Hollywood New Century

Chapter 435: Eve of listing

Simon Pike wakes up with a beautiful Scarlett Johansson in his arms in his suite at the Rosewood Carlisle on Manhattan's Upper East Side.

A visibly radiant Scarlett Johansson whispered contentedly: "Last night, it was amazing, unforgettable."

"Sexy and sultry black widow, I don't know how many men will envy me." The status of a female star has given many men a sense of conquest, and Scarlett Johansson is indeed a **** girl.

I don't know, when will Durant say to drink her bath water! The NBA has been suspended for so long this season, and Simon has the impression that the season started in November.

But now, according to the previous situation, the regular season has already started, but now there seems to be no progress in labor-management negotiations?

After leaving the hotel, Simon returned directly to the Xinghai Building. Now that the NBA is suspended, Simon is definitely not happy. After all, he only won the championship last season, and now Simon's New York Avengers are shouting enthusiastically to build a dynasty!

It doesn't make sense to stop it, doesn't it?

"What's the situation, there is still no progress up to now?" Simon said with some displeasure, sitting in a chair.

Sarah Bradna shook her head and said helplessly: "Benefits are not well distributed, especially the differences between the small ball market and the players' union. There are too many opinions on both sides."

Small ball markets have poor profitability. Owners like Simon in big cities like New York, Los Angeles, Miami, etc. are willing to give up some of the benefits to the players union from the league. After all, the big market’s own benefits are enough to make up for it, but the small market won’t agree to it, because its own blood production is insufficient, and the importance of the league’s cake is too great.

"Is it still the group of owners represented by Michael Jordan that has the biggest disagreement with the players' union?" Simon asked again.

Sarah Bradna nodded, and then said helplessly: "When I attended the negotiation meeting with Mr. Meyers, the atmosphere was very hot, and the representatives of the players' union were very angry, and they swears at the meeting!"

"I just won a championship, and the league was shut down." Simon couldn't help it when he was unhappy. In my memory, the season only started at the end of the year, and there were fewer regular season games.

Forget it, Simon doesn't care, now the listing of Xinghai Entertainment is the top priority.

After Sarah Bradner left, Simon arrived on the Universal Studios floor in New York.

Tom Williams, who runs the Universal Studios Resort Group, is waiting for Simon here.

"Simon, the land approval is coming down near the Universal Studios Florida resort," Tom Williams seemed happy.

Simon nodded, and there was indeed not much expression on his face, and said: "Although the land is now available, there are people living nearby after all, and the approval of large buildings still requires lawyers to keep fighting."

As a result, the utilization rate of land has been reduced a lot, and various organizations such as environmental associations, community councils and animal protection associations will cause problems.

Tom Williams said helplessly: "This is something that can't be helped. We only have to expand the part close to the studio first, and the rest can only be negotiated for a long time."

"After all, we don't have a policy like Disneyland in Florida."

Simon was unwilling and could do nothing. Disneyland in Orlando, Florida, purchased a large amount of land very early, and won a lot of land autonomy with the state legislature.

The huge Orlando Disneyland Resort is the equivalent of a self-governing place with a special tax agreement, an improvement zone. The Disney Group pays taxes and fees to the "improved zone" to cover a series of infrastructure expenses such as firefighting, first aid, road maintenance, wastewater treatment, and power generation in the area.

The biggest benefit from this is that Disney is free to expand its real estate assets in the area without having to comply with local building, planning or environmental regulations.

"Forget it, plan as soon as possible, the expansion of the facility area, and the construction of the hotel. I hope to be included in the plan as soon as possible, and then issue bonds to finance development." Simon's bond agreement is now compared with Disney, and the gap is not small.


After Tom Williams left, Simon called Alan Horn again to ask about the release of DreamWorks Animation.

"Negotiations with Jeffrey are progressing, he is still very positive about the distribution capabilities of Universal Pictures now, and now our competitors are also involved in negotiations, I still need time," Alan Horn explained on the phone.

"I understand that DreamWorks Animation still has the autonomy, we are just publishing," Simon said, thinking for a while, and said solemnly,

"I am very skeptical of their innovative ability now. You have seen the results in the past two years. The number of movies produced by DreamWorks Animation must be reduced every year!"

"I know, Jeffrey has this idea now," Alan Horn asked after hesitating for a while on the phone.

"Simon, are you interested in DreamWorks Animation?"

"Indeed, I have the idea of ​​acquiring DreamWorks Animation to supplement the shortcomings of the cartoon characters in Universal Studios Resort." Simon didn't hide anything.

"It's just that Jeffrey Katzenberg is still very stubborn right now. Let's do it when they lose money and can't run their business."

Alan Horn, who was far away in Los Angeles, sighed inwardly after he put down the phone. Simon is interested in DreamWorks Animation, it is not difficult to understand, after all, this is the only animation company that can face hard steel with Pixar.

Moreover, DreamWorks Animation's copyright library has countless popular cartoon characters that can be sold inside the Universal Studios Resort.

However, listening to Simon's tone, it seems that he has no expectations for the development of DreamWorks Animation. Now he has signed a distribution agreement with DreamWorks Animation, just to make it easier to acquire DreamWorks Animation in the future?

However, Alan Horn thought about the "Despicable Me" released last year, and also thought about the Marvel series that is now killing the Quartet, as well as the "Twilight" series, the "Fast and the Furious" series and so on.

The current Universal Pictures, under the leadership of Simon, is indeed too strong. I thought about the 500,000 company equity subscription rights that I had conditionally signed.

Alan Horn couldn't help but be excited, Universal's strong rise in Hollywood is already unstoppable.

Himself is not like Nina Jacobson is Simon's old-fashioned faction, nor is Simon as deeply favored as Kevin Feige. These factions of the Xinghai lineage are in power now, and the NBC Universal lineup also has a lot of power. As the leader of the new employee lineage, Alan Horn also needs performance.

"Mike, ask Jeffrey Katzenberg for me to have dinner together tonight in Beverly Hills now!" Alan Horn said to the phone on the table.