Hollywood New Century

Chapter 374: complement each other

New York, 10.27 6pm ET.

NBA2010-2011 season started, the New York Avengers at home against the Detroit Pistons.

Brooklyn, **** Center Stadium, the first game of the Avengers, officially started.

After the relocation of the New Jersey Nets, everything is new, new name, logo, cartoon character, Vengeance Bird!

The new season, the first home game of the Avengers, the audience is even more star-studded scenes, Jay-Z Beyonce, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Will Smith , Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson, Anne Hathaway and other singers and Hollywood stars.

Simon sat on the sidelines, with a big name indeed, Warren Buffett.

"It's really good, you actually brought LeBron James to New York, and I don't have to go to Cleveland to watch football in the future," Warren Buffett said with a smile. As a LeBron James fan, you can often enjoy it in New York. Isn't it fun to play as an idol?

"Haha, Cleveland isn't enough for LeBron to gallop, New York would be a good place for him to have a go," Simon responded with a smile while staring at the sidelines.

Needless to say, many stars are indeed fans of LeBron James, such as Scarlett Johansson and Rihanna.

"The Avengers have the strength to win the championship, a new name, a new atmosphere," Warren Buffett also appreciated that the Pistons are indeed not the opponents of the Avengers.

"Okay!" A dunk by Kevin Love on the court made the fans off the court hot, and Simon also applauded.

From the first quarter, the Avengers were in the lead, and at halftime, Simon also accepted an interview with NBC Sports reporters.

Later, when the cheerleaders were performing, the fans in the midfield interacted with each other during the game time and gave out a $60,000 grand prize, which ignited the atmosphere again.

"Simon, don't you drink a can?" Warren Buffett and Simon ate together, then skillfully opened a can of Diet Coke.

Simon shook his head, took a sip of the juice next to him, and said with a smile, "I'm not used to this carbonated drink!"

"What about Gatorade, it's a 6 percent carbonated, sports drink," Warren Buffett laughs.

"Ha, sometimes I drink some after exercising, most of the time I just drink mineral water," Simon smiled, after taking a few bites of the food in his hand, he wiped his mouth.

After the game started, Warren Buffett asked again how the preparations for the listing of Xinghai Entertainment were going?

Simon decided that Xinghai Entertainment will apply for listing next year. After the review, it is estimated that the bell of the New York Stock Exchange will ring in the second half of the year.

In the fiery atmosphere of the **** center arena, the New York Avengers beat the Detroit Pistons with 111:98 to complete the first stop after the team's relocation.

After the game, Simon, accompanied by general manager Bob Meyers, went down to the locker room to chat with the players.

"Bob, you've done a good job, the atmosphere of the stadium is very good," Simon praised. After all, hundreds of VIP boxes and suites at all levels have been sold, and there are more and more partners in the stadium.

"A good gym is very helpful for the marketing of the team," Bob Meyers responded with a smile, and New York is richer than New Jersey.

The **** Central Gymnasium will also hold various concerts and other large-scale performances. For example, Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift have held individual concerts in the **** Central Gymnasium during the summer.

After Simon left, Bob Meyers had another meeting with head coach Dwayne Casey, including assistant coach Steve Kerr.

Steve Kerr, a former NBA player who won a championship ring with the Bulls dynasty, retired as a basketball commentator for TNT and then spent three years as general manager for the Felix Suns.

This year, Steve Kerr was invited to the Avengers as an assistant coach when he left the Suns to go back to work as a commentator.

There are some ideas for team tactics and club management, so Bob Meyers also values ​​it very much.

Simon took Jessica Alba back to the top mansion of Xinghai Building in the evening. Compared with an actor, Jessica Alba is now more and more like a businessman.

Simon, lying in bed, was on the phone with Laura Collins about Kathryn Bigelow having taken over the "Hunt Ben **" movie project.

"Catherine said she needed some details about Ben **?" Simon understood when he heard the words on the phone.

"So, you tell Nina about it and she knows how to do it!"

Simon hangs up quickly, because Jessica Alba in the quilt is making Simon a little unbearable.

After a while, Jessica Alba got out of the quilt, looked at Simon with some complaint and said, "There are always calls at this time!"

"Okay, okay," Simon said, letting the girl lean on his chest, "Wait a while, I'll make it up to you!"

Said, Simon still looked at the mobile phone in his hand, thinking about whether to call some people, but gave up.

Now Xinghai Entertainment has enough political resources, and this kind of film shows a positive image of the state department.

The Homeland Security Agency, the FBI, or the CIA all need to show a positive image through movies, and the military and government departments to facilitate movies are also complementary.

The movie needs some overseas special forces and information about Ben **, it's not a big deal, I believe Nina will get the support she needs.

As for why Simon rarely contacts important people and deals with important things through the phone or mail network.

Because Simon knows the Prism plan that the United States is implementing, monitoring the entire United States, and the entire famous technology, network, and communication companies in the United States are related to the United States Intelligence Service.

As for personal privacy? It's just a joke, if Simon is an ordinary person, of course he doesn't care, but unfortunately not.

Moreover, Killing Simon also does not believe that the White House will have only one Prism plan. Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, ATT communications, etc. are all submitted to the database.

Therefore, for many important events, Simon will interview people. Although he uses a lot of emails, he will not involve his confidential matters.

The future Apple leaks, Sony hacks, Facebook information gathering incidents, etc. are all warnings one by one.

"Hey, there are so many things!" Simon put down his phone thinking, the government agency plan is indeed a long-term investment plan.

"Well, go to sleep and think about it tomorrow!" Jessica Alba in her arms reminded again at this time.

"it is good!"