Home Has a Fairy Garden

Chapter 308: Delicious II

Fang Zhe saw Yun Duo's tossing vigorously there, and saw the little movement of Yun Duo's stealing food, he smiled dozingly, his hands were not slow at all.

Fang Zhe will cook fried radish with shrimp paste, which Yun Duo is calling for. The old saying goes well, "fish makes fire and meat makes phlegm, radish and cabbage keep safe". In other words, radishes and cabbage are food ingredients for health throughout the year.

Radishes have been said to be small ginseng since ancient times, and in other places, "Eating radishes and drinking boiled water makes doctors feel worried when they see them", which means that they are not easy to get sick and doctors have no money to earn. How charming is it.

The radish grown in the space is thin, juicy, tender, crisp, and sweet, and tastes better than fruit. Cloud sometimes selects some small ones and puts them in the fruit plate as snacks for the children.

Fang Zhe chose carrots. The shape of this carrot is a bit like a carrot, but the color is red. It is very beautiful and cut into pieces with a hob. Then burn the pot to dry, pour more oil, the radish is more oily, stir-fry the green onion and **** until fragrant, pour two tablespoons of shrimp paste, add cooking wine, then put the radish cubes into the stir fry, and finally add Top with water, light soy sauce, cover the pot and cook for ten minutes.

This dish does not need to add salt, because the shrimp paste itself is very salty, if you feel that the taste is not enough, you can use light soy sauce to season it. Shrimp paste is the key to this dish. It must be of good quality, purplish red in color, sticky, fresh and fragrant, no fishy taste, and delicate sauce. Only the radish cooked in this way is delicious.

Sprinkle with a handful of finely chopped chives when it comes out of the pan, and a light and delicious dish can be served.

Other dishes are relatively simple. For example, steamed pork with rice flour is half-finished. Fang Zhe makes a lot of them each time and puts them away for later use. When he wants to make this dish, he just needs the next pot. The complicated work is done before. Ok. So the dishes are made very fast. After an hour, a large table of dishes will be ready.

Yun Duo took out all the vegetables she had put away and put them on the kitchen counter, and then asked the children to tidy up the dining table.

"Children, it's time to eat." Fang Zhe stretched out his head from the kitchen and shouted.

"Come, come." Cheering and running out of the room, a few people rushed to the kitchen to help with food. Yun Duo quickly stopped them all, and then let Yun Chen and Xiaowen serve the dishes, and Yun Xi was responsible for setting the dishes. As a result, the noisy scene disappeared immediately. Everyone is doing things in order.

"Okay, have you washed your hands?" Sitting on the dining chair, Yun Duo watched the three children's saliva flow out. Still uneasy asked.

"En, en." The three little heads nodded, but their eyes didn't leave the fragrant dishes on the dinner table.

"Haha." Fang Zhe looked funny and couldn't help laughing. Usually the two children in my family haven't noticed it yet, but there is an extra essay. It's fun to look at.

"Okay, let's eat." Fang Zhe saw Xiaowen's face turned a little red because of his laugh, and he asked everyone to start eating. He was afraid that if it was too late, the child would be embarrassed to eat.

As soon as they finished speaking, Yun Chen and Yun Xi picked up their chopsticks and moved them towards the dish they were fancying. They were shocked when they saw their movements. The hand holding the chopsticks hesitated a little, and for a while he forgot to pick up the vegetables.

"What do you want? Eat." Yunduo picked up a red wine prawn for Xiaowen and put it in the bowl in front of him, asking him to eat it quickly. Otherwise, there will be no dishes in a while.

"Thank you." Xiaowen was only taken aback by Yun Chen and Yun Xi just now, so he didn't reflect it. After the reflection, he joined the ranks of grabbing food. After a period of time, several children have mixed up better than before. There were many things that Xiaowen could not know before. Now Xiaowen can be said to be his own. There are many things that everyone can do together, and there are more common languages. So the three children became emotionally close.

Seeing the three kids at the dinner table you vie for me to grab it, Yun Duo and Fang Zhe both looked at it and laughed. Yun Duo didn’t eat much, just ate some small conch. This vegetable Yun Duo burned a large plate, which is very kind. The big plate is mainly because the small conch will be popular. Sure enough, Fang Zhe did not eat less, and each of the three children ate a small bowl of shells.

At the end of the big table, there were almost a dozen dishes left, and Yun Duo smacked his tongue secretly, all of them were big stomach kings. This is not to blame the children, it is so delicious. When you can't wait to swallow all your tongue, you don't even care about whether you can eat it or not, and you want to eat more and eat more.

No way, Yun Duo had to let the three children go to the sofa to rest, and make some tea for them by himself. Fang Zhe cleaned the table by himself.

Yun Duo took out some of the green tea, rose, hawthorn, orange peel, jujube, and rock sugar, put it in a teapot, poured hot water, and made a simple digestion and stomachache tea.

Green tea contains a large amount of tea polyphenols, and tea polyphenols have the magical effect of digesting food, dissolving accumulation, and regulating the intestines and stomach. The medicinal properties of roses are very mild. They can nourish the heart, liver and blood vessels, relieve the qi in the body, and have a calming effect. At the same time, roses can help digestion and regulate the intestines and stomach.

