Hollywood Drawing

~: Eighty-Four - Sweetness is given at 1:10

"What do you need me to do?"

Harry-Berry slowly laughed when he heard this.

"I'm sure I'll get the role in Wayne Greenberg's next project, you know what that means." Halle Berry leaned forward and lowered his voice.

"With such a successful director, I believe there are countless people who want to cooperate with him, but I only have this chance. With my dedication to him during this period, in his eyes, I can be regarded as a pet that relieves boredom at best.

Don't think he looks resolute and handsome. In fact, he is very utilitarian, and his mind is always awake. I need you to help me find a way to change from a pet to the hostess of Greenberg Manor. "

After hearing this, Julian felt that this black pearl was crazy. He was not satisfied with the chance to turn around, and even wanted more.

But she still thought about the feasibility of the matter before opening her mouth and said, "We can only try it, and we can't make him feel disgusted with you, otherwise you will lose more."

She didn't care what Harry-Berry called her, what happened to the pet? Now in Hollywood, actresses who want to be pets for that director, I am afraid they have to line up.

"I don't want to have only this chance. Even if I don't become the hostess of the manor, I have to find a way to get into his circle. That's what Naomi Watts did. At least let him be fascinated by me for a while. Time, I can see that I fit his aesthetic."

Halle-Berry stated her purpose. She hoped that her agent could help her come up with ideas and find a way.

"We can start with the simplest goal." Julian looked at this black beauty. Her innate condition was very good. Her figure was raised without being bloated, and her face was very pleasing. Most importantly, she was not that kind of pure black.

"Harry, let's talk about the way you usually get along. You know, it's hard to keep a man interested in you, but you can think of ways to prolong this time."

Halle-Berry thought about it for a moment, and found sadly that, aside from sleeping with him, it seemed like they didn't have much personal time between them.

"Okay." Seeing Harry-Berry's embarrassed look, Julian shrugged. "You are a beautiful woman, it's not difficult to deliberately please a man, but you have to be careful not to let him get everything at once."

Julian told her her advice, which was her life experience.


Seeing that Harry-Berry didn't seem to understand, she resisted the urge to roll her eyes, leaned forward, and said in a low voice:

"I mean, you want to give sweets little by little, such as your **** lips! Waiting for normal means makes him uninterested. He is thinking about axxs, understand, let men have a sense of expectation."

After speaking, she retracted her upper body leaning forward, picked up the coffee and the spoon, and turned it gently, making a ding ding sound.

"Julian, don't make that noise!" Harry-Berry noticed the agent's movements and pointed to the coffee in her hand. "I'm guessing you didn't watch "Get Out"."

Julian took a sip of coffee, knowing that her client had understood what she meant.

"Okay, I'll go back and see what's so good about this movie." She took out the money and put it on the table, looking up and asking Harry-Berry: "Then let's do it first, you can call me if you have anything. , do you want me to take it to you?"

"Of course, take me to Greenberg Manor." Harry-Berry picked up his handbag and went out with her into the car.

The red Chevrolet drove all the way to Beverly Hills, and the two of them didn't speak much on the road, obviously thinking about what happened today.

It was not until the car stopped at the entrance of Greenberg Manor that Harry-Berry whispered, "If I can become famous, I will never change my manager. It will also be good for you to help me."

"You are my client, Harry."

Julian turned to look at the black beauty. "Your innate conditions are very good, of course I hope you can become famous, Harry, if you can, help me introduce Wayne to meet you."

Hearing this Harry Berry blurted out: "You can't poach Wayne Greenberg!

I mean, you have absolutely no chance in this matter. You don't understand his trust in Jimmy. Jimmy is a friend who grew up with him, a friend. Do you understand what I mean? "

"You misunderstood." Of course Julian knew that there was no chance now, but in the future, who can say for sure, a successful director who is in the creative period, can represent too many things.

"Harry, what I mean is simply to get to know each other."

Harry-Berry gave her one last look, pushed open the car door and walked to the gate of the manor. The security opened the big iron gate and let her in.

Julian was in no hurry to leave. She looked at this huge manor, thinking about what she could get through the Harry-Berry incident.

In the president's office in the Warner Bros. building, Wayne sat with several Warner executives. He came directly from the airport to discuss the screening of "Get Out".

