Holistic Fantasy

~: 1911 Subversion of the common sense of G

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I am very grateful to the moon and the night, 濮濮存昕, Gu Tao, n, a cat lost a road, Li Jingrui, no wind and wind!

Almein Shelting took two guards and left in vain.

Until Elmein Shelting left, the tension in the Social Affairs Office of the Supernatural Research Department was relaxed.

Then, a group of people from the Gyumulis cast their adoration on Noah.

"The teacher is amazing!" Elina's eyes gleamed brightly and exclaimed with excitement.

"Two or three times, all the nasty vampires have been defeated!"

"Those vampires are really annoying." The kitten whispered.

“Too much too self-righteous”

Everyone nodded again and again.

Noah's strength, for the people of Jimenli, it was a big help for everyone, and they felt that they had a lot of thoughts.

"Unfortunately, in this way, the road of the Camillas is completely blocked." Assacher sighed.

"Although it's just that strong, it's so good, but there are a lot of sequelae. Then, if the negotiations with the Peshs are broken, then the joining of the vampires will really become impossible."

This is undoubtedly very disadvantageous.

However, Almein Shelting did not seem to think of this, so it was forced to death by Noah.

However, since Noah chose to be strong, it proves that he has some bottom in mind.

At least, for Noah, since the vampire side is in chaos, how much is the amount of money that can be drilled.

If you want to achieve your goals, it is not difficult at all.

"What kind of power does the Holy Grail have over that?" Noah said.

"I care more about this."

It was said that Asscher gave the answer directly.

"The power of the Holy Grail is a common sense that can subvert life."

"Subversion of life's common sense?" Noah is stunned.

"Yes." Asscher turned his head.

"In the case of vampires, even ordinary people know their weaknesses. If they are inserted into the heart by wooden stakes, they will die. If they are killed by the cross, they will die. If they are exposed to the sun, they will die. If they are hit by silver weapons, they will be hit." It will also be seriously injured, and the more pure the lineage, the more obvious these weaknesses are, the devil does not have light and sacred weaknesses?"

For the devil, light is a poison.

Therefore, if the light power of angels and angels hits the body of the devil, it will inevitably cause indelible wounds and even die directly.

As for the weakness of the divine attributes, let alone.

For example, the Holy Sword is cut by the weapon that specifically controls the creatures of the devil and the dark, and even the existence itself may be wiped out.

"That is the defect that the creature itself is destined to have. Even if God has weaknesses, it is better to understand that it is a characteristic of life." Asscher blinked.

"But if you use the Holy Grail, using the Holy Grail to subvert the power of common sense of life, such weaknesses will be completely erased and become a defect-free creature."

The Peshist estimate is to use this power to become a flawless creature?

However, such behavior, in the eyes of the rest of the vampires who are extremely concerned about their own lineage, is almost like denying everything in their own lineage.

Do you want to negate the way the vampires live by making random modifications to themselves?

Therefore, for the self-important Camillas, the Pepsi is a group of fallen guys, and it is not surprising that their existence is insulting all vampires.

Almein Shelting is so disgusted with the Pepsis, the reason is here.

However, everyone is more shuddering at the power of the Holy Grail.

"The subversion of the gods of life," Genova whispered.

"It is a holy relic that was once used to hold the blood of Jesus."

Although it is not like the Holy Grail of the Moon World, it can become a wish machine. In the context of manipulating life, the holy grail of this world can almost be said to be omnipotent.

"It is said that if the power of the Holy Grail is maximized, and even the body that will never die, even if the dead soul is resurrected, then" Asachel said so, half of it, suddenly it was stiff. Living.

That way, it is like being struck by lightning, thinking of something very important, and widening your eyes.

Then, Asscher was involuntarily murmured.

"The dead resurrected the vampire evil dragon"

In a word, let Noah’s eyes flash suddenly, and he raised his head fiercely, and looked at Asscher.

A group of Gyumulis were also not fools, and they suddenly understood what Noah and Assare thought.

Evil dragon!

The evil dragon who was resurrected by the disaster group!

The evil dragon that should have been completely destroyed, actually resurrected!

Isn’t such a thing subverted like the common sense of life?

In other words, the resurrection of the evil dragon is most likely due to the power of the Holy Grail!

"This time, the mystery will be solved." Noah screamed.

"It's no wonder that the guy named Euclid would say goodbye in the vampire's territory. Was it true that the vampire party really joined forces with the disaster group?"

Everyone can't speak.

Because the evil dragon has been resurrected, it proves that the Holy Grail that fell into the Pepsis is indeed used by the squad, and there is no objection.

Moreover, the Pepsis are already using the Holy Grail, perfecting their own lives, and doing what the Kamila faction has defiled their own bloodlines. It will not be as proud of their own bloodlines as everyone has guessed before. Don't you get in touch with the disaster group?

That is to say, even if the Pesce faction did not join the disaster group, then it must be in the same league as the disaster!

"This is a big problem." Asscher's brow wrinkled tightly.

"It seems that this time going to the vampire's territory will not only be involved in the dispute between the Pepe and the Kamila, but also in conflict with the disaster."

"And our previous plans were completely shattered." Liyas was also annoyed.

"If the Pesce faction is in the same league as the disaster, then we have no possibility of reaching a consensus with the vampires of the Pepe."

"In addition, the negotiations of the Kamila faction have broken down." Zhu Nai has some concerns.

"The peace talks with the vampire side, it seems that it is really impossible to win."

The atmosphere began to get heavy.

However, Noah gave a chuckle and broke the heavy atmosphere around him.

"No, this is more beneficial to us." Noah looked at Asscher.

"If the Pesce faction is in the same league as the disaster, then it is a criminal who harbors all the forces that are wanted. We also have the right to get involved? Assher?"

"Ah, totally right." Asscher also showed a smirk.

"As long as we can get involved and break the persistence of vampires who have not been in contact with the outside world for many years, the values ​​of the residents of the vampire world will definitely suffer. At that time, even if they don't want to, the vampires can only sit down with us. Talk about it."

As long as there is a chance to talk, under the pressure of all the mythical forces around the world, the vampire side is destined to be at a disadvantage.

At that time, the terrorists of the hidden group will be taken out and said that in order to avoid being accomplices of the other forces, the vampires can only surrender and raise their hands.

"There is no evidence to come again." Noah made a snap.

"Assher, the original plan is unchanged. We will run a vampire's territory tomorrow. If the disaster group appears there, then the evidence is conclusive and cannot be questioned."

"However, as a result, there is also a high probability of conflict with the squad and the Pepe." Asachel touched his chin and didn't know what he thought. He smiled.

"It seems that I have to go with a few reliable guards."

"Let's go together too." Liaz followed Gaspar's shoulder and showed a firm color.

"What power is hidden in Gaspar's body? I care about this and must figure it out."

"I am also", although Gaspar is very hesitant, but also shows the color of perseverance.

"I don't want to be seen as a strange thing. If there is really strange power in my body, at least, I have to figure it out."

"Is it?" Noah looked at Liaz and Gaspar, and then looked at the group of Gimoni, and immediately nodded.

"In this case, you will be my guard, walk with me."

"Yes! Teacher!" Ji Mengli's geniuses answered.

In this way, the plan to go to the vampire territory was put on the agenda. To be continued