Holistic Fantasy

~: 275 speed battle! The hurricane Thunder'

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward for ‘Yekong Snowfall’!” and the rewards of “Women’s Day,” “Love~ Angels’, ‘Easy to Smile”!

"Dead - ——!"

Accompanied by the scream of "k", the three bright red beams of the whole body were like a meteor, with a whistling sound, and suddenly shot.

The three bright red beams are like three red lines. During the blasting crossing, all the noah's retreats are covered.

Obviously, the control of "k" for the external equipment of "dead feathers" has reached an extremely sophisticated level.

That is also to honing the hard work of looking for Noah’s revenge.

It is also because of this that when you see that Noah’s "Magic" is similar to the performance of "Dead Feather", "k" will be so angry.

In order to defeat the opponent and to painstakingly honed the "death feather", only to revenge and hate, but found that the opponent also has the same strength, no more resentful than this.

It’s a pity that “k” looked at his “dead feathers” and looked down on the “magician”.

Although "Death Feather" and "Magician" are the same type of existence, the power of "Magician" is undoubtedly stronger than "Death Feather".

Because, "Magician" can not only be transformed into "light blade" like "death feather", but also into a "laser gun", it can be turned into various other forms, with various performances and effect.


This is the power that "Dead Feather" can't have!


The soft-eyed Noah gently waved his hand, and the black hole-like ejector above his head immediately rotated and disintegrated into a three-small ejector. The air around the jet swelled slightly. In the moment, the three blush fire beams quickly formed. A hovering, suddenly burst out, colliding with the incoming three red beams in the night sky.


The beam collides with the fire beam.

Just like the blossoming fireworks in the night sky. In the dull sound of a heart-squeaking sound, it sparks the sparks and fires of the sky.

"It's not finished yet ---!" The "k" with red eyes is in the roar. Controlling the "dead feathers" behind it, the majestic red light from the "dead feathers" behind it suddenly fluctuated and squirmed quickly. After a while, it actually became a huge pillar. "Light blade".

And "k" did not hold this huge "light blade", but let it float up, slowly rotate, floating above the top of his head. The red light on the blade surface condenses the terrible energy, causing the red light to rise.

Noah blinked and finally moved.

"Da da--!"

In two clear sounds, Noah suddenly jumped back a distance.

In the process of retreating, Noah also stretched out and held the fingers of the index finger and the middle finger, and started up in the sky.


The "Magic" that moved along with Noah's movement began to reorganize in the form of three black hole-like jets, forming a triangular black instrument.

"call out----!"

The sound of the air broke.

The dark triangle instruments fluttered like streamers, pulling up a starlight, like a light pen, drawing a precise geometric pattern in space. Let the delicate geometric pattern bloom out of a strong, such as a round of the sun.

Looking at the wonderfully precise geometric pattern that was formed in front of Noah's body and the glare of the sky, the look of "k" became very cloudy.

For the self-equipped equipment that has been adjusted and made according to its own, the "installed steel" and the "dead feathers" have not been able to easily win Noah. "k" feels extremely angry.

However, "k" has to admit that even if it is the "transcend" of the "level iv", Noah's combat experience, combat skills and combat methods are endless, like a bottomless pit. There is no way to see the true strength of itself.

Therefore, "k" is even more annoyed in the heart, and constantly reminds itself that it must be cautious.

In order to deal with the means of endless opportunities. "k" can only think of one way.

"It must be quick and fast!"

The thought flashed through my heart, and the eyes of "k" also suddenly turned sharply. The screaming of the cold and murderous sounds resounded.

"go with!"

The drink fell.

The huge "light blade" floating above the top of the "k" head was shocked, and a very sharp sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded.

I saw it. The huge "light blade" was madly rotated, and it made a squeaking sound, like a light wheel, plundering out.

"call out----!"

The huge light wheel is as fast as it can penetrate the space.

Just a few flashes, in the eyes of others, I can only see that a huge light wheel that has passed through the air in the air is only a few meters away from Noah, just like the mad snake ring of the moon. The power is better than the "mad snake ring", and the direction of Noah is unrelenting.

However, when the huge light wheel is about to fall on Noah's body, it is constructed in front of Noah's body. It seems that the precise geometric pattern composed of light is like a shield, a spin, standing in front of Noah.

The huge light rim that came from the storm hit it.


The horrible crash sounds like a thunder that suddenly falls, and it resounds.

Lilith and the "God-killer" who were still in the game were stunned by the ears that were caught off guard, and even the sights were slightly blurred.


The huge light wheel is inextricably impacted on the precise geometric pattern of the light shield, so that a stock is like a real impact, and the air is in such a collision. It was distorted, and the sound of the sound of the sound exploded, igniting the violent fire and splashing around.

"咕————!" The impact of the overwhelming shock is spreading, so that the "k" suspended in the air by the force of "dead feathers" is affected, and the conditional launch is raised. , in front of yourself.

The next moment, the face of "k" suddenly changed.


Just in the k k 面 面 面 , , , 面 , 面 面 面 面 k k k k k k k k k k k k k k 『 k 『 k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k 『 『 『 『 『 『 『

————“Leap forward”.

Noah finally used the defeated speed-expanding skill "Leap Forward" which caused the "k" to be crisp and neat in the last match. The glory-like shock wave formed by the foot was like the direct stepping on the air. In the air, a glimpse of lightning, plunging into the air.

"Looking for death!" Seeing Noah even dared to rush directly into the air, "k" suddenly screamed.

Being a "dead feather" is not only equivalent to having the ability to fly, but also has an extremely powerful maneuverability.

It can be said that the sky has completely become the domain of "k".

Noah rushed to the air, it was no different from looking for death.

However, the next moment, the anger on the face of "k" stiffened on the face.


Noah, who rushed into the air, suddenly turned a spine, and the whirl-like brilliance of the whirlpool under his feet was actually like stepping on the flat ground. In the sound of the sound, he slammed the air and suddenly flew in another direction.

The principle of "Yuejin" is the same as "killing a blow", by the shock wave generated by the super-accelerated movement, it is not indispensable to imagine it as a propeller on the sole of the foot.

Naturally, Noah can also use the technique of “jumping” to generate shock waves, and with the help of shock waves, change direction in the air.

That's right.

Just like stepping into the air.


In the sound of a loud sound, by the skill of "Leap Forward", the whirlpool-like glory of the glory of the glory of the air, so that Noah's figure turned into a residual light, constantly changing direction, pulling The afterimage of the road seems to fly from all directions. In the end, there is a moment of disappointment in the "k", and the brilliance of the hustle and bustle suddenly emerges behind him.

Feeling the wind from behind, a stunned color appeared on the face of "k".


Immediately, the same whirlpool-like brilliance of the brilliance of the brilliance of the brilliance was like a thunder, and it reached in an instant, and it fell on the back of the "k".


Muffled sound, shocking the night sky.

"噗嗤————!" A blood of red blood spurted out from the mouth of "k", turned into a blood flower, and ran into the sky. (To be continued)