Holistic Fantasy

~: 1054 Is it okay to do something bad?

(Thank you very much for 'Women's Wings', 'Acupoints', 'Devil's Bloody', 'Lonely Lacquer', 'Book Little ~ Xiaoxian', 'And silently watching you update', 'Bending Book friend's reward!)

Sitting in the villa hall that leads to the second floor, with a red carpet and a seemingly fashionable ladder, Noah puts the keys to the three colors of gold. network,

"Is this the key to the ecliptic twelve?"

It is the most precious in the whole world, and the only twelve golden keys that can summon the highest level of the Protoss.

These keys correspond to a Protoss representing the twelve constellations.

At this time, the three golden keys that are being played by Noah are the keys to the twelve ecliptic.

These keys correspond to Gemini, Scorpio and Aries.

Naturally, these keys are all found out of An Jieer's body.

In order to eliminate the resistance of An Jieer.

"If the Star Spirit Wizard loses the key to summoning the Protoss, it will be no different from the tiger that has been pulled out." Noah licked the three golden keys in his hand and turned his eyes. To An Jieer's body.

"And you should have no second magic?"

In the first floor lobby of the villa, which sits on the lower side of Noah on the ladder, An Jie's body is tightly bound by a silver chain, and it can't move. It can only be used with a sly look. Noah, a pair of people who want to let Noah give birth to life.

At first glance, An Jieer became a captive of Noah.

"Is the member of the Six Devils (Is is) being captured only when I started to perform the task?" Xia Lulu looked boring.

"It seems that the six generals (color is) are not as difficult to deal with as they think."

"This is not right, Xia Lulu." Habi said righteously.

"Because her opponent is Noah, it will fall to this end."

"Yes, that's right." Wendy's small head with Xia Lulu was connected.

"Noah brother is the best."

"Indeed, we all rely on the Noah of the Lord to find out the magical guide of the six demon generals (color is) that are mixed into us." Jura agreed to nod.

"If it wasn't for Noah's words. We are afraid that there are already tricks of traitors, and even there is a danger of disintegration?"

"Man." One night with a flamboyant look, a serious face.

"I really deserve to be the grandson of Lord Makarov."

By the way. One night was full of serious faces, at this time. As the words say, the nose is swollen.

That was when An Jie was planning to use Gemini's Gemini to pretend to be one night, and to throw it into the toilet and throw it in the toilet.

By the way, it is Habib who finds such a night.

Because I wanted to show Xia Lulu a skill in swallowing fish to show the sense of existence, the result was almost drowned, slipped into the toilet and spit out the fish. By the way, I found it.

Of course, these are not important (one night: why not).

What is important is that Noah and others actually caught the captives of the Six Devils (color is).

"Let's talk." Noah was looking down at the tightly bound An Jieer, asking for his voice.

"Where are the other six magic generals (color is)?"

"Who knows?" An Jie did not smile slowly.

"Maybe I might come in with me, maybe, like the Holy Ten Magic Guide next to you, or the little girl, maybe there are two cats over there, even the disgusting man can possibly Once we are faked by us, then maybe?"

The implication is that if you want to know where the Six Devils (color is) are, go find them yourself.

I want to know from the mouth of An Jieer. Then there is no door.

An Jieer means this.

"That is, you refuse to cooperate?" Noah Shi said to An Jieer.

"That's not a wise choice."

"So? How are you going to take me?" An Jieer looked like a sense of tension and showed a glamorous smile to Noah.

"It’s okay to want to do something bad for me. I am a favorite man like you, I like it the most."

An Jieer’s reminiscent words, directly let the innocent Wendy and Xialulu’s heads begin to turn red.

"Oh." Habib flew to Noah's side, pouting and snickering.

"There is a leg."

"Sorry, there aren't half legs." Noah waved his hand and drove Habi like a fly.

"I am a man with two fiancee, and I haven't gotten the level of the captives."

"The married people are derailed, let alone the unmarried couples?" An Jieer seems to be planning to go down with Noah. I don’t think so.

"Otherwise, it is okay for people to be your lover."

"Love...lover?!" Wendy's head ran out of steam.

I don't know if I am thinking about something. Wendy’s eyes looked at Noah with tears.

"Noah brother, do you really want to do something too much for this person?"

"I..." Noah opened his mouth. Just want to say something, but the corner of the eye is a glimpse of the night in the shape of the side, a heart, suddenly smiled.

"I don't want to do this. This kind of good thing, sure enough, it should still be enjoyed by Mr. One Night."

"Mr. One night?" Wendy, Xia Lulu and Habib suddenly stopped.

"I?" Overnight, his eyes widened, an incredible look, and apparently did not expect to be involved in his own body.

"He?" An Jie's fascinating smile was completely dead on the face, watching the night's nose and face swollen, and then with his original personality, the earth-shattering face, pretty face It suddenly became very exciting.

"Sorry, Mr. One night, I am not suitable for interrogation." Noah spread his hand and said a word to the night.

"So, can you please interrogate this prisoner in a gentleman's way?"

"Hey...the gentleman's way?" It seemed to be led by Noah's words to a peach-filled area. It was very obvious that he swallowed a slobber. After the reaction, he quickly became a cough.

"Don't say this, Noah Jun, I am not the kind of person who likes to interrogate prisoners. I like the more fragrant way of getting along."

After that, one night showed a self-righteous smile to An Jieer. It seemed that she was going to tell An Jieer by this smile that she was a harmless person.

However, the very cute face of the night matched the appearance of the nose and face, so that the so-called harmless smile of humans and animals, in the eyes of An Jie, is like a idiot.

This time, An Jie is really scared.

"Don't... don't be kidding..." An Jieer could only make a strong laugh.

"I... I am a beautiful woman? You can't have time to enjoy it yourself?"

"Mr. One night, I will trouble you to take care of this prisoner. I want to do what I want to do, don't hesitate." Noah didn't look at An Jie's eyes, patted the shoulders of one night, and said with a long heart.

"As long as you can put out where my companions are, then you are the great hero who promotes the peace of the magic world. Don't be afraid, do it yourself!"

"For... for the peace of the magic world... to do it..." Finally, I couldn’t help but reveal a pig-like smile.

"I... I understand, give it to me!"

This sentence is like breaking the last string of An Jieer's heart, and the face is horrified.

"Wait... wait!" An Jie rushed to Noah, yelling in a hurry.

"You... you can't do this to me!"

"Why?" Noah responded carelessly.

"You are not saying that it is okay to do something bad for you?"

"Then you will do it yourself, your words, whatever you can do!" An Jieer must admit that only this time, this sentence is absolutely true.

"You...you don't look at me like this, I haven't been touched by any man. If the first man who touched my body is that kind of guy, I would rather die!"

It is a pity that Noah has already turned his back, as if he did not intend to manage it.

"That... then..." I couldn’t wait to go in the direction of An Jie.

"Wait... wait!" An Jieer finally collapsed.

"I said! I said everything!"

Noah's mouth corner slowly evoked a curve. (To be continued.)