Hollywood New Century

Chapter 174: Hearst

"Also, I heard that Simon Parker directly terminated the "Code Mystery" distribution project that Summit Pictures had taken over from Columbia Pictures. The original producer, Prison Break Film Production Company, has also selected a new director for the project, Alex Cox Proyas and star Nicolas Cage, Xinghai directly terminated the investment in the project after acquiring the summit," Michael Linton mentioned.

"Why, the Prison Break Production Company asked us to invest again? This project was originally ours, and it has been shelved. Their company proposed to develop it, and they also hired Nicolas Cage to star in the horizontal bar. Last year, we released two Nicholas Kay films. "Ghost Rider" and "Meet the Future" starring Qi didn't live up to our expectations," Amy Pascal shook her head,

"Although our cooperation with Prison Break Production Company is very deep, last year's "When Happiness Comes Knocking", "Seven Pounds" and "Subway Horror" to be released this year are all produced by their company, "Mystery Code" Columbia Film The industry chose not to invest in issuance, but it has also been carefully considered!"

Even with a $50 million budget for Code Mystery, there are simply too many failures for the number of films Sony has pursued before.

"Oh, that's true, Simon Pei guessed that Kerr thought the same thing, or else he wouldn't choose to divest before the movie was about to start shooting. Nicolas Cage's "National Treasure 2: Secrets of Treasures" last year was pretty good, but it's a pity that it was Disney Produced," Michael Linton still has a lot of ideas for gold-medal producer Jerry Bruckheimer, but his relationship with Disney is not so general.

"Come on, we'll meet the other guests too," Amy Pascal reminded.

After Simon and Kevin Feige chatted, he ran into Ryan Kavallaug of Relativity Entertainment.

"Simon, I can't think of it, Xinghai Entertainment is a big shot, and Summit Entertainment adds a commercial theater line," Ryan Kawarauger said with admiration.

"Ryan, the theory of relativity is very comfortable now. Both Sony and Universal have investment agreements with you, and the situation this year will only make it more important for you to put together investment funds, isn't it?" Simon is concerned about this only focusing on the market. , does not pursue literature and art, and the ambitious former Coca-Cola Group executives are still somewhat interested.

"It's okay!" Ryan Kavallaug also understands that more than 20 films have been cast in the four years since The Theory of Relativity was established, and the brand has indeed started, but this will not work, it must be able to produce and distribute films independently. Building Relativity Media into a diversified industry platform is now behind Xinghai Entertainment.

"By the way, the Sino-American co-production film "The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" that you invested in is also about to be released. How do you think about the Chinese market?" Simon is of course concerned about the market there, although Summit Entertainment had previously I have contact with there, but "Chibi" is only an agency distribution agency, and another animated feature "Astro Boy" produced by Hong Kong Yima Animation, which was originally planned to buy back the North American copyright, was also terminated by Simon. .

The fiasco of "Astro Boy" is the direct reason for the future liquidation of Yima Animation. The production and publicity costs exceeded 60 million US dollars. How much did the box office last?

"It's the current direction. After all, there is a big market of 1.3 billion people, and the economy there is developing very fast. Most of Hollywood's production companies have entered the Chinese market. We can't be too far behind," Ryan Ka said. Of course, Wallauge also thought about being able to pull in Chinese funds into Relativity Media.

Simon nodded and touched wine glasses with Ryan Kavallaug. Compared with the Big Six, independent film companies pay more attention to the overseas market. After all, most of the North American market is divided up by the Big Six, isn't it!

"Okay, Simon, if we have time to have coffee together, I'll chat with Mr. Michael Linton," said Ryan Kavallaug, now Sony's most important partner in Relativity Media.

After separating from Ryan Kavallaug, Simon put down the empty wine glass and looked at all kinds of men and women around, Vanity Fair.

"Mr. Pike, can I have a dance with you?" Simon, who was about to take a glass of wine from the waiter's plate, turned around.

"You are?"

"Amanda Hirst, I often read various news about you from my newspaper this year, hello!" Amanda Hirst shook hands with Simon politely.

"Hearst, so it is!" Simon smiled, the famous Hearst newspaper group, Amanda Hearst and her sister Lydia Hearst are the founders of Hearst Group William Hearst Sturt's great-granddaughter.

They belong to New York's real top ladies and sisters. They are on the same level as the daughter of Bloomberg Chairman Michael Bloomberg, and they are more powerful than the Hilton sisters.

"Hello, Miss Hearst, please!"

Amanda Hirst and her sister Lydia Hirst are both 24 years old, but the older sister is an intellectual beauty, and the younger sister is more fashionable.

"Call me Amanda, and I know you're young, you're only 26 years old, and you're already big," said Amanda Hirst, putting her arm around Simon.

"Just call me Simon, too!" For such a rich girl, everyday life is a pleasure. The prototype of "Gossip Girl" is the shadow of the Hearst sisters, socialites on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

"Gossip Girl was produced by your Xinghai Entertainment. It's not bad. A group of our friends likes to watch it. The two heroines, Blake Lively and Jennifer Smith, are also very beautiful!" Amanda Hess Especially praised directly.

"Thank you, but it's also the credit of the novelists and screenwriters. After all, I don't know the living conditions of the Upper East Side," Simon smiled and said that his background was at the bottom.

"Starting from scratch, creating such a big business in such a short period of time, you are indeed a genius in the newspapers. You were good in Hollywood, but you can't imagine that your influence on Wall Street is also not small," Amanda Hirst is a business student at Boston University. Graduated from the major, because of the family relationship, he is very interested in the media industry. After all, he is also a model.

"As one of the largest multi-media groups in the world, Hearst Group has numerous daily newspapers, weekly magazines and magazines; comprehensive investments in online media, film and television broadcasting, e-commerce, real estate, etc., can't compare to you!" Simon said of Hearst Of course, the group has research, not only in publishing, but also in TV stations. ESPN, the world's largest sports cable TV station, owns 20% of the shares, and the other 80% belongs to the ABC TV network of the Disney Group.

Amanda smiled, the Hearst Group is good, but not all of our family, and changed the subject: "Why don't we go to the swimming pool downstairs!"

"Well, great idea," Simon just sobered up wasn't.