest, a light smoke floated into the sky, and as the wind drove, it drifted away to the unknown.

The fiery bonfire releases the darkness and cold light and temperature, and the game that is grilled next to the campfire also exudes a belly-tightening scent.

Next to the campfire, the little girl with blue hair sat there, swallowing the belly that had just been baked, and the little gang had been swelled up because of the excessive food. With the chewing of his master's chewing, the cuteness is incomprehensible.

Obviously, the blue-haired little girl has been eating a full meal for a long time.

Noah, who came to this conclusion, allowed the other party to continue to eat in a way that would be ridiculous but would make people feel cute. He sat quietly on the side, and while roasting the other wild game that he had just hunted, he observed Little girl with blue hair.

The name of the little girl in blue hair is Wendy Mabel.

This is what Noah has just known.

I believe that no one would think that such a child would be a ghost.

Noah is the same.

So, watching Wendy there, the big ones are happy, Noah is happy to continue to observe Wendy, and as a result, I still haven't seen any signs of ghosts from the cute little girl in front of me.

Unconsciously, time passed quietly.

Although it is obvious that I have not eaten enough food for a while, Wendy is only a child, or a girl. My appetite is not going to go anywhere. It is only after I have solved the small game in my hand. It is.

Holding his own little hand, Wendy secretly looked at Noah. After a long time, he took up the courage. He used the sound of a mosquito, and said something like this.

"Thank you... thank you..."

“Is it full?” Noah shook his head and raised the wild game that was still in his hands.

"Do you need to come back a little more?"

"No... no need..."

Noah shrugged indifferently, putting the game in his hand next to the campfire, and then looking at Wendy.

"So, Wendy, can I call you like this?"

"Well... well!" Wendy nodded, and then focused a bit.

"I call you Noah brother, can you?"

"If you don't mind." Noah scratched his cheek and asked.

"So, Wendy, why are you here? Why are you crying so sad?"

"I... I used to live here." Wendy's little pretty face showed a stunned look, and the watery eyes began to get wet.

"I... I can't find my mother, I can't find Grande."

"Can't find a mother?" Noah sighed.

"That is, you are lost, right?"

"No." Wendy shook her head, saying this.

"I remember the way home, but there is no Giltini there, and Gatigne suddenly disappeared, don't want me."

As he spoke, Wendy's wet eyes were directly fascinated, and a teardrop of tears came out and began to sob.

Even if Noah was able to control her emotions on weekdays, she did not encounter the girl crying. She suddenly felt a little overwhelmed and could only sit next to Wendy and pat her back. I am so busy as a child.

"Wenty, don't cry, tell me what your mother looks like, I will help you find it, okay?"

However, the next moment, Wendy was sobbing and groaning to say that Noah was shocked.

"Grandigne is a dragon, a very gentle and gentle dragon!"


This kind of existence, Noah certainly will not know!

Wendy's mother is a dragon?

Isn't that like Naz, is it raised by the dragon?

"You..." At the moment, Noah said with amazement to Wendy.

"You are also a magical guide?"

"Also?" This time, it was Wendy's turn to look at Noah with the pretty face of the pear and the rain, let Noah understand.

In front of this little girl who is four or five years younger than herself, it is very likely that the second dragon sorcerer except Naz is also likely to have the same ancient lost magic to meet the dragon. - "Dragon Magic"!

When did such powerful magic become so worthless?

Only in the heart can the rise of such feelings, the next second, the sudden vision interrupted Noah's thoughts.

"Booming ---!"

In the sky, a deafening thunderous roar suddenly rang.


The timid Wendy gave a scream and rushed to Noah's arms without hesitation.

Noah was only conditioned and hugged the slender and soft body that flung into his arms. He looked up and looked at the sky, and then the pupil suddenly shrank into a needle-like size.

"Booming ————!"

In a thunderous bang, in the sky, the clouds shrouded in darkness suddenly rolled up, as if there was a whirlpool in the middle, constantly absorbing the surrounding clouds and gradually rotating them.

Gradually, the sky of the entire forest was replaced by a huge black cloud vortex, and the center of the vortex radiated light and made an astonishing roar.

This scene is like a hole in the sky!

"The sky broke a hole?" Holden Wendy in his arms, Noah's face gazing at the whirlpool sky.

"Is this the cursed vision of the village chief who was summoned by the ghostly crying?"

Thinking of this, Noah couldn't help but look at Wendy, who was shaking in her arms and full of fear.

It seems that Wendy does not know what the vision is.

Moreover, at the beginning, Wendy was crying as well, and at that time there was no call for a vision.

Therefore, this vision is certainly not brought by Wendy, at least not intentionally.

Just then, the vision in the sky has changed again.