Holistic Fantasy

~: 2088 There is no value to kill (the seco

(Thank you very much for the ‘No Winds,’, ‘True, Dragon and Tiger’, ‘Six Nights’, ‘Little lai’, ‘The singer’s 殇’!”


In the thunder of the thunder, the dark clouds that covered the entire sky finally began to dissipate, re-exposed the otherwise clear night sky under the moonlight.

The thunder that flashed on the side of the mountain, I don’t know how long it lasted, it also faded.

The high-spirited platinum knives converge on the sky and hang down slowly by their owners.

One hand clings to the demon sword (de touch n_slayer).

Attached to the salvation knife (heavenly_sord).

The energy of the gods in Noah's body gradually subsided, and looked up to the front.




A burst of painful unstoppable sounds from the front of Noah.

At this moment, the scene presented in front of Noah’s eyes, which is described as miserable, is not an exaggeration.

The original steep **** was cut off by a layer.

The ground is full of black-black color, and steam-like smoke is everywhere.

Gravel rubble covered every corner.

Mourning and screaming every piece of air.

In such a place, a family of people, dwarves, elves, orcs, Amazons, and villains, all lying down in the ground, squatting one or two times from time to time, all convulsing .

If you have to use something to describe the scene in front of you, then there is only one saying.


Under the direct attack of the thunder, the entire Freya tribe, one of the most powerful valves of the labyrinth city, was defeated and could no longer stand up.

The armor on the body has been crushed.

The weapons in your hands are also unable to lift.

Just like being completely smashed by the enemy, everyone in the Freyas lie on a blackened ground, twitching and mourning and groaning.

Such a scene is like hell.

Noah, who is holding the demon sword (de touch n_slayer) and the heavenly knife (heavenly_sord), looks at this scene. There is no wave in the face, but the foot is slowly lifted up and walked forward.

The charred ground is fragile and scattered like a pastry under the shoes.

All the adventurers who had just been with them were unable to stand up and could only make a fuss.

Noah crossed the adventurers who fell on the ground and came to the front of a pig man.

Condescendingly looking at the same unreasonable Otta, Noah's pair of dark and deep eyes flashed slightly, as if talking to himself, whispering softly.

"Even if you reach the level of lv.7, is it still only this level?"

The hand of the pig man who fell on the ground suddenly moved.

Noah looked like nothing, and looked at the surrounding Allen, Heguni, Haiqin and Glevo brothers, and spit out ridiculous words.

"The so-called strongest Dai, is it still only this level?"

The hands of Allen, Heguni, the Haiqin and the Grifo brothers also trembled.

Noah stood in the middle of the crowd of the entire Freya people who had fallen to the ground. Although the sound was very calm, the irony and contempt of the inside was not clear.

"So many people, there is also a lv.7, three lv.6 and four lv.5 first-level adventurers, plus a mix of lv.1 to lv.4 adventurers, even from I can't do it here. Is this the Yi people who are proud of the beautiful **** Freya?"

"Is that flower girl wanting me to join such a Yi?"

"Just laugh at the dead!"

The hand that only trembled suddenly shook hands and held the black soil into the hand.

Noah’s voice continued to reverberate and passed into the ears of all the people who could not afford to go to the ground.

"There is nothing in the air. You can only use the next three methods like charm to cover your child. The result is a group of people who are fascinated?"

"Isn't the beauty of the gods great?"

“Don't you feel honoured to get this favored person?”

"Are these guys who are not open mouths and think that their goddess is noble?"

"As a result, those of you who have been so favored by the so-called gods are only able to save even those who love them?"

"Sure enough, petting can't be eaten as a meal, and it can't make people stronger." Noah smiled and shook his head. The words were like the sharpest sharp knife in the world, and the thorns pierced everyone's heart.

"The love of the ruined flower is simply shit!"

Unprecedented anger has flooded everyone's heart.

"Mixed... eggs..." Allen shuddered and raised his head in a difficult way. His eyes were already filled with anger and unwillingness.

"Can... evil..." Heguni, the Haiqin and the Grifo brothers also frustrated their bodies, and lifted their heads with great difficulty.

Otta's hand even in her nails was set in the flesh, and the palms flowed out of the bright red blood.

At this moment, the hearts of all the people of Freya are only the most intense anger and the most intense remorse.

As a belief, the goddess who has always been respected is insulted by others, but he and others cannot succumb to each other. This kind of anger and remorse is not only for Noah, but also for itself.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this moment, as long as it is a Freya Yi people, it is even more uncomfortable than death.

If it is not because the body can't move, then the people here have all rushed to Noah.

Unfortunately, power is not enough.

Even if the heart wants to stand up any more, there is no way to avoid the pain of attacking the whole mind, and let the body of Otta and others scream.

As a result, all the people who fell on the ground could only raise their heads, staring at Noah with a hateful eyes with painstaking love, and wished to bite a piece of meat from Noah's body.

And Noah, who looked at this scene, just grinned.

"It’s like a group of dogs who have lost their families, and they don’t even have the value to kill.”

After that, Noah turned his back and said so.

"I thought that the flower idiot would be the main **** of one of the most powerful valves of O'Reilly. How much trouble would it cause me? Now it seems that I think too much."

"I don't really want to get me? Don't you say that you love me? Then let her continue to wander in front of me!" Noah raised her pace and walked toward the front.

"It's just an annoying flies anyway!"

With such a sentence, Noah went up a steep **** and gradually disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

Only the people of the Freya Yi people, all trembled.

"Noah Dolora!"

Allen let the anger in his heart erupt, sending out the most hysterical roar in his life.

The rest of the people roared in anger, but in the eyes they shed tears.

Only Otta, with his head down, bit his teeth until the corners of his mouth bleed.

"Why am I so weak..."


When Freya came down from the top of the flower field and followed the collapsed steep **** to the location of the members of the Freya Yi people, the Freya people had already braced their bodies and leaned on a piece of rock. Ongoing treatment.

Some use recovery magic to the wounded.

Some are drinking the prepared medicine.

Everyone is doing their own thing, but in the eyes it is a decadent and lifeless.

Looking at this scene, Freya blinked and walked forward.

In the next second, the Freya people discovered their own god.

"Fleiya adults..."

The eyes of a stunned adventurer’s eyes lit up again.

That look is like a lost child who sees his parents.

Headed by Otta, the first-level adventurers of the Freyas collectively stepped forward and collapsed in front of Freya.

"Fleet, you are shocked."

"Really, there are a lot of things that are worthy of surprise." Freya squatted halfway down, stroking the face of Ota, heading over his eyes and whispering.

"However, the suffering you have suffered seems to be more than me."

Everyone is silent.

"Fleetya adults." Otta said quietly.

"Noah Dolly?"

"Leave." Freya said faintly.

"I was let go. It seems that in the eyes of others, I don't seem to have the value of returning to heaven."

In a word, let Ota and everyone think of Noah's scornful and ironic words, all of them bite their lips.

The powerlessness of the Lord God cannot be rescued by hand, and it is permeated in the hearts of all.

Otta was silent for a while, then immediately raised her head and looked directly at Freya.

"You, still love that man?" (To be continued.)