Holistic Fantasy

~: 1772 No guessing is better (two more for

(Thank you very much for the 'Mu Yu瀶殇', 'No Winds and the Winds', 'Unknown ◎ Mo Yan', 'The Seven Seven's f', 'Zhen Yi', 'Yue Chen You Ye', 'The Secluded Son' reward!)

"How about letting me play?"

With the sound of such a sound, the atmosphere in the entire space became tense.

Immediately, behind the three people of Honglian, Yuya and Lily, a girl is like a sudden appearance, slowly coming forward.

It was a blue hair with a length cut to the neck, the bright hair color was quite eye-catching, wearing a fluffy dancer costume, and covering the lower half with a thin veil, The rest of the purgatory apostles appeared to be incompatible with the girl.

The girl’s face is like a poisonous smile, so to speak.

"Although the Elf Sword Dance Festival has just begun, I can't wait to hunt."

The girl's words, let Lily frown, and make Yanya show an unpleasant expression, but did not let the red lotus have a slight shake.

Even with a mask that covers all aspects, the calmness of Honglian can be clearly perceived by everyone.

Therefore, Hong Lian did not even turn his head, to approximate the ruthless voice, so to speak.

"Witch, it doesn't matter if you want to act without permission, but if it is because of this hindering me, you should know the end."

Hearing the words, the girl’s brow slightly picks up, like a smile.

"That's terrible, but do you dare to do it to me?"

It’s not unreasonable for a girl to say this.

The girl's name is Sarah Kahn, the princess of the Alphas, and the fifth member of the purgatory apostle.

Said to be a member, in fact, as seen on the surface, in the purgatory apostle, Sarah is very out of place.

The reason is very simple, because Sarah is not at all concerned with the rest.


It should be said that this team named the purgatory apostle did not have a so-called one-hearted statement.

Lian is to join the team of the purgatory apostles in order to be able to meet the promise of Honglian with Noah.

For his own purposes, Honglian has set up a line with the Alphas to teach the country to use Alphas to teach the country, to mix into the Elf sword dance festival, and even to get enough benefits from the Alphas.

Yuya and Lily are the same as the lotus, they are the orphans in the past.

The difference is that Yuya maintains a near-morbid embarrassment to the lotus. Whenever she listens to the lotus, Lily has an unusual loyalty to Honglian and dedicate her everything to Honglian.

Because of this, the two will become the third and fourth members of the purgatory apostle, and they will form a team.

As for Sarah, it is entirely that the Alphas are sent to monitor the rest.

Therefore, this team is not a heart at all, but really fragmented.

At least, Sarah is definitely not stunned by the red lotus.

As the princess of the Alphas, Sarah does not believe that, in the name of the Alphas, the Red Lotus, who is using Alphas to teach the country, will shoot at this time.

However, this confidence was quickly wiped out.

I saw that the red lotus body seemed to burn like a flame. The outline of the body fluctuated red light. Turning around, like a ghost-like mask, a pair of eyelids that are emitting scarlet light are nailed to Sarah. Body.

"Do you want to give it a try? Witch?"

Feeling the terrible momentum from the fluctuations of Honglian, Sarah’s face seemed to be a poisonous smile, and after a moment of silence, she raised her hand like a surrender.

"Okay, okay, I’m just kidding, don’t be so serious.”

Honglian did not speak any more, but looked straight at Sarah. When the smile on Sarah’s face began to distort, she only regained her gaze and said such a sentence.

"You should understand that the country teaches me to provide me with the status, so that I can participate in the Elf sword dance festival, and even use the military elves for Yuya. It is only a transaction. You support us. We also use the victory of the Elf sword dance festival. Remuneration, let the country teach the priests of the Elf King, and say that it is the relationship of mutual use, so put away the set of your so-called princess, don't challenge my patience."

Uncertain speech, let Sarah's eyes not seem to show a little anger.

However, it must be said that Sarah did not have the capital to be able to worry about.

Just as Hong Lian said, they and the Alphas teach the country only to use each other's relationship, so the country will send Sarah to monitor the actions of Honglian and his party.

In other words, Honglian accepts only the surveillance of the Alphas, rather than letting them do whatever they want.

If Sarah really broke the plan of Honglian’s painstaking efforts because of her own actions, then Honglian would not mind to kill Sarah.

Unfortunately, at present, Sarah has not found a way to fight against Honglian.

No way, Sarah can only swallow this bitterness.

However, since Sarah is called a witch, it is not a good thing.

(I will write down today's things, don't give me a chance.)

Thinking about it, Sarah didn't know what to think of, turned her head and looked in the other direction, and the light appeared as if she had stared at the prey.

(Also, my task is more than just monitoring you.)

In the eyes of Sarah, Lian has been silently looking into the distance, the black robes on the body fluttering in the wind, even the long black hair of the head and waist are swaying, the delicate pretty face does not have any expression It looks very illusory.

That scene fell in the eyes of Sarah, causing her to tremble.

(It’s so beautiful, so beautiful that people can’t help but want to destroy it.)

Alphas teaches the country but is the base of the devil's faith, the birthplace of the once demon king Solomon.

Of course, the person who is staring at the demon king is as much a star in the country of Alphas.

Sarah is one of them.

(The devil is mine, no one can take it away!)

Sarah thought so silently in her heart.

At this moment, Lily suddenly opened her eyes and shouted.

"Be careful!"

The voice is falling.


Along with the tremor of the air, a huge beam of light suddenly descended from the sky, crossed the space, and rushed in the direction of the pedestrians of the purgatory apostle.


Some people in the venue have changed their faces.

At the next moment, the beam of light descending from the sky is heavily placed in the open space of the pedestrians of the purgatory apostle.


The deafening roar resounded.

The huge beam of light directly blasted the ground, set off an amazing blast and terrible fire. Like the big bang, it suddenly opened and suddenly swept around.

In an instant, the ground was crushed one inch and one inch, and the rubble and rubble splattered all around, and the trees closest to the open space were as if they were attacked by the hurricane. They were crushed under the horrible explosion and fell down. It was covered by the fire that swept through and burned up.

In just one moment, the entire open space was like being attacked by gunfire, and it became a terrible sea of ​​fire.

As a result, a group of people affiliated with the purgatory apostle was blown away by the blast.

Yuya, Lily and Sarah and the three of them rolled directly on the ground and looked extremely embarrassed.

The lotus and the red lotus were in the moment of being blown away. The body shape suddenly swayed, and it fell very firmly on the ground. The sole of the foot rubbed against the ground, and it wiped out all the way, leaving two faint on the ground. trace.

"Who?!" Hong Lian looked up and his voice sounded indifferent.

"come out!"

The lotus suddenly caught his heart and the eyelids began to shake.

Because, at this moment, Lotus can feel that his heart is violently moving.

There is only one person in the memory of the lotus that can make the heart of the lotus react like this.

"Come on?" Lian looked calmly at the fire in front.

"Is it so fast?"

When I heard the lotus, Honglian seemed to understand something, and her eyes began to flicker and looked straight ahead.

There, the sea of ​​fire slowly burned, and the space that was originally low in temperature began to glow.

Then, both the lotus and the red lotus were seen.

In the sea of ​​fire, a figure slowly walked out, and a pure white uniform not only did not stick a trace of dust, even the flame attached to it did not burn.

Then, the visitors greeted the eyes of the lotus and the red lotus, and a smile gradually appeared on the face.

"Sure enough, you are not good at guessing." (To be continued.)