Hollywood New Century

Chapter 348: the time has come

"Boss, this year's Forbes list of the world's richest people has been released, and the boss is ranked 32nd with a fortune of $16 billion." While Simon was reading some political and business newspapers in the lounge of his office, Laura Collins on the side read "Forbes" magazine on hand, said in surprise.

"Well," Simon then turned his head and glanced over. Mexican telecom operator Carlos Slim ranked first on the list with $53.5 billion this year, Bill Gates ranked second with $53 billion, and Warren · Buffett ranked third with $ 47 billion.

"You still need to cheer up," Simon said, not paying much attention to the magazine. Forbes, as a leader in business and financial magazines, and Fortune and Bloomberg Businessweek are all convincing financial magazines.

The rich list is the most gimmicky news of "Forbes", after all, it is currently selected once a year. The Forbes magazine is a bimonthly magazine with a bi-weekly issue.

"Boss, it's amazing, except for Sergey Brin and Larry Page who are in front of the boss who are under 40, there is no under 50 in the top 50!" Laura Collins The eyes are full of little stars. The two founders of Google are also 37 and 36. How can they look like a boss, who is only 28 years old this year!

"The top 100 richest people in the world, you are the only one under the age of 30," Laura Collins said more and more excitedly, after all, the 100th Li Jianxi also has assets of 7.2 billion US dollars.

Simon shook his head with a smile, and said helplessly: "Every time the rich list comes out, the reporters are always excited!"

According to this result, he and the two founders of Google should receive a lot of attention. Of the three people under the age of 40, he is the only one under the age of 30.

In the future, have someone talk to Steve Forbes and remind this guy to keep a low profile in some respects, after all this guy is the chairman of Forbes Media Group and editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine. Moreover, the future self must not be too high-profile, and he must not be allowed to report too many things.

"By the way, boss, the movie "Tai Chi" will be released on 7.5 in China, do you want to go there?" Laura Collins asked, knowing that her boss seems to take time to go there every year.

"It's going to be released on 7.5? Isn't this still a few months away?" Simon was not worried about Stephen Chow's appeal in China,

"What about North American and European release dates?"

"It's going to premiere at the Toronto Film Festival, and then it's going to start showing in North America, and then Europe and Australia," Laura Collins said, and added,

"The producer said that he should first look at the film's reputation and box office in the Chinese market, and the company will invest in publicity and distribution funds according to the actual situation."

"Understood, let's decide when it's time. There are a lot of things to do this year." Simon can't decide for a while now. Of course, he can go at any time for a few days, but Simon won't just stay for a few days.

"According to the feedback from the TV department, the ratings of "The Walking Dead" and "The Good Wife", which started airing last year, are quite good!" Laura Collins reported again,

"Right now, preparations are intensifying for a Netflix series based on George Martin's 'Game of Thrones', and Mr. Cook is a little undecided about the budget because it's going to be broadcast on streaming media. Is it too high!"

Laura Collins said that she handed Simon the project documents, and that the budget of the first season of "Game of Thrones" was close to $5 million per episode.

Simon took over and looked at the progress. The project is in the process of scene selection and actor selection, and the high budget is also aimed at high quality.

"Netflix wants to make a name for itself. This is the first self-made drama. It must be of high quality. You can watch HBO's series this year. The "Pacific War" just aired is Tom Hanks teaming up with Steve. Created by Spielberg, the epoch-making "Band of Brothers" a few years ago was also developed by the two of them, and it has completely put HBO on the boutique line," Simon said, putting down the document in his hand,

"Not only that, but HBO invited Martin Scorsese to create "Empire of the Atlantic", which will also be broadcast this fall, and Katherine Biggs, who just won the Oscar for best director, is preparing for the TV movie "The Year of Miracles," which is also The HBO project, as well as big directors David Fincher and Jonathan Demme seem to be in talks with HBO for co-production projects.”

"So, now we have to put aside our thoughts of underestimating TV. It is inevitable for top filmmakers to enter the TV market. The adaptation of "Game of Thrones" is very important to Netflix. "What Simon did not finish is that even if Xinghai Entertainment has AMC cable TV What about the stakes, online streaming and TV also need to compete.

"Okay, I will inform Mr. Cook to proceed according to the plan," Laura Collins said, nodded, and asked again,

"Boss, do you like this novel too?"

"Oh, it's okay, I like to adapt these grand novels into movies and TV, and evaluate them from the senses on the screen," Simon responded with a smile.

With the passage of time, the exchange rate of the euro against the US dollar continued to decline, from 1:1.51 to 1.4, 1.3, 1.2, and by the end of April, it was already less than 1.2.

Nine-headed Bird Capital began to clear its positions at Simon's request. Whether it was Nine-headed Bird Capital or Phoenix Fund, this wave was indeed a lot of money.

More than $7 billion in ammunition, and in just four months, a 25% profit rate made everyone happy.

Simon's own $2 billion net income has reached $400 million. Only when he has money in hand can he not panic.

The reputation of Nine Head Bird Capital has further increased, a steady stream of funds have begun to flow into Xinghai Entertainment, and the acquisition of NBC Universal Entertainment has come to an end.

Throughout April, Nine Bird Capital was mobilizing funds, and Xinghai Entertainment kept discussing the specific priorities of the acquisition through Blackstone Group and General Electric.

Every asset, every loan, every money going in and out, no matter how small or small. At the same time, General Electric also spent $5.8 billion to recover a 20% stake in NBC Universal Entertainment from Vivendi.

Doncaster's acquisitions have all but stalled since Simon offered $15 billion in cash.

Even the U.S. antitrust agency, the Investigative Committee, appears to have dropped Doncaster's antitrust investigation into the takeover of General Electric's NBCUniversal Entertainment.

The month-long wrangling has focused on valuing NBCUniversal and NBCUniversal's debt commitments.

NBC Universal's asset estimates and the amount of debt it should assume involve the most direct monetary interests, and no one is willing to give in.