Hollywood Drawing

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"Director Greenberg, can you talk about the selection of The Flash..."

"Wayne, Wayne, "The Dark Knight" fell into a difficult situation as soon as it was released today. Did you expect the current hot scene?"

"Hey, Director Greenberg, how much do you expect the box office of "The Dark Knight" to be in the first weekend, can it surpass "Joker"..."

Facing dozens of reporters, Wayne had his sunglasses stuck on his face. Under the **** of Sergey, he moved out of the airport hall with his head down and with difficulty, until he got into the car, and then he let out a long cry. Take a breath.

"Are those stalkers crazy? Hell!"

While arranging his suit, Sergey glanced back with a lingering fear. Just outside the car window, there were at least forty reporters and paparazzi looking at them expectantly.

Taking off the sunglasses on his face and still to one side, Wayne smiled and shook his head. "What about the rest of the crew?"

"The main actors such as Chris and Nami were surrounded by the crazy media reporters in the airport hall for interviews. It is expected that there will be dozens of minutes. Don't try to get rid of those reporters easily."

Looking down to check the briefcase, Nina replied, "Want to wait for them? Charles is still inside. I saw Julia and other behind-the-scenes team members, who were already in the car like us."

"No wait, let's go back to the hotel first, Sergey. Before going up, go buy me all the newspapers from the mainstream media."

Raised his wrist and glanced at the time, Wayne also eagerly wanted to know the feedback after the film was released. He nodded to the driver. The car drove from the airport towards the Waldorf Astoria Hotel under the crowd of dozens of reporters.

"What activities are there today?"

While the car was driving, looking at the street scene of the Big Apple City that kept retreating, Wayne looked back at the assistant who was flipping through the work notebook, and asked casually.

"At seven o'clock in the evening, the crew members went to the Emperor Cinemas together, and there was a fan meeting. After about 8:30, the crew was divided into two parts. We had to be a guest at a local radio station before nine o'clock. Interviews. Chris and they go to Times Square, where there's a big Batman-themed roadshow..."

With Nina's unhurried voice, Wayne closed his eyes unknowingly. He was fully prepared. Going out to promote the roadshow is not an easy job at all, but for the film's box office and follow-up income, which is unavoidable in Hollywood.

Fortunately, because of its high level of attention, "The Dark Knight" also made the media and audiences firmly fix their eyes on those big stars. Wayne is only a director after all, and the role and call of propaganda The power is still mainly based on the stars standing in front of the stage.

"boss? boss? We're here."

Feeling Nina's call, Wayne opened his eyes and shook his head gently. "Damn, I fell asleep, let's go."

Fortunately, the Waldorf Astoria attaches great importance to the privacy of customers and does not allow media reporters to enter the hotel lobby, which saves them from some trouble again.

Taking the elevator to the presidential suite, Nina knew what her boss cared about, and immediately turned on the computer to check her emails. When she saw the line of numbers, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"The early-stage box office grossed more than $17 million, far exceeding the estimated $12 million expected by Warner Bros."

Glancing at Wayne who was sitting on the sofa and smoking silently, Nina knew that he was listening to his report, and continued: "Warner Bros. and a third-party research company, the data analysis collected in advance shows that more than 100% of the Ninety-seven viewers gave The Dark Knight an A or above, and less than three percent gave the film a B or B."

"Well, it seems that there will be no problems with the reputation of fans."

Nodding with confidence, Wayne let out a long sigh of relief. Regardless of the media and so-called professionals in the circle, praising "The Dark Knight" to the sky is not as important as real fan feedback and fan word of mouth. It is the main consumer group of the film. Whether the subsequent box office can break out steadily and continuously depends entirely on the opinions of these main consumer groups.

"The Dark Knight has just been released for less than a day, and there are already a lot of comments on IMDB." After switching the computer web page, Nina skillfully reported the relevant information. "The current rating of the film is 9.7, but as more and more people watch the film, this super-high rating will inevitably drop."

As the emerging platform of the Internet, Warner Bros. and Wayne attach great importance to it. With the increasing influence of this movie database, the invisible publicity role it plays will also increase with its influence. Important, especially the message board above, is also the focus of their movie network promotion.

Everything is developing in the most ideal direction, and the information obtained is all positive, which makes Wayne in a very good mood.

"Boss, newspaper."

Sergey held a large pile of newspapers on the coffee table. He had just briefly read them on the road. Almost all the media sang praises of "The Dark Knight" in unison, whether it was an authoritative media or an entertainment tabloid.

