Holistic Fantasy

~: 1651 I am afraid, I can't help but shoot

(Thank you for 'Seed Potatoes', 'Nine Days of Clouds', 'Taiyi', '99 Tianjie', 'Xiao Wei', 'Bowed Book Friends', 'o0 Tears 0o', 'Secondary The name ', '圣雨天河', 'words are not right to force', 'wind and nine songs', 'wow, hahaha, I am back again', 'for you crazy', 'book friends 160514100914401' reward !)

Looking at the cold man who slowly walked out from the dark corner, Noah's brow wrinkled slightly.

I don't know why, Noah always has the feeling of seeing this man in front of him.

So, Noah snorted.

"who are you?"

"Oh? Don't you know me? Didn't Makarov and Laxus mention you to me?" The cold man shrugged his shoulders.

"It’s so cold, how can we say that we can count as a family."

"A family?" Noah's brows wrinkled deeper and deeper, but his face was a sardonic look.

"Sorry, I don't remember that I have such a family that I don't know. My family is all bright and upright people. There are no such small people who will do sneaky things."

The expression on the face of the cold man suddenly felt a little stiff, and the look of Noah became gloomy.

"It’s the successor of Makarov’s old guy. Even the same person’s posture is exactly the same. It’s really unpleasant. If you don’t want to know something important from your body, I really want to torture you a little. ”

"No more nonsense!" Noah asked.

"who are you?"

"So, let me introduce myself." The cold man unfolded his hands and smiled haze.

"My name is Ivan Dolora. If you say this, can you understand?"

"Doller?" Noah was a glimpse. Then the eyelids shrank.

Noah finally knows why she has a feeling of seeing each other.

Because, when I was young, I was just adopted by Makarov. Before arriving in the guild, Noah saw the man's photo in the home of Makarov and Laxus.

That is a family portrait.

Of course. The person on the photo is a family.

And that family has a total of three.

One is Makarov who just entered old age.

One is Laxus as a child.

There is another person, also a man.

Makarov’s biological son.

The biological father of Laxus.

Once a member of the fairy tail (airy_tail), but did something that jeopardized the guild, but the result was a man who was escorted out of the guild by Makarov.

The name of the man is called Ivan.

Ivan Dolora.

"It turns out that." Noah looked closely at Ivan.

"Are you the grandfather's disappointing son?"

"Don't say that, Xiao Noah." Ivan smiled hazy.

"How to say it again. I am also your father..."

In a word, Ivan had not had time to finish it, and was immediately interrupted by Noah.

"If you are behind, don't continue to talk about it." Noah stared at Ivan's eyes and flashed a slap in the face, like a smile.

"After all, if I really have a father like you, I am afraid, I will not help but take the opportunity to personally experience the taste of a big righteousness."

For Ivan, Noah can be said to have no good feelings.

Not only because Ivan has done anything that jeopardizes the tail (airy_tail) of the entire goblin, but also because of what the guy did after he was expelled from the guild.

After being expelled from the guild. It is said that Ivan did not join any guild, but created a guild himself.

That guild. Named the tail of the big crow (_tail).

It is a dark guild.

Originally, the Dark Guild, which was active under the ground, was basically affiliated with the Balam League.

However, the tail of the crow (_tail) is independent of the Balam League, hiding in the border alone, secretly developing.

Makarov has specifically investigated this guild.

As a result, the tail of the crow (_tail), although unexpectedly did not do anything to kill and set fire, but did not do anything to steal the chicken and touch the dog.

As Noah said, it is a guild that gathers all kinds of young people.

And Ivan is the head of these small people.

Can be imagined. For such a person, Noah's feelings will be how.

If Ivan really shamelessly treats him as his father. Na Noah really didn't know if he would do anything.


Perhaps it was from Noah's blink of a few glaring eyes that Ivan couldn't help but take a few steps back. Immediately afterwards, I realized that I had a fear of Noah, and I became angry and angry.

"I see when you can stay hard!"

After that, Ivan slammed a handprint.


Suddenly, tightly bound Noah, attached to the humanoid paper on Noah's body, the mysterious words that bloomed in purple light are actually bursting with a group of electric lights, letting a stream of currents appear in Noah's I am very angry.

With the violent current, Noah actually felt a sharp pain, which made him surprised.

"Do you think I don't know if you have the power to invalidate magic?" Ivan smugly opened his mouth.

"When you annihilate the Six Devils (_color is), your intelligence of this power has already reached my ears. Otherwise, how can I know that I will find you when the magic will be invalid?"

"Not only that, but I also know that only the magic that is applied to you will be invalidated." Ivan laughed.

"So, the pieces of paper wrapped around you are just ordinary pieces of paper. The words portrayed on the pieces of paper are magic, and the currents are ordinary currents stored with magic, not using magic, so you can Are you hurting?"

In other words, Ivan did not use magic for Noah from beginning to end.

The only piece of paper that entangles Noah's body is the magic that reinforces the hardness and toughness of the paper.

The current that hits Noah's body is also not the current generated by magic, but the ordinary current stored with magic, but now it is just released.

In this way, the paper can be wrapped around Noah, and the current can also cause damage to Noah.

Feeling the pain from the whole body, Noah clenched his fists, regardless of the violent current in his body, his sharp eyes cast straight to Ivan.

"what is your purpose?"

It was said that Ivan maintained the handprint in his hand and looked at Noah with a cold smile.

"My purpose is only one, that is lumens - Xinghui."

Noah's eyes suddenly clenched.

Ivan ecstasy clearly seeing Noah’s performance.

"You really know the existence of Lumen-Xinghui, I know that Makarov will tell you about that existence. After all, he has already announced that you are about to become the next president!"

Ivan, who was full of ecstasy, moved closer to Noah's direction and his voice improved.

"Tell me the lumens - where is the star?!"

Noah did not pay attention to the excitement of Ivan, but just looked closely at Ivan and screamed.

"Why do you know the existence of that thing? Grandpa can't tell you about it?"


That is something that must not be known to the world.

Makarov has always said this.

The person who knows the existence of Lumen-Xinghui has only the president of the fairy tail (airy_tail).

Therefore, there are only four people who know the existence of Lumen-Xinghui, including Noah.

The first generation president, Mebis.

The second generation president, Prehito.

The third generation president, Makarov.

And the future fifth-generation president, Noah.

In addition to the above four people, even the fourth-generation president of Macao does not know this thing. Laxus, who is the grandson of Makarov, also does not know.

In this case, how did Ivan know the existence of Lumen-Xinghui?

"That kind of thing, it doesn't matter!" Ivan said excitedly.

"Hurry and tell me the lumens - where is the star!"

Seeing Ivan’s emotions began to get out of control, Noah blinked and the voice became without any feelings.

"It seems that there is no way to pack more intelligence."

Ivan was a glimpse.

At this moment, Noah was shocked.


The paper wrapped around Noah and the current in the violent slamming all burst open. (To be continued.)