Holistic Fantasy

~: 1716 Should I be able to understand me?

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Belonging to the sword bite tiger (saber_tooth), changed one of the five powerful wizards of the sword bite tiger (saber_tooth).

Not only does the body have the magic crystal that has the magic of killing the dragon, but it has also been taught by the dragon to kill the dragon magic. It is different from the first generation of Naz, Gaggilu and Wendy, and also different from the second generation of Laxus. Known as the third generation of the dragon lord.

Really starting to face up to Rogge is the day when he learned that it was the same as Sting.

At that time, Noah had only one impression of Rogge.


The character of this dragon lord is very cold.

Usually not only quite silent, but silently will knock down Gaggiru as his own goal, and, in the big magic fight, there is still no hand, but the specific strength is better than the Naz when the s-class wizard was upgraded seven years ago. , Gray and Gagjilu are a lot stronger.

This is the information of Rogge known to Noah.

"So, I didn't think of it at all, you are actually Rogge from the future."

Noah looked at the man who claimed to be Luo in front of himself, but in fact he was really a sinister man named Rogge, and his eyes narrowed.

"However, this will explain why the magical flavor I feel from you is so special."

When I saw the future Rogge for the first time, Noah felt inexplicably that there seemed to be some kind of disobedience on the other side, which gave him a wonderful feeling that seemed familiar and strange.

Now think about it, the feeling at that time, no doubt because this guy is Rogge from the future, so Noah will feel that Rogge is familiar and unfamiliar in the future.

As for the sense of violation, it is estimated that Rogge will be the magic dragon in the future.

The magic used by this dragon lord is the magic of the shadow attribute.

In other words, Rogge and the future Rogge are the dragon lords who are raised by the Shadow Dragon.

"Just, your change is really big." Noah looked at Rogge in the future.

"If you say that the feeling you gave me in this era is just cold, then the feeling you give me now is quite evil."

To be more precise, it should be said that it is quite evil.

From the future of Rogge, Noah can always feel a kind of evil.

That is not the temperament that good men and women should have.

In this regard, in the future, Rogge just grinned and said nothing.

"Time will change one person. I am not the one who will only hang Gha Girou's mouth seven years ago, and always think about knocking him down."

"Seven years ago?" Noah looked directly at the future Rogge.

“That is, you came from the future seven years later?”

"Yes." In the future, Rogge unfolded his hands and acknowledged it with great compliments.

"I came from here through the eclipse of the solar eclipse from the age of seven years."

It was said that Noah did not show how surprised he was, but he made the future Rogge surprised.

"You seem to be not surprised." The smile on the face of Rogge converges little by little in the future.

"What? You didn't always want to know about the eclipse plan?"

"You also said, I want to know the eclipse plan." Noah took a look at the future Rogge.

"I already know about the eclipse. Otherwise, I won't know that you are the future Rogge, so this paragraph will be skipped directly. Just tell me what the eclipse plan is, then it will do."

It is said that in the future, Rogge frowned slightly, and there were some doubts in his heart.

Noah had not made any special reaction to the term eclipse before, and it should be that she did not know the existence and power of the eclipse.

How did you suddenly know about the eclipse?

This question is only a flash in the heart of Rogge in the future.

Immediately, Rogge will throw it aside and look down on Noah.

"The so-called eclipse plan is to launch the magic collected in the seven years of the eclipse as a projectile. After opening the eclipse of the solar eclipse, the eclipse cannon is fired out and the 10,000 dragons are destroyed!"

"Destroy the 10,000-headed dragon?" Noah was stunned.

Is there such a power in the eclipse?

However, it is not right.

If the solar eclipse really has such power, then in the era of Lucy in the future, why did the eclipse and cannon not appear, and then destroy the 10,000 dragons?

I don't know that Noah's heart has emerged in such a doubtful future. Rogge thought that Noah was surprised that 10,000 dragons were attacking this thing.

"Maybe you won't believe it, but I must tell you that after today, there will be 10,000 dragons attacking the country." Rogge said quietly in the future.

"That is the real hell, there is no **** that anyone can imagine."

"In my time, seven years later, the world has been dominated by dragons, and the number of humans who survived is less than 10%." Rogge closed his eyes in the future.

"So, I will come to this era from the future, and make a speech to the princess jade of this country, ask her to hold a big magic fight, collect the magic needed to turn on the solar eclipse, and wait until the dragon strikes, then turn on the solar eclipse. The door, the eclipse cannon was launched, destroying 10,000 dragons and saving the future of this era."

"This is the eclipse plan." Rogge sighed in the future.

"Just, the emerald princess does not believe me. In order to let the emerald princess trust me, I will tell her a future that I know well. Only the future I have said will become true, then the emerald princess will believe me and open it. Eclipse, implement a solar eclipse plan to save the future of the world."

When I heard this, Noah’s heart moved.

"What do you mean by the well-known future, will it not mean the result of the big magic fight?"

"That's it." In the future, Rogge nodded heavily.

"In the history I know well, the Great Magic Fighting Games ended in a very special way, that is, the fairy tail (fairy_tail) is not damaged, the rest of the guild will be defeated, and the last remaining Sting is in its heyday. However, I feel that I can’t beat your guild and surrender.”

"This result, once it appears, the emerald princess will believe me, implement the eclipse plan." Speaking of this, the future look of Rogge to Noah suddenly changed.

"But I didn't think that at this time, you actually appeared."

In the future, Rogge wants to say, Noah will understand it almost at once.

Since Noah does not exist in the future era of Lucy, then, in the future era of Rogge, Noah should also be the one that does not exist.

Under such circumstances, a person who does not exist in the history that Rogge is familiar with in the future suddenly appears, and joins the tail (fairy_tail) of the fairy tale that occupies a very important part in the future he predicted, showing amazing Power, the future Rogge will definitely panic.

After all, the power of Enochia, if it continues to be active in the big magic fight, in the end, Sting's surrender to this very special result, it is very likely not to appear.

In this way, in the future, Rogge will tell the future of Jade will not break, and Jade will not implement the eclipse plan.

By that time, Rogge’s plan will be over.

"Why haven't I heard about your existence in my time, I don't understand it very well, probably because I have crossed into this era, and then there have been some changes in this era, so will this be the case?" Rogge said so.

"However, although your strength is strong, you can be strong. What can you do with the 10,000 dragons?"

"Can you knock down a few dragons? Ten heads? Hundreds?" In the future, Rogge shook his head.

"Unfortunately, the opponent is a 10,000-headed dragon. It is impossible to change the future with your own strength alone."

"Therefore, the eclipse plan must be implemented." Rogge smashed the opening.

"To this end, I have to find a way to let you leave the big magic fight, let the results of the big magic fight to the development of the future I know, to do so, to save the world and save the future!"

"This is what you want to know, I have told you all." In the future, Rogge said with a sincere voice.

"Your words, should you be able to understand me?"

Noah was silent.

However, in the next second, Noah whispered.

"Unfortunately, you are lying!" (To be continued.)