Nina also pushed her glasses at this time, walked over, picked up a piece of "The New Yorker", which was very influential in the Big Apple, and found the famous film critic at first glance at the newspaper. David Demby's analysis and commentary on the movie "The Dark Knight".

"In 1940, Warner Bros., which was still in the era of the big studio, had already started to make a movie about "Batman", and later made "Batman" in 1943 and "Batman and Robin" in 1949. , After the time came to 1966, the feature film "Batman" was re-produced again. It can be seen that Warner Bros. attaches great importance to Batman, which has not changed for decades.

When the time gradually advanced to 1989, which was closer to us, Warner Bros. teamed up with the gothic genius director Tim Burton this time to produce the more successful "Batman" at the box office. "Batman Returns", according to the statistics in historical data, there are countless movies, cartoons and TV series related to "Batman".

However, all previous film and television adaptations of "Batman" have directly turned into ordinary in front of Wayne Greenberg's "Batman: The Dark Knight". Since watching this great movie again last night, I've been left wondering why out of so many versions of Batman over the decades, only The Dark Knight can be called God. do! …”

"Masterpiece, ah, boss, this local New York film critic, gave your movie a very high rating." Nina looked at her boss, saw the other person put down the newspaper in his hand, and showed a proud smile on his face, she I know that in the face of unanimous praise from the media and film critics, my boss is in a very good mood.

"Would you like to continue listening? I think this film critic analyzed it very well."

"Read on." Wayne nodded, crossed his arms across his chest, leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes. Everyone likes to hear good things, and he is no exception.


Assistant Miss once again put her eyes on the "New Yorker" in her hand, and continued to read at the beginning in a calm tone. "The internal test screening film critics scored 9 points professionally, and the film fans in the early stage scored an A+. The emerging online film database IMDB has a film score of 9.7 points. It rushed to this authoritative data website overnight and ranked third in the TOP250 must-see movies! One of the only two superhero movies in this list. It is worth mentioning that the other is Wayne Greenberg's other masterpiece "Joker", which ranks second on this list!

It can be said from all aspects that Wayne's superhero movies and other big-scene sci-fi movies and action movies are not in the same dimension at all, and the movie "The Dark Knight", in my opinion, whether it is Warner Bros. Of all the DC Dot movies of the decade, or maybe more superhero movies to come, it's the best superhero adaptation, bar none!

To sum up the greatness of "The Dark Knight", there are only three words professionally, drop, chaos, and rhythm. These three words always run through the two and a half hour movie without any deviation. The first is the gap. As an audience, from the first second of seeing the movie, Wayne's emotions have been controlled. The audience thinks that it should go east, but he prefers to go west.

The audience thinks that Batman Bruce Wayne should be brought to the altar. He wants to make Batman a mouse crossing the street and wanted by the whole city. This kind of method looks at the world. Only Wayne dares to play like this. This is a master Absolute confidence in the control of the film.

The film started for only five minutes, and there were many contrasts in a short period of time, which firmly attracted the attention of all audiences, whether it was the arrangement of the clown himself appearing at the scene of the bank robbery, or the smoking gun in the mouth of the bank manager. The unexploded bomb, from the picture to the story, is full of absurdity and comics, but it makes the whole film satiated the audience's appetite from the fifth minute, and this contrast is constantly being staged throughout the film.

And when the clown appeared for the second time, it was a feud with the gang. This is the characteristic of the clown in the movie, evil and chaos. This is even more vividly expressed by the clown in the first hour and forty minutes of the movie. He grabbed hundreds of millions of dollars, but was burned by a fire he didn't care about. The purpose of his crime is not for money at all.

On the contrary, the Joker doesn't look down on criminals who commit crimes for money at all. All his motives for committing crimes can be summed up in a classic line. "This city needs more advanced criminals!" So, good people, he has to fight against bad guys, he has to fight against bad guys, this is the chaotic evil with connotation, and even just a few words can turn the pure good person Harvey from brother to brother. The Knights of Light in Tan City have become two-faced!

