Hollywood New Century

Chapter 177: lighting entertainment

At the end of March, Hearst's "Philadelphia Chronicle" took the lead in reporting in detail the sexual assault of a famous veteran black comedy star in the United States, and then sparked a lot of discussion. Subsequently, the "San Francisco Chronicle" and many tabloids also began to reprint it. .

Soon, many newspapers under News Corporation also reprinted, including the heavyweight "Wall Street Journal" also reprinted.

There was news and gimmicks, and then reporters from various newspapers began to dig deeper, and more and more women came forward to accuse, and there were incidents that happened more than 30 years ago.

In the office of Star Records, Simon put down the "Boston Globe" in his hand, which is the accusation of another victim, the supermodel Janice Dickinson in the 1970s, the first to fourth seasons of "America's Next Top Model". The judges left the jury seat in 2007.

"More than 30 women have complained about being abused by Bill Cosby," Simon said, leaning back in his chair.

"Many accusations are unsubstantiated. The most evidence is the two cases in 2004 and this year. Let's look at the judge's verdict," Sonia Roman said and shook her head. Born as an agent, there is nothing strange about this kind of thing.

"In the name of Xinghai Entertainment, donate 2 million US dollars to the Hollywood Women's Rights Club as the operating expenses to support them in maintaining their power. Are you the vice president now?" Simon said again.

"Yes, one of the vice-chairmen," Sonia Roman nodded. The Hollywood Women's Rights Club is indeed influential because of its relationship with Simon. After all, many big-name female stars have joined, why? The answer is obvious.

"Pay attention to the situation in the Hollywood film circle. Some things and people can't be touched now. The energy of those white old men is still very strong now!" Simon, who is behind the scenes, must not be able to hide some people, but as long as Hollywood doesn't move The cakes are all ok.

"I understand. Many people in the club understand that the overall image of Hollywood needs to be maintained. If there are scandals involving people with great influence, it will affect the image of Hollywood and the film market will suffer," Sony said. Of course Ya Roman knew, and then asked again,

"What about some minor characters?"

"Small roles are fine. At this time, relying on this kind of news to be published in newspapers is also an opportunity to be famous. Hollywood has a lot of it every year, and this year is an election year. It's normal to have more and more seriousness. You should know your balance. !" Simon said, then thought about it and reminded,

"People of color can let go, especially black stars!"

"Understood!" Of course Sonia Roman understood the meaning. The important candidate of the Democratic Party is a black person. Now there are more scandals about black stars, and the Republican Party is behind it.

News Corporation is a staunch Republican supporter, without him, because Rupert Murdoch supports the Republican Party.

"By the way, what about the candidates I can support?" Sonia Roman asked again, isn't it in vain?

"Continue to support, we support racial equality, and the political donations to *** can also be increased," Simon smiled, this kind of thing can affect the presidential election, a joke!

"Okay," Sonia Roman responded quickly, although she didn't know why Simon would do this now, but now Hollywood is really paying too much attention to Xinghai Entertainment, it's time to cool down.

"It's been two months since Adele's album was released, and the results are better than Taylor Swift's first album, not bad!" Simon himself likes to listen to Adele's songs the most.

"Yeah, but Taylor Swift was nominated for Best New Artist at this year's Grammy Awards, and she didn't end up winning, but it's pretty good," Sonia Swift said of Star Records. Roman has more and more trust in Simon's vision, and two singers have already succeeded.

Katy Perry and Ladygaga will also release albums in the middle and end of this year, I'm really looking forward to it!

"Well, you just need to pay attention to this aspect. In the next few days, I will be busy," Simon said and stood up. Negotiations with Bruce Ratner have already begun. Simon needs to focus on it. It is the Nine-headed Bird Fund, and the stock price of Liangfang is getting lower and lower.

"By the way, Simon has another good news for me to tell you," Sonia Roman laughed suddenly.

"Well, what good news?" Simon asked suspiciously.

"Illumination Entertainment, Chris Melardandre has already agreed to our acquisition, and Illumination Entertainment is already our animated feature film production label," Sonia Roman knew that Simon valued Chris Melardandre. It must be good news to benefit this person.

"Ha, it's really good, tell him that Lighting Entertainment has the full support of Xinghai Entertainment, and he doesn't have to worry about the budget for the production and distribution of the animated feature film!" The yellow people have all been brought out by themselves!

"He does have plans to make an animated feature film at the moment, but the budget is also much lower than the production budgets of other Pixar, DreamWorks Animation and Blue Sky Studios!" Sonia continued.

"Don't worry, support his animated feature film production, which is one of the conditions of the acquisition, Nina knows how to do it, and now Chris Melardandley is fully developing his new project, as the debut animation of Illumination Entertainment Feature film," Simon certainly knows, it must be the animation "Despicable Me".

Illumination Entertainment, Chris Mellor Dandley is also a talent, NBC Universal, it's been cut by himself!

"By the way, Universal seems to have restarted the "Fast and Furious" series, brought Vin Diesel back, and became a producer?" Simon asked suddenly.

"Uh, the filming is about to start. Universal had the idea of ​​shooting the fourth film very early, but the word-of-mouth and box office of the third "Tokyo Drift" did not meet expectations. "Sonia Roman knows that such a series of movies in the Big Six is ​​definitely something to pay attention to.

Why did Simon ask about this so suddenly? Now Universal Pictures can step up the marketing of "The Incredible Hulk", with a production budget of $150 million, which is not low.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that I had seen it in the newspaper. Universal Pictures has had a hard time in the past few years. After the release of "The Bourne 3" last year, the director of the series, Paul Greenglass, did not want to continue, and The actor Matt Damon only wants to work with Paul Greengrass on this series!" Simon remembers that NBC Universal will be acquired by the Doncaster Group next year, the film's poor performance, and the financial tsunami, and General Electric To die or not to live.