Hollywood New Century

Chapter 319: don't worry

"Simon, Xinghai Pictures' results this year are really impressive," Rupert Murdoch talked to Simon with a smile.

At this moment, it is in the banquet hall on the first floor of the Empire State Building in Manhattan.

Looking at Rupert Murdoch, who was in his seventies and eighties opposite him, Simon actually had a lot of ideas in his heart.

News Corporation's media tentacles are really not small. Australia is basically his one word, and the British "The Times", "The Sun" and so on are also his.

"Wall Street Journal", "America International News", "New York Post" and so on are also his.

"Ice Age 3, Night at the Museum 2, and Wolverine are all successful films. 20th Century Fox's performance this year is not bad, and James Cameron's blockbuster "Avatar" will be released at the end of the year. The release, this year is a big event for the movie," Simon also laughed.

"I'm getting older and I don't have much energy to focus on the movie business now, but 20th Century Fox has always been a Hollywood studio, and the movie business is also a big part of News Corp," Ruber said. T. Murdoch said, looked at Simon and continued to speak,

"Moreover, because of the impact of online news on the Internet recently, the cold winter of the newspaper industry has come to lead!"

Simon looked at the old guy, and said this after talking to himself? Don't you have some nutritious words?

"Mr. Murdoch, I have been in Hollywood for a few years, and my grades are not bad. Xinghai Pictures also has enough responsibility and determination to undertake Hollywood's obligations!" Simon said, this old guy deliberately asked himself to chat, it must be about Hollywood things to talk about.

"Simon, you should have heard about the DVD piracy of the "Wolverine" movie released in May?" Rupert Murdoch said seriously.

Simon nodded and said, "I know this. Before the release in April, the DVD version of the movie was downloaded on the Internet, and 20th Century Fox also fired a person in charge of the press and publicity department for this!"

This incident is not small, and it is a very serious incident of piracy. Of course, Simon pays attention to things related to his own interests.

"Hollywood has been lobbying the government to revise the "Anti-Piracy Law" and increase the punishment for piracy. Now that the Internet is developing rapidly, we have to join forces to strengthen supervision and management in this area. After all, now Xinghai Entertainment is in The market share of film and television is getting bigger and bigger," Rupert Murdoch said with a smile,

"The influence of the MPAA on the White House still needs your help."

Simon shook his head helplessly, the meaning was obvious. The MPAA hopes that it can do more to lobby Washington. After all, the current President Mario is very familiar with himself.

Helplessly smiled bitterly: "Of course I fully support the fight against piracy, after all, it is our own interests that are lost;"

"I also know that you hope to lobby the president through me, but you should also know that President Mario is supporting Internet technology. You can't see the attitude of Hollywood?"

Rupert Murdoch stepped forward and patted Simon on the shoulder, laughing: "Hollywood is the controller of public opinion, the promotion of American culture cannot be separated from Hollywood, and it is very important to ensure the interests of Hollywood. "

Then Rupert Murdoch walked away from Simon.

Simon narrowed his eyes. Because of the rise of streaming media, online copyright disputes are no longer a secret.

At the beginning, Simon sold YouTube to Google. The biggest reason is that YouTube is involved in too many copyright disputes, which is a natural opposition to Hollywood.

Google's lawsuit over YouTube and the big Hollywood media conglomerates hasn't stopped. There is still a legal battle between Google and Viacom over copyright issues.

Hollywood versus Silicon Valley, it's really an unsolvable problem.

"It's true that we can't let Mario favor Silicon Valley too much," Simon thought secretly. Anyway, these are directly related to the interests of Xinghai Entertainment, so it's time to find an opportunity to remind them.

Rupert Murdoch is a veritable Republican supporter and has little fondness for the Democratic president.

Just as Simon was thinking, a shout interrupted Simon's meditation.

"Hi Simon, good evening!"

"Oh, Mr. Soros," Simon turned his head and turned out to be George Soros. The two had only met a few times.

"It's still good for you young people, full of energy, unlike old men like us who can't keep up with you," George Soros seemed to mean something.

"This time, many hedge funds on Wall Street have prepared ammunition. It seems that the EU will pay a certain price this time."

Although Soros's voice was not loud, Simon also knew that this guy was talking about the European debt crisis.

"Mr. Soros, it's just normal investment behavior. The debt of many EU members is indeed too high. No one can blame others."

"By the way, it seems that you have a lot of investment in China, Simon. Why is that? It's better not to invest there," Soros changed a topic he liked.

"Investing in Hua Xia would be a tragedy!"

"Well," Simon was stunned. He had long heard that Soros had almost morbid hostility and targeting of China. Even the largest BlackRock Group's cemetery fund invested in China was ridiculed by Soros in the media.

BlackRock Group, the world's largest cemetery investment fund, also known as the Black Rock Group, was earlier just a division of it.

Simon frowned, and then laughed, this is a real smile, isn't George Soros semi-retired. Isn't the person in charge of the fund now the deputy before?

Well, it's pretty wide.

"Mr. Soros, shouldn't I invest in Russia!" Simon said and left under Soros' surprised eyes.

George Soros failed miserably in the Russian woollen business in those days, which was much greater than the loss of Xiangjiang.

There has never been any public sarcasm on Russia, but China has always been brooding!

Ivanka was chatting with Wendi Deng and others when she received a call from Simon saying she was going to leave first.

"At night, do you want me to come and find you?" Ivanka asked.

"No, you go home and have a look, I will find you then," Simon himself was already sitting in the car.

Simon was a little depressed when he met Rupert Murdoch and George Soros, two fuel-efficient people. I suddenly saw the incident where Kanye West grabbed the microphone when his own singer Taylor Swift won the Best Song MV Award at the VMA Music Awards held in Radio City, New York tonight.

The mood is even worse. After all, Taylor Swift's backer is Star Records, not the original small record production company.

Therefore, Simon intends to go over there and see what is going on.