Home Has a Fairy Garden

Chapter 278: Hell three

The car drove for about half an hour to the **** of the blood pool at the far north. To visit the hot springs here, you must pass through the souvenir sales hall. The dazzling array of souvenirs with local characteristics did not hold everyone's footsteps, because everyone was anxious to see what the blood pond **** was like.

Out of the souvenir sales hall, into a world with a cave, like entering a fairyland. On the face is a steep hillside, hidden behind green trees. On the right is a path up the mountain, and there is a waterfall hanging down from the mountain on the side of the road. On the left is a pond full of red mud, covering an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters, and red mud can be seen in the middle. However, the red here is not as bright as the small pool that the clouds saw at the beginning. It is really warm there, and I don't know why others don't feel this way.

And the so-called real blood pool **** here. I felt the clouds carefully. It was normal. It means that the red here is completely because it is rich in acidified iron, and because of its large area, endless white mist and rolling red are churning. The hot spring water is like a pool of plasma, coupled with the booming blast, it gives people a feeling of hell. Without feeling the evil spirit, Yun Duo breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

There is a stall next to the pool that sells blood pool ointment made from the red mud in this hot spring, which is said to be effective for skin diseases. There is also a foot bath next to the kiosk. The rectangular pool is filled with red hot spring water. There is a circle of seats by the pool, and visitors can soak for free.

Feeling that there is no special anomaly here, the clouds are still digging their spiritual consciousness underground, and there is still lava under the surface, and at the same time, there are still many large and small gaps in the places where there is no magma.

In the crevices under the ground, the clouds are a little puzzled. This situation is a bit weird, as if you were obviously holding a solid ball. But there are many cracks inside.

Because the temperature of the magma was too high, Yun Duo didn't deepen his spiritual consciousness too much, and quickly retracted it after swaying around. Yun Duo wouldn't do things overwhelmingly. If his spiritual consciousness is injured, Yun Duo will suffer.

Since the blood pool **** is not a big problem, Yunduo will not go into it.

Not far from the blood pond **** is the tornado hell. Passing through the souvenir sales hall, inside is a small yard, opposite and left are seats for visitors to watch the hot springs. On the right is a high **** more than one foot high. It is covered with trees, and the green canopy is like the canopy of a small courtyard. Below the high platform is a fence with an arch made of boulders. This is where the tornado **** erupts.

But now it's quiet here, and I heard a tour guide next to my teammates said that he would have to wait a while to see it. Fang Zhe read the introduction next to him and realized that Tornado Hell is a geyser that erupts every 30 to 40 minutes. Each spray for six to ten minutes, the temperature of the erupted steam and water is as high as one hundred and five degrees Celsius. This hot spring is formed by the merger of four spring veins at a depth of 50 meters underground. Therefore, the relative amount of water is relatively large, with a daily spray volume of 800 tons, and each interval is short, so it is also in the world geyser Famous in China.

Fang Zhe is optimistic. I told Yunduo about the situation here, and when I was introducing it, I heard a dull rumbling sound from deep in the ground. Like a thousand horses rushing from a distance, like a spring thunder without lightning, like a train coming by speeding. I haven't allowed everyone to think about it, poof! I saw a powerful stream of steam spouting with hot spring water, hitting the boulder above the arch. In a blink of an eye it turned into a radiant white mist.

The people around immediately burst into joy, and the spring water sprayed and stopped. Then he sprayed again, more fierce than the beginning. Clouds are just like the children, they look with gusto.

The billowing white mist washed up into the blue sky, really like a tornado. People have been impressed by its majesty, but a few minutes later, it stopped abruptly, quietly like asleep. If the blood pool **** looks terrifying but gentle, then this tornado **** is very chic but very violent, coming and going like wind.

After watching, Yunduo inspected the underground here as usual, and found that it was similar to the situation in the blood pond hell, but the underground here was more complicated. Several strands of magma collide underneath from time to time. After dozens of minutes of accumulation, the eruption is when the hot springs erupted above, and the clouds that figured out the situation quickly recovered their spiritual sense.

"Mom, are we going back right away?" Yun Xi, who was a little bit interested, asked Yun Duo with a pair of white and tender feet soaking in the hot spring, squinting comfortably.

"If you don't go back, do you remember the little pond next to the first sea hell?" Yun Duo asked in a low voice.

"The Hell of the Sea?" Fang Zhe frowned. It was the first one to visit there. The impression was still very deep. Because the color was a bit like the sea and it was steaming, the visual impact was quite big. As for the small pool next to it, at that time Patronizing with Yun Xi's camera doesn't seem to look closely.

"What's wrong? There is a problem?" Fang Zhe said uncertainly.

"Do you remember the little red pond next to it?" Yunduo asked.

"I remember that the color is really scary, the color like blood." Yun Chen answered first. When his mother was staring at the time, he also looked at it, but he was very scared, so he didn't take a closer look.

"I know that pool. It feels very uncomfortable. When I was next to me, I felt my whole body leaked." Xiaowen said slowly, recalling the feeling of standing next to the blood-red pool at that time. Speaking of it, I didn't feel anything here in the famous blood **** just now, there was no feeling of fear at all, but in that small pool, he felt that his hair was going to stand up.

However, he didn't seem to feel anything when he saw others, and he was still looking at what to look at. Only Aunt Yun seemed thoughtful at the time. But, soon, Aunt Yun and Uncle Fang took everyone away, and that feeling quickly disappeared, and he also put it behind. Now when Yun Duo mentioned it, he immediately remembered his original feelings.

"Yeah, I feel the same as you. That place is very strange." Yun Chen still feels uncomfortable when he thinks about it now.

"You all have feelings?" Yunduo heard what they said about the feelings at the time, and suddenly found that the children's feelings were very keen.

"Yeah, Mom, I felt cold all over at that time, there was so much heat there, but my hair seemed to stand up all over my body. I always felt something staring at me. But at the time I thought it was here. This is because it's called hell, so I might feel that way, so I didn't tell you." Yun Chen said with lingering fear.