More importantly, the reason why the role of the Joker is full of charm, and the reason why this "Dark Knight" is my masterpiece is because of Wayne's control of the rhythm of the movie, and almost every frame of the picture is just right. The superb rhythm also allows every movie fan to get the viewing experience they want in the movie. In general, this is a great work that cannot be missed. I recommend every movie fan to go to the theater and enjoy it in person. This movie feast! ---David Denby. "

In this long film review, David Denby almost praised the film, and directly took the film to the sky. At the same time, he did not forget to make a wave of advertisements for the film at the end of the film review. Not sure about other places, but as far as the Big Apple is concerned, the influence of this well-known film critic is definitely very large.

Not only this piece of "The New Yorker", but other authoritative media are also full of praise for the movie. Nina put down the newspaper in her hand, glanced at her smiling boss, shrugged, and casually Picked up one. Usually Naomi Watts does such a thing. Today, it is obviously only done by myself.

""Batman: The Dark Knight" is like a dark epic splendid viewing feast, Wayne Greenberg, the perfect maker of Hollywood's light and shadow charm! Throughout the whole film of "The Dark Knight", it is still a typical Greenberg Format film, the whole film is dark and depressing but not despairing, the in-depth interpretation of human nature and social corners, and the warning of crime and law, it is difficult for people to classify this film as a commercial film.

In other words, this film has gone beyond commercial films, or the pure attributes of literary films. Wayne Greenberg used a superhero to fully show the audience the art of film, as it should have been! From the golden 1980s in Hollywood to the present, this film is definitely one of the top three! "Los Angeles Times" -- Kenneth Turan. "

"Wayne Greenberg blurred the boundaries between commercial popcorn and literary films, and at the same time made the discussion between the two meaningless. As long as you have seen this gorgeous and great film, every fan Such emotions will be expressed. Whether it is the law, crime, social issues, terrorism discussed in the film, or the gorgeous special effects, as well as the exciting action scenes and car chase scenes, the film is hard to refuse. The Hollywood Reporter - Todd McCarthy."

"Do you want to continue? Boss, the other film critic columns, say the same thing." Nina looked up and asked while flipping through the newspaper on the coffee table.

"Okay, enough..."

Just as he was about to go back to the bedroom to change his clothes, he just got up when the phone beside the assistant rang, so he sat down again.

"...Okay, I'll tell him, okay, that's it, bye."

Nina hung up the phone habitually covering her mouth, looked at Wayne for the first time, and said, "It's a coincidence that the post-production work for the second part of "The Matrix" has been completed. Warner Bros. asked for your opinion. What date will it be released?"

"What about Zach and the others?" Wayne raised a hand, scratched the stubble on his chin lightly, and asked while thinking.

"The third film will continue to be filmed in Australia." Nina replied: "Warner Bros. means that after the release date is set, the main cast members will return to Los Angeles to participate in the pre-screening promotion of the film."

Wayne suddenly laughed. "Nina, as I recall, Miramax has a very good test-run movie to promote this summer? Help me check their release date..."

For a capitalist, the best revenge is, of course, that the capitalist can't make any money, or even lose a lot of money. People like them all have one thing in common, that is, they always put their interests first. , even higher than life.

"Boss, what do you mean?" Nina asked subconsciously, then tightly closed her mouth. She knows her boss quite well. He is a man who is very careful in some aspects. Thinking of this, she can't help expressing deep sympathy for the big fat man far away in Los Angeles.

In the past few months, Warner Bros. has been tossing about Miramax's five mysteries. If it weren't for the last Disney shot, which resolved some ubiquitous troubles, Miramax's several projects that are being filmed, Whether it can be successfully completed is unknown.

Now the other party is just about to release his ambition, and he wants to turn over the film with a good reputation in the preview. His boss has calculated it again, poor fat man.

Far away in New York, the "Dark Knight" crew started the film's promotional activities amid praise from the media and fans. This film has been released for a day, and it has already received rave reviews. It is very rare that the praise this time is not only the word of mouth of the fans, but also the film critics who usually love and disagree with the fans' opinions. They also said good things about the film.

Throughout Friday, all the theaters in North America showing the film "The Dark Knight" fell into some kind of crazy mood. Warner Bros.'s sense of smell was very keen. When the film was released on the first day, there were all kinds of queues. After the hot scene, their media immediately took action and began to report on the lively scene in the cinema.

Time is passing little by little, almost the whole of Hollywood is staring at this film, and they all want to know how high the box office of "The Dark Knight" can be on the first day.

The dazzling sunlight gradually rose. Early on Saturday morning, the door of Miramax's office was pushed open from the outside, and a middle-aged white man with a strong stature walked in with a magazine in his hand. "Harvey, aren't you concerned about the box office of The Dark Knight? Here it is."

