Holistic Fantasy

~: 1655 Qualifiers in favor of everyone

I am very grateful for the bustling, super-powerful house, the second year of the supreme, the second generation, the Qiankun, the poken, the demon king f, the book friend 160514100914401, the Hongmeng, the night and night, the city, the unknown, the unknown Mo Yan, the star remnant reward


From the huge sounds in the sky, Noah, Mira, Zhu Bi'an, Laxus and Gaggiru were all on the spot.


There is also a qualifier in the big magic fight

Why haven’t you heard of it?

Not only the Noah and his party, at this time, the contestants who stayed in the various hotels in Culocas had such a doubt.

Just because there was no qualifier in the previous big magic fight, there was always a direct official competition.

The guild groups from all over the Kingdom of Fiore directly compete in the venues where the big magic fights are performed, and in accordance with the outcome, the teams are eliminated in turn, and the remaining guild of the team is in the territory of Fiore. The first guild.

In the past, the big magic fights were like this model, and there was no qualifier at all.

In this way, it will naturally cause doubts for the participants of the various guilds.

In such doubts, Noah came to the balcony, looked up and looked in the air.

There, there is a huge stereo image.

It was a short stature, wearing a clown-like costume with an image of a huge pumpkin head on his head.

It is estimated that this person is the referee of the big magic fight.

Under Noah's gaze, the pumpkin image explained to the entire Kulokas in a witty tone and exaggerated movements.

"I know that you must have a lot of doubts, but there is no way to do this. There are too many teams participating in the big magic fight this year. There are a total of 113 teams, so many teams. Squeeze together and compete. However, there are some bad arrangements. Therefore, the General Assembly decided to start a qualifier this year, eliminate the extra teams, and finally only leave eight groups to compete."

"Eight groups?" Laxus's mouth slightly picked up.

"That is to say, even the team that can not pass the qualifiers. Not to mention the ranking, it is not going to participate in the official game of the big magic fight."

"It seems like it will be very intense." Zhu Bi'an seems to be an uneasy opening.

"I really hope that the qualifiers will not be with so many public meetings at once."

"Hey." Gha Giroud pulled his finger and a pretty scary smile appeared on his face.

“Not very interesting?”

"But, there will be too many 113 teams." Mila squinted her head and wondered.

"There are so many guilds in the Kingdom of Fiore?"

"Probably a lot of guilds are just like us, noticing that there are no rules in the rules that prohibit plural teams from participating." Noah blinked.

"So, the 113 teams are estimated to have many of the same guilds."

Everyone is ashamed.

At this time, the huge pumpkin projection in the sky began to move again.

"So, let me introduce you to the content of the qualifiers now." The pumpkin projection smiled.

"The rules are actually very simple. Just ask the teams of the contestants to walk."

Speaking of this sentence, the pumpkin projection points in one direction.

"On the east side of Kulokas, there is the big bird Fula bird in the venue of our big magic fight. The task of each entrant team is to get there as soon as possible. The first team that arrives first can get the qualification to participate in the competition."

"But ~~~ is ~~~" The pumpkin projection does not give everyone a reaction time, and raises short hands high.

"It’s just the ordinary speed of competition. It’s too simple and boring, so we have a super~~~ great stage for everyone.”

Just in the moment when the voice of the pumpkin projection fell, in the entire city of Kulokas. The ground began to tremble slightly.


The Noah and his party in the hotel immediately shook.

Because the entire hotel is shaking, like an earthquake, shaking.

Then. The entire hotel suddenly rose from the ground.

It was not because the hotel flew up, but the ground below the hotel suddenly rose up, and was directly lifted up by the general stone pillars of the institution and rose to the air.

Not just the hotel where Noah’s group of people is.

In Kulokas, there are a large number of hotels with more than one hundred or more hotels being pushed up by the general stone pillars. It rose to the air.

In a blink of an eye, more than one hundred or more hotels have come to an altitude of more than a hundred meters, becoming very conspicuous.

When the hotel stopped, the shock began to stop.

Holding Noah of Mira, it was enough to look at the air, and immediately, the eyes suddenly condensed.

"What is that?" Mila, Zhu Bi'an, Laxus and Gaggiru were equally astonished.

I saw that in the midair, behind the huge pumpkin projection, a huge sphere with a diameter of nearly a thousand meters or more did not know when it appeared there.

The sphere consists of an iron-like device like an organ and a strip of vertical and horizontal, completely irregular corridors.

At first glance, it is like a city with a spherical shape.

At the same time, from the huge steel sphere, a series of steps suspended in midair began to spread, extending to the front of each hotel that was elevated to midair.

That scene is called the ultimate in fantasy.

If there is no magical power, relying on human science and technology, and trying to reach this level, I don’t know how long it will take.

However, it is because of magic that it has become extremely simple.

“Everyone saw it? That’s the stage we prepared for everyone.” The huge pumpkin projection is very cheerful.

"The teams of the trade unions must go there to find the way to the Dome Fula, and go to the competition venue. In this way, the first eight teams that arrived first will be decided to participate in the official competition of the big magic fight."

"As you can see, it's an aerial maze, there is no law to follow." Pumpkin projection is a very enthusiastic commentary.

"In the course of the competition, each contestant can use the magic at will, or use any means at will, even if the opponent is killed, there is no problem, of course, the responsibility is assumed by you, and our assembly does not bear any responsibility. The responsibility of responsibility"

"We only have two requirements for you." The pumpkin projection has two fingers.

"First: the entrants must be five people, and one person is missing. Even if they arrive at the end, they will be eliminated."

"Second: Can't fall out of the air maze, once it falls out of the air maze, it is also eliminated."

"As long as you follow the above two points, the rest will be free to take care of yourself." Pumpkin projection unfolded his hands and made a loud declaration.

"So, I announced that the big martial arts martial arts qualifiers will officially begin."

After leaving such a sentence, the pumpkin projection slowly dissipated in the air and disappeared completely.

The whole city of Kulokas is quiet.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh"

In the next second, huge cheers rang from the city.

That is the cheers of the people who are looking forward to the big magic fight, and the shouts of the major guild teams as they rush to the floating ladder.

And Noah’s group of people did not have the slightest action and looked at each other.

As a result, except for Gagjiru, the other four people all showed a smile.

"It seems that this qualifier is good for us." Noah looked at the other four companions.

"All of you, except for Gagjilu, should fly."

The soul of Satan of Mira has wings.

When Zhu Bian turns into water, he can get rid of the human body and fly to a certain extent.

Laxus is able to thunder and use it to match the speed of lightning.

Only Gaggiru can't fly at all.

"Gajiro." Noah untied the winged necklace on his neck and threw it to Gaggiru.

"This is for you."

"Then you?" Gaggi took the necklace and looked at Noah.

"Can you fly on your own?"

Noah smiled and the energy in the body began to be released little by little.

The invisible energy turned into an equally invisible force, letting Noah's body float up little by little.

This is the skill that Noah has unwittingly learned in the past two months of practice.

By releasing energy continuously, offsetting gravity and pressure, and then turning energy into thrust, Noah can fly autonomously.

"Okay," Noah looked at the maze of the sky.

"Let's go"

Everyone did not have any opinions and nodded. To be continued.
