Holistic Fantasy

~: 1693 Please... please don't look at me l

(Thank you very much for 'Dragon Pity Snow', 'Long live the East', 'Small number has', 'No. 1527 fallen', 'Morning Huagai', 'Ice Moonlight', 'Ziyin Xuanxing', ' Famous word square '!!)

At the same time, outside the room where Mila, Lisana, Snow and Lucy and the girls stayed, Noah was sitting in front of a sofa in the hall, holding a box in her hand.

Looking at the box in his hand, Noah smiled a little helplessly.

"I didn't expect that I remembered their existence until now. Fortunately, I didn't forget it directly, otherwise it would be a waste."

The things in this box were indeed forgotten by Noah for a short time.

Judging from the outside world, the things in this box have been idle for more than seven years.

To this day, Noah thought about it and asked Makarov to return to Magnolia and find the box from his room and bring it here.

"With them, presumably, the strength of Xue Nai should be a higher level?"

Noah is going to give the contents of this box to Snow.

"It is to make up for the bitterness that the Shantou has suffered in the past seven years."

This is the idea of ​​Noah.

After all, Snow is going to have a less than happy seven years, and Noah must pay some responsibility.

Moreover, Xue Nai has joined the fairy tail (fairy_tail), which is already one of Noah's important companions.

In addition, the person who brought Xue Nai into the fairy tail (fairy_tail) is still Noah, and even makes Xue Nai a magician, and even the person who became the guiding star of the spirit is Noah. In the case of Noah, Noah should Give the contents of the box to Snow.

Just as Noah thought about it, a pleasing smirk and a panicked voice came out of the room, causing Noah's attention.

Then Noah heard a conversation like this.

"Wait... wait! Master Mira! Lisana!" (Snowy)

"What's wrong? Got out quickly, isn't it? Noah's brother is still waiting for you!" (Lisana)

"Can...but I am like this now..." (Snowy)

"It doesn't matter, snow is so cute, Noah will love it." (Mira)

"Okay, let's go out." (Lucy)

"Wait... wait!" (Snowy)

When the panicked voice fell, the door was opened, and the snow was pushed by several hands.

When the snow that was panicked was pushed out, the door was immediately closed, leaving Snow a person, and stayed at the door without knowing what to do.

Looking at the snow in front of the door, Noah's breathing was slightly stagnation.

Because, at this time, Xue Nai's body was actually wearing a thin shirt with very high transparency and even a very clear view of the underlying skin.

In addition to a thin shirt, Xue Nai seems to have nothing to wear, exposing a pair of smooth, tender, slender thighs.

That seductive dress is just like challenging the limits of men's reason.

At least, Noah suddenly saw his mouth open for a moment, and the reaction was not over.

"Nuo...Noah adults..." Xue Nai tried to push the door, but the result was that she couldn't get in. She could only look at Noah's gaze, and her hands were strong to protect her body, as if she was crying out, whispering.

"Please... please don't look at me like this..."

It was said that Noah had reacted and quickly regained his gaze, and secretly shouted in his heart.

This must be the mischief of Mira and Lisana.

Looking at Noah's face, Snow's pretty face is also reddish, and I don't know what to do.

Upon seeing it, Noah can only laugh out loud.

"Okay, don't stand there, come and sit down."

Snow hesitated, then gently moved to the front of Noah, sat down, his hands pressed against the hem of the shirt, trying to cover some places that should not be seen.

However, Snow did not find it, and as a result, her neckline was loosened.

Inadvertently glimpsing the tempting skin of Noah's face, the smile is more intense, but did not remind, so as not to make the atmosphere more embarrassing.

Then, Noah only looked at Xue Nai, saying so.

"Actually, I have something to hand over to you."

"Things?" Snow was successfully distracted.

Noah didn't say anything, just put the box in his hand on the table in front of the two and opened it.

The next moment, the items in the box were revealed.

Inside, there are actually three golden keys that lie down.

It is the key to the ecliptic.

"This is..." Xue Nai looked at Noah with a look of surprise and was extremely uncertain about the opening.

"Give me?"

"Yes." Noah nodded.

"The three keys are the Aries, the Gemini, the Gemini, the Gemini and the Scorpio. Now they are yours."

"How... how can it be?" Xue Nai hurriedly shook her head.

"The key to the ecliptic is the very expensive magic prop, I can't accept it."

"You will accept it." Noah calmed down some of the scared snow, and smiled.

"No matter how expensive things are, they only come in handy, that is valuable. I am not a star spirit guide. It is just a waste to put these three keys on me. Give them to useful people. To demonstrate their value."

"If this is the case, then it should be given to Lucy." Xue Nai lowered her head.

"I am just a newcomer who has just joined the guild. I can't accept such a valuable thing."

"I also thought about giving them to Lucy at first, but I forgot." Noah scratched his cheek.

"In addition, Lucy already has seven keys to the ecliptic and twelve doors. You only have two keys to the ecliptic and twelve doors. Give them to you. You should be able to send more uses."

"Is the Lucy adult already having seven keys to the ecliptic?" Snow was surprised and looked at the three golden keys on the table.

"Isn't that said, plus the three keys here, and the two keys in my hand, are the twelve ecliptic and twelve-door keys all gathered here?"

"That's it," Noah said.

"So, don't quit, accept it."

The key to the astrology of Aries, Gemini and Scorpio, in fact, is that Noah searched from the An Jieer of the General of the Six Devils (oraion_color is).

Later, An Jie did not ask for the key from Noah. After Noah let her go, she went straight away.

Originally, Noah also thought about transferring the three keys to Lucy and let Lucy use it.

Who knows, the result is actually forgotten, so that these three keys have been left until now.

After understanding this, Xue is still hesitant.

In desperation, Noah only made a killer.

"What? Don't you like what I sent?"

"No... not like that!" Snow couldn't help but stand up and be a little more excited.

"There is absolutely no such thing!"

Snow that was too excited was not found.

Because of the over-the-top relationship, all kinds of bad beauty began to be exposed from the thin shirt, so that Noah was almost dumbfounded and could only open his mouth.

"Then take it well! You may have to use it tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow?" Snow was stunned.

"Yes, tomorrow." Noah nodded again and again.

"Because today's competitive part is too hard, Gaggi has spent a lot of physical strength, so I want him to take a day off and let you play as a candidate for the b team's alternate members!"

"What...what?" Snow was really surprised.

However, without giving Chelsea a chance to reject, Noah said directly.

"Now, in the guild, except for the squad and the b squad, it is your strongest strength. Don't you want to play on behalf of the guild?"

"But..." Xue Nai said as if she could not let go.

"I am just a newcomer..."

"For us, there is nothing new and old!" Noah looked directly at Xue Nai, saying it word by word.

"As long as it is a guild, then you are our companion. We will fight for those who have been waiting for us for seven years, and win the victory of the big magic fight. I hope that you will contribute your strength to your companions. !"

This sentence, deeply penetrated into the heart of Xue Nai.

"For the companion..." Xue Nai murmured.

"To fight for your companions..."

Noah clicked his head and took the three keys and handed them to Snow.

Xue Nai looked at the three keys. After half a ring, he took a deep breath and reached out and held them tightly.

Noah laughed. (~^~)