Home Has a Fairy Garden

Chapter 238: Harvest two

Looking at the sky, although it is not too late in time, it is already very dark in the woods. Yun Duo wants to explore again. If he still has no idea of ​​spiritual veins, he will go back to the space to rest first, and come out after dawn tomorrow.

The huge spiritual consciousness dissipated around, and the two animals around him shivered as if they felt something. Looks like the owner is really terrible.

Yun Duo knows that the spiritual veins are underground, but it is more difficult to find the entrance. Seeing that the vegetation here is so well preserved, it is impossible for people to know that it is because there are spiritual veins under the ground. They didn’t find it when the cloud cultivation base was low before. After he came out with a high cultivation base, Yun Duo guessed that there should be more or less spiritual veins in the area where the species lived.

The spirit sense that was scattered did not find a lot of spiritual energy around, and Yun Duo withdrew the spirit sense in disappointment and greeted everyone to go back to the space to rest. Fang Zhe looked around, there were trees everywhere, and there really was no place to rest, nothing else, the two children were too low-capacity, so they waited for a suitable place before camping outside.

Xiao Hua and Xiao Hei who entered the space again, breathing the rich aura in the space, Xiao Hua couldn't help yelling to express her excitement.

Yun Duo looked at them, and then greeted several elders in the space with his thoughts, Huanhuan and Lele, Xiaobai, the super fat old cat in his own house. Tell them that a new partner is coming, come out and get to know them. As for those who were taken in by the cloud and sent directly

The first person who came here was Xiao Bai. Its intelligence is already quite high now, and the clouds in the space do not limit it, so it is now a bit of a mountain king. Seeing Xiao Hua who was yelling, she took a slap in the past and took it down. For a sample, this is a demonstration or something.

Xiao Hua, who was slapped a little bit by the slap, turned her head and saw Xiao Bai. She was shocked for a moment, and then she brushed it shamelessly. There is no anger, what is the situation. Yun Duo and the children were amused by Xiao Hua's performance. This is a bully and afraid of hardship.

Huanhuan and Lele raised their heads proudly to look at the newcomer, and nodded as they knew each other. Usually Yunduo introduces everyone to a family. That is to say, Yun Duo admits that Xiao Hua and Xiao Hei are pets, so he let them come and get to know them. Other animals are freely stocked. They can even hunt. Yun Duo doesn't care, as long as it doesn't become extinct.

Hold the big fat cat in his arms. Waved to let the animals play by themselves, Yun Duo and Fang Zhe took their two children into the Zizhu Courtyard. After relaxing in the hot springs, everyone simply ate something. Yun Chen and Yun Xi went to rest. Walking through the dense forest that day was still too much effort for the two children. Now they relax. The two immediately felt tired and panicked. The mental exhaustion made the two of them fall asleep soon.

Fang Zhe and Yun Duo had a good rest and worked separately. Fang Zhe found a place to plant the tea trees he dug during the day. I don't know how the tea tree grows, it is not tall, but the tea leaves on it have been chewed, and the bitterness is still sweet. This is still raw tea leaves that have not been fried. If processed, it is estimated to be a small best.

He hummed a song and planted the tea tree in a happy mood.

Yun Duo is not as leisurely as Fang Zhe, she is planting some medicinal materials in different areas. In addition, a small acre of space was opened by Yunduo to plant a large number of Pueraria lobata roots dug today. Pueraria lobata is a very common medicinal material. It is used as a vegetable in many places to make soup. It is sweet and delicious.

And the quality of the kudzu root dug today is so good that Yun Duo has the idea of ​​planting a piece of it. Don't underestimate this small inconspicuous medicinal material. It can be a treasure all over, not to mention the medicinal value of the rhizome below. It is said that the vines above were also good things in ancient times. As early as the Yao, Shun, and Yu periods, people had begun to use Pueraria lobata to make hemp cloth.

Pueraria lobata is also called wild kudzu. It is said that there is a legend about the name Pueraria lobata. Ge Hong, a Taoist teacher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, discovered a root when he made alchemy at the foot of Maoshan Mountain. This root cured a plague among the local people in Jurong. To commemorate Ge Hong, the local people named the root "Ge" and it was there. The term "pueraria".

The medicinal value of Pueraria lobata root is also very high. It can improve the regeneration ability of liver cells, restore normal liver function, promote bile secretion, and prevent fat accumulation in the liver. And can promote metabolism, strengthen the liver's detoxification function, and prevent alcohol from damaging the liver.

In addition, some studies have shown that Pueraria lobata has a clear therapeutic effect on learning and memory disorders, and the alcohol extract of Pueraria lobata can significantly combat memory disorders caused by benzalkonium. It can be used to treat senile dementia, mental retardation, poor memory and other diseases.

It can also be used to treat internal heat and thirst, poor transmission of measles, diarrhea, dysentery and other diseases. Puerarin has a significant effect of lowering blood sugar. The flavonoids contained in Pueraria lobata root have the effect of lowering blood lipids, lowering serum cholesterol and lowering oil triesters. It is used to treat hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia. It has a significant effect. A small piece of roots is very useful.

The content of trace elements such as selenium, manganese and germanium in kudzu root is also considerable. Modern research Pueraria lobata contains more than 20 kinds of isoflavones, puerarin glycosides, triterpenoids, alkaloids and other active ingredients, which have a variety of pharmacological effects. The total ketones in Pueraria lobata can increase the blood flow of the brain and coronary arteries. Pueraria lobata can obviously promote the cerebral circulation of animals and humans.

Knowing so much, Yunduo became interested in this small inconspicuous medicinal material, and the most important thing is that Yunduo discovered that Pueraria lobata root has the effects of releasing muscles, clearing measles, relieving heat and promoting fluids, raising Yang and relieving diarrhea. Exogenous fever, headache, strong nape, thirst, impervious measles, diarrhea, hypertension, severe neck pain, etc.

Pueraria lobata contains abundant isoflavones. This substance is a natural phytoestrogens. It can regulate the human body’s endocrine. For people with low estrogen, it can prevent and treat symptoms caused by decreased estrogen, such as increased blood lipids. Osteoporosis, menopausal syndrome, and can increase the level of estradiol in the serum of middle-aged women and the content of high-concentration lipoproteins in the plasma, reduce cholesterol content, and protect the cardiovascular system; and for those with high estrogen levels , It also shows anti-estrogen-like activity, which can help prevent breast cancer, endometrial cancer, etc., so as to play a two-way regulatory role.

The most important point is that it can enhance breasts. Clouds are ready to download this small medicinal material, and see if we can prepare some other medicinal materials to make a pill for women. It can not only beautify breasts, but also remove women. A variety of diseases of the reproductive organs. And it can also be formulated with a kind of pills that men take to relieve office pressure. These are Yun Duo's own thoughts, and it will be waited for whether they can be researched in the end.