Home Cook

v2 Chapter 686: The title gentleman seems to have gained

"Tsk tsk tsk, it really deserves to be the protagonist team, the speed of progress is really scary."

Bai Ye took back his gaze in the world of the gourd, and thought with a sigh in his heart.

The system is originally a gourmet system that specializes in cultivating chefs. It can be regarded as a first-class cooking teacher in the world. The teaching level is very good. Fortunately, Chuangzheng and others are the protagonists. It's really scary. Under the training of the system's Spartans, the cooking skills of the people in the ranch space are almost at a high speed.

Seeing the rapid progress of everyone, Bai Ye couldn't help but feel a burst of pressure.

As a big **** with a system, it would be ugly if the natives also slapped them in a fancy way.

"No, no, I have to work harder to practice. I have a system failure, and they also have a protagonist's fate. There is no time for me to grind."

With the pressure, Bai Ye suddenly felt a long-lost motivation.

Of course, in fact, the original protagonists of Xingping Chuangzhen were not particularly worried about Bai Ye for a while. After all, the gap between him and those student parties cannot be made up in a short time. They still have a lot of time to catch up with Bai Ye. Long way to go.

Now what really gives him a headache is Nakiri Erina. This arrogant is so powerful in the original work that he was called the most terrifying monster in Togetsu's history by Togetsu Resort's head chef Gin Dojima.

Although as the first heroine, this Aojiao has unexpectedly few scenes in the original work, and she is not as long as Xiaohui. She can be called a true passer-by heroine, but if you look closely, almost every time she appears in Bring out the strength of this guy.

The problems that plagued the real protagonist Kohei Sosada in the original book were trivial for Nakiri Erina, and they could be solved casually. She could make Kohei Sosada go smoothly with a little help. Difficulties.

Of course, from the audience's point of view, this arrogant girl has been deflated in the hands of Yukihira Sosada many times, and he is half dead with anger, but who made Yukihira Sosada the male protagonist, the hero and heroine must have some interaction to start the plot. Aside from the identities of the two male and female protagonists, from a purely culinary point of view, Yukihira Sosada is really too far behind, and Nakiri Erina's strength is more than enough to be a teacher of fortunately Sosada.

The talent of the tongue of God, the power of the talent that is most suitable for chefs is so unreasonable.

Although it is said that the talents of the five senses of God are the top talents of chefs, these five senses are also divided into high and low.

The most important thing in cooking is the color, smell, and taste. Therefore, among the five senses, God's vision, God's smell, and God's taste are naturally at a higher level.

Among them, God's Vision, an out-of-spec talent that has been specially strengthened to be related to the God of Cookery, is not to be discussed for the time being. From ancient times to the present, this thing has basically been in charge of the God of Cookery's shrine maiden, and it can be regarded as a priestly talent.

Therefore, among the five senses, the most suitable for mortal chefs is the sense of smell and taste of God.

Among the aroma and taste, the taste is slightly higher, because no matter how rich the aroma of the food is, it will eventually have to be eaten. It is not acceptable to smell the aroma and eat it, but on the contrary, it is not unacceptable to smell it and eat the aroma, just like Stinky tofu, canned sturgeon or something, there is always someone who likes it.

Color, fragrance, and taste top the list.

It can be said that if you master the taste, you will master the true meaning of cooking and the lifeblood of cooking.

The dishes that have been tested by the Tongue of God can be directly marked as qualified, and the dishes that have been rejected by the Tongue of God are unqualified garbage.

The idea of ​​this ghost father Nakiri thistle, he has always regarded his daughter's God's tongue as a compass sailing on the sea of ​​food, a compass guiding everyone's direction.

Although this idea is a bit extreme, in a sense, his idea is not wrong.

Nakiri Erina, who has the tongue of God, can almost be said to have stood at the end of the chef's journey from the beginning. Every dish of hers is perfect, and any recipe can be evolved to the extreme in her hands. , All the cooking skills around the world, as long as she has eaten it once, there will be no secrets, and she will eventually be omniscient and omnipotent.

It's a pity that there is the magical power of idealism in this world, which weakens Nakiri Erina's talent to a certain extent, especially because she is still difficult to get started with cooking because of the ghost father, if it continues like this If so, then she may become the best cook in the world in the future, but not the most powerful chef.

But now, Nakiri Erina's last shortcoming has also been supplemented by Bai Ye by accident, so no one can predict what state this arrogant will reach in the end, in short, it must be quite scary.

Thinking back on the bowl of fried rice I just ate in the game world, Bai Ye felt a little soft in his legs.

"This perfect cooking combined with the power of the kitchen is really terrifying. Once she completely masters the kitchen, I am not as good as her now. If I don't work hard, I will definitely be hammered by her next time."

Thinking of this, Bai Ye's head froze for a while, especially now that Erina Nakiri is a housemate, he can't hide even if he wants to.

"So, why are there monsters around me? I'm afraid of monsters if I hang out."

Bai Ye said brokenly.

"Comparing pure cooking skills with God's Tongue is no need to think about it, it's purely seeking abuse, so I should work more on my cooking heart."

He analyzed in his heart.

Although Bai Ye, who has the eye of system appraisal, also has some abilities of the tongue of God in a sense, as long as he keeps making up for the shortcomings according to the guidance of the system, then his cooking will eventually be as perfect as Nakiri Erina.

It's just that the Eye of System Appraisal can only evaluate the cooking of the finished product. It can't be tasted while cooking like the tongue of God. It has a powerful cooking auxiliary ability~lightnovelpub.net~ Bai Ye wants to rely on the Eye of Appraisal to reach the level of the Tongue of God , only relying on a lot of practice on a dish, practicing to the death, just like the perfect quality egg fried rice he has now mastered.

But this is too slow, he needs to spend several times the energy to do what Nakiri Erina can do easily, such a stupid thing to hit an egg with a stone, why would he not do it?

So he should work harder on his cooking heart. As long as his cooking heart can beat that arrogant one, then he can make up for the lack of cooking skills to a certain extent.

"But how to improve the kitchen heart?"

There was no clue in the night.

"By the way, ask Senior Sister to go."

At a loss, he looked up and saw a beautiful figure watering the flowers not far away, and his eyes lit up.

Senior Sister A Meng, please help me.

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