Holistic Fantasy

~: 804 authentic! Really authentic!

(Thank you for the ‘source invincible’, ‘salted Ai’’, ‘Yuchen’s tears’, ‘the dust of the other shore’, ‘the lonely lactic acid’, ‘3 points of water’, ‘gezziel’’s reward!)


The loud explosion sounded like a continuous fireworks, and it reverberated in the sky above the Liudong Temple, and it burst into flames and waves, sweeping into all directions.


On the vast ground and old temples of Liudong Temple, two pieces of golden enamel light trembled in a bright and incomparably space, bringing a golden wave of water.

In the middle of the shackles, there are various forms such as knives, swords, guns, and cymbals. They have been widely circulated since the age of mythology. Only the weapons that exist in the legend are like the arrows that are tied with the bowstrings. In the case of a bullet that is out of the way, a gun-like shot emerges, breaking the air and directly venting into the fire and the waves.


Whenever the rain of the overwhelming treasures vents into the expanding waves and waves, the explosion of the turbulent space will be shaken off, once again violently igniting the fire and impact, let the long-range fire And the air waves are more intense.

However, this scene has not been able to last for a long time.

In the next moment, in the two golden spaces separated by the waves of fire and the waves of the air, an unprecedented turmoil echoed.

I don't know if I thought of a piece, from the two hugely identical shackles. A giant sword that is almost exactly the same size and taller than a human person pops up, carrying a terrible impact and a sharp bang, turning into a sword light, falling from the sky, and rising from the sky.


The impact and wind carried on the two great swords of Jianguang directly smashed the fire that filled the air in the Liudong Temple. It was like a huge hole in the hole, and the fire was scattered. Then there was a heavy collision.


More violent shocks and waves with a strong fire, as if the waves are rough, crazy rolled around.

Through the rich fire, Noah and Gilgamesh's eyes stood in front of each other in a golden space.

However, the performance of the two is completely different.

A calm expression on one face seems to have predicted what the other side is doing.

One face is full of anger that cannot be suppressed, and the surrounding atmosphere is extremely suppressed. Reminiscent of the volcano before the outbreak.

"Damn!" Gilgamesh's patience seems to have reached its limit. Let his red eyes be filled with violent emotions.

"What the **** are you guys doing?!"

This sentence indicates that Gilgamesh has to admit it.

Admit that the treasures used by Noah are the same as the treasures used by Gilgamesh, the name of the king of the oldest king, who collected all the treasures of the world before his death.

King treasure (gatebabylon).

It is a treasure of the original code of human wisdom.

Collect treasures, props, treasures, technology, etc. of an era, and all the items to a collection of treasures.

It belongs only to all the world's most extravagant legends of Gilgamesh, nowadays. But there is another one that is exactly the same.

Then again, Gilgamesh is also a hero.

With the eyesight of Gilgamesh, how can it be impossible to tell that the treasures that Noah vented from the gatebabylon are all authentic?

"It's not a fake, it's not a fake. If it's a real thing, it doesn't feel any illusion. It's not the same." Gilgamesh endured the emotions in his heart. Staring at the treasures behind Noah's golden enamel.

"That is the real thing! Really authentic!"

As I said before, the treasures of the spirits are only available before birth. After the death, it is a miracle that has been lost in modern times.

After becoming a spirit, the spirits still possess the treasures they used during their lifetime. But those treasures are the material miracles that are condensed by human fantasy and faith, just like themselves. It is not the treasure that once existed in this world.

Only a very small number, the same treasures as Avalon (avalon) survived to this era, and remained in the world in the form of actual existence, becoming a real treasure.

Therefore, Gilgamesh is angry and unbelievable.

The anger is because the treasure held by himself as the king has taken the same thing by an ordinary person, and the legend of the king of the king, the king of the king, is taken down from the altar.

Gilgamesh’s treasure chest was originally concocted by the collection of all the treasures of the pre-life era.

When Noah took out the same thing, it was no longer a legend belonging to Gilgamesh, but a reality that mortals can have.

How can Gilgamesh, who has a high self-respect, not feel angry?

What is unbelievable is the treasure in the other treasure house.

That is the real thing.

It is not a materialized miracle that can only be used by the spirits of human beings.

Rather, like Avalon, the treasure that truly exists in this world.

How did you do it?

How is it done?

Gilgamesh’s heart has only this question.

Why should the treasures that have been lost in myths and legends in various ways returned to mythology in this era?

Moreover, all still appear on a human being?

This is simply impossible!

"So, I said, if you really compare it, your treasure is a fake, hero king." Noah said.

"Really, you have a treasure house with all the treasures in your life, but it has been lost after you died. What you have now is nothing more than a life treasure with human fantasy and belief. However, even with the incomparable power, your treasure is not the same as the treasure house held before your death."

"No, no, there is no difference between the power and the power." Noah shook his head as if he had thought of something.

"There is no difference. It should be the treasures of your body in the seat of the Spirit. You are in the form of the color rvant. The power of the treasures that exist in this era is not able to follow the body. Compare it?"

Gilgamesh's face became ugly.

"You bastard..."

"What? Don't you want to admit it?" Noah sneered out.

"So, please tell me, Hero King, what is the level of the treasures you just used?"

Speaking of this, Noah shrugged.

"By the way, the highest level of the treasure I just used is just the last big sword. It is a b-level treasure. The last big sword you used seems exactly the same, but if I don't guess If it is wrong, it should be the highest level of a-class treasures?"

Gilgamesh's face is getting more and more ugly.

No doubt, Noah guessed.

It was also because Noah had guessed that the anger in Gilgamesh’s heart could no longer be suppressed.

"Don't you tell me?"

Looking up, Gilgamesh screamed out.

"Don't be too embarrassed!"

Under the roar of Gilgamesh, the golden dragonfly once again fluctuated.

However, this time, the space that connects to the treasure house named gatebabylon is not opened in the space around Gilgamesh, but in the space around Noah.


The golden cymbals of each one fluctuated from the space in all directions, and Noah was firmly surrounded by the middle.

I didn't think that Gilgamesh would suddenly use Noah, the king of the gatebabylon, to be amazed, but immediately flashed a fierce look in his eyes.


Suddenly, standing on the roof of Gilgamesh on the roof of the Liudong Temple, the golden dragonfly fluctuated from all directions, surrounded by Gilgamesh.

"What?!" Gilgamesh changed his face.

The next moment, surrounded by the two people's body, a piece of treasure from which to explore, from all directions.


The shocking impact was shocked. (To be continued.)