Bob Weinstein pulled out the chair at the desk, sat down, and threw the magazine on the table. This is the latest issue of "Premier" this morning, which reports in detail all the theater markets this week. Dynamic.

"With Thursday's early box office, it won't be over fifty million dollars..."

Picking up the magazine on the table, Harvey Weinstein muttered softly while flipping it. Judging by the standards of this era, if the box office of a big-selling film can exceed 100 million US dollars in the first weekend, then it is appropriate to stop worrying about whether it will sell well. In his estimation, if the box office can exceed 5,000 on the first day. For $10,000, The Dark Knight's box office is bound to exceed 100 million in its first week.

At the same time, this should also be the expectation of Warner Bros. for the film. The box office exceeds 50 million US dollars in a single day, and the box office exceeds 100 million US dollars in the first week. Maybe this film can really match the "Jurassic Park 2" released next weekend. Break your arms.

The sound of the magazine flipping suddenly stopped, and Harvey Weinstein's eyes suddenly stopped. His pupils were rapidly dilated, as if he saw some incredible picture. Then he raised his head in disbelief and looked at his younger brother.

"I know, it's hard to believe, isn't it?" Bob Weinstein shrugged, looking at his brother and said, "Yes, that's $84.36 million! It's not the first weekend box office, this number is only the first day box office. This time, Warner Bros. and Wayne Greenberg are going to win!"

As reported in Premiere magazine, it is clear that The Dark Knight grossed about US$17.2 million in advance. According to the North American box office statistics, the advance at the box office is also counted into the first day, so there is a figure of US$84.36 million.

I'm afraid no one would have imagined that in just one day on Friday, "The Dark Knight" raked in a terrifying figure of $67.16 million in the entire North American cinema market. This figure has completely surpassed the first weekend box office results of many big-selling films. .

Harvey Weinstein frowned deeply. Now this "Dark Knight" has shown huge market potential, followed by "Jurassic Park 2", which is destined to not be bad at the box office. The masterpiece is waiting, it seems that some of Miramax's plans are better to change.

"The three trial screenings of "Good Will Hunting" have all achieved explosive word-of-mouth. Both the professional ratings of film critics and the ratings of fans who participated in the trial screening are very good. However, we can't take this film to gamble. Go and communicate with the theater company, "Good Will Hunting" originally scheduled to be released in mid-June, we postponed it to December!"

"Harvey, aren't you being a little too cautious?"

Bob Weinstein didn't understand why he had such a big reaction just after seeing the box office of "The Dark Knight" on the first day. It's only mid-to-late May, and by the time your film comes out, it's almost impossible to be influenced by The Dark Knight.

Shaking his head vigorously, Harvey Weinstein's face was extremely serious. "You don't know Wayne. Once his films are on the rise, they can't be analyzed by market laws. Moreover, his films are different from those summer popcorns, and they have a lot of stamina."

Obviously, Bob Weinstein has his own opinion. "But isn't Jurassic Park 2 coming out next weekend? Universal Pictures and Warner Bros. head-to-head, Wayne Greenberg and Steven Spielberg head-to-head, 90% of the time , the ending of the fan split, we can..."

"Shut up, Bob~lightnovelpub.net~ Do as I say!"

After slapping the table twice, Harvey Weinstein directly interrupted his younger brother's words, his attitude was as tough as ever and could not be refuted.

Both loses? Fans split? Go to hell, he now has a strong premonition that this time the good old Jewish man is very likely to fall into trouble. He just wants to stay away from the dark lunatic who is so bright on the surface and unpredictable in the dark.

"Ok." Bob Weinstein nodded helplessly, seeing that the other party's face became very ugly, got up and walked out of the office.

However, before ten minutes passed, the office door was pushed open by Bob Weinstein again. This time, his face was no longer casual, his eyes were full of horrified emotions, and he said in a hurried tone: "Warner Bros. just passed the media, Announced the release date for The Matrix Part 2, damn, they put the movie in mid-June, the same weekend as Good Will Hunting!"


Harvey Weinstein uttered a foul language, and now he is extremely grateful for his decision. He knows that Wayne, the dark viper, will not let him off easily. The first part of "The Matrix" was really a success. With a lot of word-of-mouth and popularity accumulated in the previous works, the other party is planning to make Miramax's investment go to waste!

"Go and contact the Cinema Alliance, go now, we'll change the file to December!"


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