"Jeff, our films are gaining momentum now. Can we contact the theater chain to expand our screening scale?"

Seeing that everyone was here, Wayne took the initiative to give his suggestion. He signed a contract with a sharing clause for this film, and he was willing to give it a try if there was any way to increase the box office number of the film.

"I'll call them, Wayne." Jeff-Robinoff said, the film is doing so well now, it's certain to expand the scale of the show, it's just a matter of how much more theaters will be added.

Wayne nodded. He believed that Warner Bros. had this ability. Now the box office is very good, and the theater chain will be happy to increase the scale of screenings.

"It's best to contact the film printing factory and arrange it as soon as possible." He reminded the Warner executive. "No matter how popular this film is, it can't change the essence of it as a genre film, the release cycle of a horror thriller..."

Everyone in the room understood what he meant. No matter how attractive a film was, it couldn't escape the laws of the market. The show cycle was much shorter, and it couldn't compare to mainstream commercial films.

The only way is to take advantage of the popularity of the film and push the audience into the theater as soon as possible through media promotion.

"The company changed your itinerary. No one expected that the box office would explode in the first weekend. Did Jimmy tell you? You will be interviewed by Vanity Fair tomorrow."

Jeff watched the young director skillfully light a cigarette, he frowned, and continued:

"I know you don't like exposure to the media, but Wayne, these are unavoidable, don't worry, if you have any questions, they will communicate with you in advance.

Now your name is very popular, and many people are curious about what kind of young man you are. Let's take a look at the follow-up effect. If it is very good, the company will try to arrange you to go to Times Weekly. "

This is the media capability of an established giant. Others may think it is very difficult to land on the cover of Time magazine, but for Warner Bros., as long as it is driven by profit, it is not too simple.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Wayne nodded silently and agreed. These things were of great benefit to him. Warner Bros. arranged these things, not necessarily with the intention of supporting him and winning over him.

"Your current girlfriend is African American, this is a very good gimmick." Kevin Tesuhara saw that Jeff was finished, and he opened his mouth while thinking.

"You should have seen the survey report, the theaters in the African American community are full of "Get Out" every day, and they can maintain a particularly high attendance rate. We have to make full use of this. You have seen Oprah's show ?"

"Oprah Winfrey?"

To be honest, this African-American woman named Oprah Winfrey is very famous. Even if you haven't seen her talk show, you've heard of this person.

Unlike her compatriots, this is an overly intelligent black man, and very rich.

Not only did she host "Op Talk Show", but she was also an actor and producer. Later, because of her controlling stake in Happ Entertainment Group, her personal net worth was nearly 3 billion US dollars.

"Since you know her, you should understand her role. We can run your last talk show with her." Kevin Tesuhara touched his chin and said to him while thinking.

Wayne doesn't like this black woman~lightnovelpub.net~ Her show routine is very obvious, that is, secretly collect the sad information of the guests, and then release it on the show.

When the guests couldn't stand the sadness, she would turn into a confidant sister to comfort the injured guests. Oprah's hug is very famous.

However, he will not delay his work because of personal likes and dislikes. As long as Warner Bros. arranges it to benefit the film, he can accept it.

"I'm available anytime. You can arrange to communicate with Jimmy."

The matter is almost over. Wayne and his party are going to go back. He didn't rest well yesterday, and he took a plane back to Los Angeles today. He wanted to go back to sleep early.

But when they went downstairs, before Sergey's car came over, John hurried down and called him up again.

"What happened again?"

While waiting for the elevator, Wayne asked John.

"Go up and talk about it!"

John saw the elevator coming and led him in.

"Damn, can't it go smoothly?" Jimmy muttered softly, and followed them into the elevator.

"Jimmy, this is Hollywood, there is competition all the time, and I have long thought that things can never go smoothly."

Wayne also felt bored. He hadn't had a serious rest for a long time. From the filming to the post-production, and then the promotion of the American flight, the busy work and the constant problems made him very tired mentally and physically.

Back at the office he just left, Jeff was frowning and thinking about something. When he saw him sitting across from him, he told what happened.

"We just got the news that tomorrow there will be publicity that is not good for the film and you." Jeff looked at him and took a sip of the cold coffee on the table.