Holistic Fantasy

~: 720 It is very dangerous there, hurry aw

(Thank you very much for the rewards of ‘白月op’, ‘雷响’, ‘salted Ai’ and ‘old wretched!’)

The atmosphere of chilling permeated the woods throughout the sunset, bringing extreme pressure to the distant and arher.

Looking at the beerker who was guarding the side of Ilia like an iron tower, Noah said facelessly to the der next to him.

"How? Day der."

The meaning of this sentence, naturally, is to ask the day der whether there is confidence to be able to deal with this beerker.

And the day der is as in the past, with a quiet and succinct answer, answered the question of Noah.

"If you put your skills and treasures out, try it."

The implication is that if you don't give all the skills and treasures, then der will never be the opponent of the tower.

This answer is also expected by Noah.

After all, the value of that beerr is really exaggerated.

The so-called beerker ranks, in fact, are the ranks of heroes who once had a crazy hero in battle.

It is just the avatar of the spirit outside the world.

Therefore, in general, if one can play the performance of the body of the spirit, that is, the full strength of the body, it is the ideal state.

The career level of beerker has broken this ideal state.

The career of Beerer will be strengthened by the madness of the skills that will be stripped of reason.

If the original powerful spirit becomes a beerker, it is very likely that it will be able to gain strength beyond the power of the spirit.

Therefore, this grade is generally used to strengthen the ranks of those weak spirits.

however. Even if the stupid person sees the ability of the strong man like the tower that appears in front of him, he will not think that he will be a weak English spirit.

On the contrary, it should be the existence of the level that is at the highest level in the spirits.

Such a presence has now been strengthened by the rank of beerer. Whether it has really surpassed the ontology, Noah does not know.

What Noah knows is that, in terms of ability value, beerker is definitely the strongest existence in this holy grail war.

If it is not because of the madness, the career of Beerer needs to increase the consumption of magic whether it is to maintain the current world or fight. The burden on r is very large, and it may even cause r to be killed because the magic is drained. In addition, because the madness affects the performance of the treasure, and its original skills may lose its effect, then it is really Don't want to fight like that guy.

The only thing that is fortunate is that. This beerker does not have the skill or retaining skills for the magic.

Then, Noah, who can be transformed into a mobile fort, should be able to suppress this guy.

In addition, there is a day der to assist.

Winning is not a luxury.

At the moment, Noah stepped forward and said that he did not return to the distance.

"It's a battle, it's a flight. You decide it yourself. If you want to escape, you will want to fight now. If you want to fight, then remember, don't drag my hind legs."

Seeing that Noah did not retreat, he chose to face the monster without fear. Both the vision and the arher are a glimpse, and each has made a different performance.

"I still underestimated your demeanor and guts." The arher, who had been talking about the cool words from the beginning, sincerely admired the sound.

"This kind of demeanor, such courage, you are undoubtedly a hero-level character. If you give some time, your achievements are not expected to be under the general spirit?"

"Although I won't be reluctant. I don't think it's a shame to escape. Escape is also a strategic choice." Faraway took a deep breath. Also took a step forward.

"But there are two on our side. There is only one opponent. If you don't try to escape, then I will be famous for the distant family!"

"Have you heard? Little lady over there?" Noah grinned.

"So, this time I really want to kill, it is very dangerous, hurry away from the distance!"

"Is my big brother caring about me?" Ilia was a glimpse, and she smiled happily.

"It's really a gentle big brother, then I will let the beerker kill you especially in a gentle and gentle way!"

After that, the tender voice of Iliath did not sound with emotion.

"Kill it! Beerker!"

As soon as the voice fell, the tower-like strong man raised his head fiercely, and the fierce breath of his body suddenly broke out.


In a fierce roar, the arrogant atmosphere suddenly exploded.

In the eyes of beerker, there was a strong murderous man. The huge arm slammed the axe sword and the ground of the soles of the feet, so that the whole forest was trembled at this moment.

Then, with the strong thrust, the beerker is like a dark cannon. It rushes out like a lightning bolt. In the blink of an eye, it appears in front of Noah, who stands at the forefront.

"call out!"

The violent atmosphere quickly turbulent in the axe sword in the hands of the beerker, bringing a whistling wind that makes the eardrums hurt, like a huge stick, and dances into a black shadow, straight to Noah. The head is straight down.

Such a savage attack, and the name of the beerker, does not match.


Liu Hai was blown up by the axe sword that went down.

In the face of the deadly axe sword, Noah is still in the same color, does not move, as if frightened, standing in the same place.

Of course, it is not that Noah is really arrogant to think that this horrible blow does not require defense.

However, some people came forward and did not weaken the agile speed of beerker, and suddenly appeared in front of Noah.


The sound of the chain's crossfire resounded.

The day der in front of Noah smashed the sharp chain of short swords in his hand and squirmed the skills of the strange force in an instant, letting the sharp stiletto tear the air, making a sharp sound, welcoming the beerker The axe sword that went straight down.


The pair of chain daggers and the axe swords and cymbals slammed together, provoked a loud noise, and also sparked a splash of sparks.

With the skill of the blame, the der is able to block the beerker's amazing blows to the students.

However, after all, der is not good at the type of positive close combat, and the skills of blame are also maintained.


In the sound of a popping sound, only the day when the chain dagger was uploaded with a horrible force, was suppressed by the axe sword, and the ground was bursting into pieces.

"Is it directly on the front?!" The final response came out.


Without a long-awaited reminder, arher is already a jump, jumping on the top of a tall tree, the magic of the hand emerges, and a black-and-wood long black bow appears in his hand.

"If I rushed up, I wouldn't need to be killed in a half-time." Arher calmly set up the bow in his hand, and the thick magic emerged from his body, and the palm of his other hand was turned into one. The root arrow is on the bow.

"So, I am responsible for the output of firepower. Day der, you remember to avoid it, I will not remind you!"

After that, the rich magical power gathered at the tip of Arher's arrow, and there was a trace of electric mans in the air.

Feeling the power that is brewing in the back, the day der on the broken ground suddenly raised his head and once again launched the skill of strange power. In a squeaking voice, the chain dagger madly rubbed. The axe sword, which aroused the violent sparks, also made the day der difficult to prop up the body.


Beerker also seems to feel the magic of the condensed, screaming, holding the axe sword on the thick arm, a strip of blue muscles burst, suddenly once again pressed the day der.

That kind of scene can only be described in one sentence.

Savage is extremely. (To be continued)