Hollywood New Century

Chapter 254: Is it safe enough?

On December 10, when "Iron Man" was happily harvesting the box office, the Madoff fraud case that caused a sensation in the world finally broke out.

Madoff Bernard, 70, confessed to two of the company's employees that the investment advisory business was a pyramid scheme.

Moreover, the two senior staff are Madoff's two sons. Madoff's two sons referred the significant incident to attorneys, who notified federal authorities that night. When investigators arrived at Madoff's residence the next day, Madoff, aware of the FBI investigators' intentions, admitted to "paying investors with non-existent money," saying he was bankrupt and ready to stand trial.

The Madoff Fund involved in capital losses of almost 50 billion US dollars, the large Spanish financial giant Santander, HSBC, UBP and other banks, BNP Paribas, RB Nomura, Royal Bank of Scotland and other financial institutions did not. Say.

In addition to financial institutions, a number of celebrities also made the list of victims, including New York Mets baseball team owner Fred Wilpon, General Motors financial institution GMAC director J Ezra Merkin, former American Football Philadelphia Eagles owner Norman Brahman, as well as some Wall Street and Hollywood stars and investors around the world.

There are also government officials, such as U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg from New Jersey. Jewish schools and charities suffered the most from the turmoil.

Since the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis triggered a global financial tsunami, people who jumped from Wall Street have not stopped.

Now the world's largest financial fraud case has been revealed, and the number of people who jumped down from the top of Wall Street and swallowed guns in bedrooms has ushered in another peak.

In Beverly Hills, Simon put down the newspaper in his hand, stood up and walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window of the room, overlooking the Sunset Boulevard below the mountain.

Bernard Madoff was taken away by the Bureau of Investigation less than a week before several fund managers and financial investors who were worth over 100 million committed suicide.

Simon suddenly felt that the United States is not so safe now. Now there is an army of unemployed people, the economic situation is sluggish, and even a wealthy area such as Beverly Hills has recently discovered several thefts.

While thinking about it, the butler came in and reported, "Sir, Ms. Nicole Kidman's car has arrived at the door!"

Simon turned his head and nodded. Today was the day of the North American premiere of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" at the Mann Country Theater in the Westwood area of ​​Los Angeles.

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" had its world premiere on XN in Australia last week, and today is the day of its grand North American premiere.

Paramount's full release date is 12.25 on Christmas Day.

Out of the manor, Nicole Kidman dressed up and stood beside the car, smiling and getting into the luxurious nanny car with Simon.

"Hey, I heard that you don't go to the company very much recently. Is it because the media is paying too much attention to you now?" Nicole Kidman said, took a bottle of wine from the shelf next to it and poured it two cups.

"There are a lot of reporters, not only in the entertainment industry, but also many sports reporters and financial reporters," Simon said while taking a sip of wine. Recently, due to the emergence of the Madoff Fund fraud case, and his relationship with Steven · Ross's competition for the Miami Dolphins, his attention has indeed risen again.

Originally this year, the short-selling in the financial tsunami and the huge profits in the oil futures market attracted countless attention, but staying in a foreign country for several months is a bit cleaner. Now, alas.

"This year, you..." Nicole Kidman smiled. How should I put it, the money earned in one year is enough to scare people to death.

"Forget it, just wait until this period of time is over. Now that Mario has been elected as the new president of the United States, after taking the oath of office next year, we will start to deal with this issue," Simon said, it doesn't matter. It's quiet enough and safe enough over there, and now the bodyguards of my own brigade all feel a little unsafe.

"You'll enjoy it, this modified Mercedes-Benz van is not bad," Simon changed the subject.

"Tsk, I would have enjoyed it," Nicole Kidman leaned back in the chair and gave Simon a white glance while drinking.

"Compared to you, it's far worse!"

Nicole Kidman is not bad for money, but she doesn't dare to compare with Simon.

""Australia's Chaos" was first released in Australia at the end of last month, followed by North America and Europe. The current box office and word of mouth seem to be unsatisfactory," Nicole Kidman is really at the bottom of the valley. Last year's "Golden Gold" Compass" hit the street, and unexpectedly, the large-scale epic war romance "Australian Chaos", which had high hopes, did not regain a single city.

It has been on the street for several years in a row, and there is really no script invitation at present.

"Haha," Simon smiled and said calmly, "Isn't the "Sunshine Cleaning" produced by the public has a good reputation? "Weakness" after you finished filming, didn't you feel good?"

"Sunshine Wash is good, and those two actresses are good too, Amy Adams and Emily Blunt," Nicole Kidman said with a smirk, thinking of something.

"By the way, Emily Blunt seems to know you very well!"

"In terms of "Weakness", I thought it was very good after watching the rough cut version. It is a very touching and inspirational film. Now it can still resonate with audiences suffering from the economic crisis." Nicole Kidman joined the industry After so many years, the movies are still good and bad.

"Let's take a break, at least wait for "Weakness" to be released. You have failed several major productions in a row now, and capital is also chasing profit. You have to restore your reputation first," Simon said. Good opinion, wait for the audience to forget.

"Understood, I also understand that there is nothing to do at the moment, so prepare to invest in one or two more independent films." Nicole Kidman is not very flustered at the moment, after all, she now has the top backer of Xinghai Entertainment, Simon Parker's vision is security.

However, in the current situation, Nicole Kidman is also helpless. The failure of one movie after another is too hurt.

This time I went to the North American premiere of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" at the invitation of my good friend Cate Blanchett. Moreover, before the Australian premiere of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" on XN, he was no longer there, but was promoting his "Australian Chaos" in Europe.

The Westwood community is surrounded by Beverly Hills and the University of California, Los Angeles. There are several old theaters that are often used as the premiere venues for various movies. The Mann Village Village Theater and the Bruin Theater have a long history. Historic theatre.

After the car arrived at the gate of the lively theater, the waiting reporters and media quickly surrounded them.