Home Cook

v1 Chapter 82: confused

Saying too much, no matter how sincere you are, after all, it is not as good as the following medicines.

Looking at Robert, whose hostility had almost disappeared in his eyes, Bai Ye deeply felt the powerful power of the medicine he had administered.

You said that he tried his best to explain that he was not malicious for a long time, but Robert never let go of his vigilance. As a result, after feeding a few mouthfuls of food, why did she soften directly?

Speaking of which, this violent terminator maid also seems to be a master of medicine. She seems to have the habit of always taking medicine before the war. It stands to reason that she should have good medicine resistance. The medicine in it is still the kind that ignores the drug resistance. It's amazing, my dish.

However, although Bai Ye likes the role of Robert, but if possible, Bai Ye doesn't really want to have a relationship with her. After all, this is a terrible existence who can provoke a small war by himself. There is not enough room for such a great **** in a small shop, don't accidentally end up with a shop ruined.

Therefore, Bai Ye seems to be a little bit like Duke Ye and a good dragon.

When reading manga and watching anime, I yelled at the head maid that I love you, and I could give everything for you, but when the head maid appeared in front of him in full armor, well, he admitted that he was cowardly, after all, his The plug-in is a cooking plug-in, not a fighting plug-in, so he should stay away from these dangerous people for the sake of his life.

But even though he thought so in his heart, Bai Ye sighed when he looked at Robert, who was lying on the bed with a weak face. After all, he couldn't force her to leave.

"Forget it, let's wait until she recovers from her injury, shall we?"

Bai Ye sighed, finished feeding the last mouthful of rice, then picked up the empty bowl and chopsticks and got up.

"You should have a good rest first, I should be safe here."

After that, Bai Ye walked out of the room. He still has business to do downstairs.

Robert: "…"

rest? She wants to rest well, but have you ever seen a person who is **** and tied into a zongzi by others and can rest well?

"However, from his words, it seems that there is no malicious intent, and he has not called the police, so I am still in a safe situation for the time being."

Lying on the bed, Robert began to analyze his current situation.

The food that she had just eaten entered her stomach, and after digestion, it was turned into energy and supplied to her limbs and bones, so that her body like a war machine gradually got out of the weak state, which gave Robert a sense of security.

"Well, I have to admit that the food made by that mysterious guy is really delicious."

Recalling the delicious food he ate just now, Robert was still a little unsure.

In fact, in the training camp where she had been staying before, there were chefs specially hired by this organization to cook for these warriors, and those chefs were not bad at all. After all, there are food cells in this world, as long as you eat and drink well Well, the physical fitness will naturally improve. Therefore, for any violent organization, excellent chefs are indispensable.

Speaking of which, good food in this world is like a panacea in mythology to people. Just one bite can make a person's physical fitness improve by leaps and bounds. As the best fighter in the training camp, Robert Once got a chance to taste the food.

At that time, it seemed that the senior chef organized someone to inspect the training camp. In order to talk about the best warriors, that person personally cooked a table of dishes, which was also the best dish that Robert had ever eaten in his life. Delicious dishes.

It's just that now I feel that the dishes made by the guy just now seem to be no worse than that of the special envoy of the chef organization. Is it an illusion?

Robert was a little confused.

"Is that guy really just an ordinary restaurant owner?"

Robert still had some doubts about Bai Ye's identity.

However, as the body gradually recovered from the weak state, Roberto no longer panicked. Although the guy looked very mysterious, he was far worse in some aspects, such as the tying of the rope. Law.

Although tying a person into a zongzi looks strong, it is actually easier to break free.

Another example is that although this guy has taken away all the conspicuous weapons such as firearms on her body, the spare weapons that she has placed close to her body, such as the dagger on her leg, the mini pistol in the shape of a belt buckle, and under the tongue The hidden blade and so on are still there.

"Hehe, you're really a layman, but now I'm starting to believe that you're just a layman."

Shaking her head, Robert felt that she couldn't see through the white night. She was not good at looking at people. According to the education of the organization, she didn't need to look at people. If she felt threatened, she would just kill them. After all the hard work, I finally left the organization, and is it really good to act in the same way as before?

After clearly recovering, Robert was able to easily break free from the unprofessional rope tied, and was free again, but she did not break free immediately.

"Where else can I go?"

Robert was a little confused.

She was an orphan and was raised by a training camp since she was a child. For her, the order of the training camp was everything, until she was inexplicably tired of killing, and she chose to defect.

Before she defected, she never thought that she could actually escape successfully. After all, in her image, the organization is invincible. However, now, having fled to a foreign country, she has completely wiped out the pursuers. It was basically impossible to find her again. The freedom that was once out of reach seemed to be right in front of her, but she began to feel a little confused, because she really didn't know what to do in the future.

Although the world is big, it seems that there is no place for her.

"so tired."

Closing his eyes, a huge sense of tiredness struck, and Robert fell into a deep sleep~lightnovelpub.net~ When Bai Ye was busy with a wave of guests and went upstairs again.

Opening the door, what he saw was Robert sleeping on the bed. With her eyes closed, she restrained her wolf-like gaze and madness, and was very quiet, just like the most ordinary girl.


Bai Ye stepped forward and gently untied the rope on her body, then closed the door with a smile, and walked out lightly.


The next day, Bai Ye was still worried that the liberated Robert would pick up a pistol and give him a melon seed directly, but fortunately such a terrible scene did not appear, although she once again returned to her fully armed dress, But he came to bid him farewell.

"Thank you, Bai Ye, I think it's time for me to leave? I trouble you yesterday."

Robert's polite manner did not match her outfit at this time.

It was just that Bai Ye saw confusion and loneliness in her eyes, and this confusion and loneliness were so familiar, just like when he had just crossed into this strange world, the kind of confusion and loneliness that the world is so big but has nowhere to hide. Lonely.

Perhaps because of the empathy he once felt, inexplicably, Bai Ye asked, "Robert, what are your plans next?"

Robert thought for a while, then shook his head truthfully.

"Then, in fact, my store has recently lacked a waiter, and I'm about to recruit someone. Would you like to try it?"

Bai Ye took out a job posting that was going to be posted outside today.

"Let's talk about it first, the work is very hard and the salary is not high, but food and housing are included."

Looking at the piece of paper in Bai Ye's hand, Robert thought for a while, then nodded, the confusion in his eyes dissipated a little.