Everyone knows the appetizing effect of hawthorn, so the flavor of hawthorn must be indispensable in the digestion tea. Hawthorn is sweet and warm, enters the liver, spleen, and stomach meridians, has the function of eliminating food accumulation and removing blood stasis. Can help the brand to invigorate the stomach, especially to eliminate the accumulation of greasy meat. Hawthorn contains flavonoids, a variety of triterpenoids, citric acid, vitamin C, lipase and other ingredients. Eating can promote the decomposition of fat and make meat easy to digest.

Orange Peel Xin San is warm, aromatic, longer than regulating qi, and can enter the spleen and lungs, so it can not only disperse the lungs and restrain the qi, but also can expand the qi. It is used for lung qi stagnation, full chest and diaphragm and spleen and stomach qi , Abdominal distension and other diseases. The volatile oil contained in orange peel has a mild stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which can promote the secretion of digestive juice and eliminate gas accumulation in the intestinal tract.

A small red date has a strong effect. It is often seen in the prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine, because the red dates have the function of alleviating the medicinal properties. Jujube is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effects of replenishing qi and blood, invigorating the spleen and stomach, and removing wind. It is effective in the treatment of allergic purpura, anemia, hypertension, acute and chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis in patients with increased serum transaminases and the prevention of transfusion reactions. Have ideal effect; Jujube contains triterpenoids and cyclic adenosine phosphate, which have strong anti-cancer and anti-allergic effects; Jujube contains anti-fatigue substances, which can enhance human endurance; Jujube also has reduced toxic substances The effect on liver damage; the flavonoids in jujube have the effect of calming and lowering blood pressure.

What Yunduo wants here is that red dates have the functions of invigorating deficiency and qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach.

The last rock candy has no medicinal value in it, but the clouds are used to adjust the taste. It is considered that children drink it, so I put some rock candy to flavor it.

Yunduo’s digestive tea is an ancient recipe found in space. The effect is very good. Yunduo also has a lot of specially equipped to give to the elderly at home. Generally, the digestive system of the elderly is not very good. Sometimes if you eat too much meat dishes, it will not digest, and it is easy to get high. Blood lipids, and Yunduo's digestion tea is often drunk to avoid these problems. The elderly often eat some meat dishes, which has little effect on the body.

A few minutes later, Yun Duo estimated that it was almost ready to soak, took out a few cups, poured a cup for each child, and at the same time poured a cup for Fang Zhe. She and Fang Zhe don't eat much, but Yun Duo is still used to pouring a cup of tea for her husband.

The light red tea in the white cup revealed the fragrance of rose, and the smell of orange peel was mixed in it, which made people involuntarily take a deep breath. The smell reaches from the nose to the lungs, making people feel fragrant all over the body.

"It smells so good." It was the first time Xiaowen drank this digestion tea, and the first one couldn't help but speak out.

"Hehe, this is my mother made by herself. Drink it quickly. The hot one is better than the cold one." Yun Xi saw Xiaowen's face intoxicated and took a sip from her cup.

After Yun Duo refilled the teapot with water, he put it on the coffee table and ignored them.

The children talked about the delicacy of tonight while drinking tea on the sofa. Xiaowen always remembered to call Li Changtian to ask about the black-back dog, but seeing Yun Chen and Yun Xi excited, he couldn't walk away. Later, I thought about it, and waited before going to bed.

After Yunduo made the digestion tea, he went to the kitchen to clean up. As a result, when people went to the kitchen, Fang Zhe had already cleaned all the pots and pans, and was putting them in the disinfection cabinet for disinfection.

"You put it there, I'll be here soon." Yunduo picked up the rag and wiped off the water stains on the countertop.

"Whoever does it differently will be easy. Besides, there is not much work. You can see that I can make a tea without you." Fang Zhe set the time for the disinfection cabinet and said indifferently.

He thinks that life is very good now. He used to like to make some food. As for who should do the dishes, he never thought that this was Yunduo's alone. Today, if it weren't for the children to eat and support. Then the three little guys are responsible for washing the dishes and tidying up later.

Everyone must participate in the affairs of the family. Only in this way can the family have a sense of belonging and the children can become independent. Don't be a person who "reads only the sages and sages and keeps his ears aside from the window." Only when you are physically industrious, your heart will not be lazy.

Once laziness is cultivated since childhood, it will accompany the child throughout his life. Fortunately, Yun Chen and Yun Xi had to do things at home since they were very young, and Fang Zhe was very relieved of his children.

Yun Duo sees that the kitchen has been cleaned up, and there is nothing else for himself. When Fang Zhe came out of the kitchen with Fang Zhe, Fang Zhe happened to have something to say to Yun Duo, so he pulled Yun Duo into the study.

The children saw that Dao Fangzhe and Yunduo had something to do, and they were almost ready to digest. Yun Chen suggested that everyone go out and walk around in the community. Yun Xi thinks this is a good idea. By the way, if there are friends playing in the community, introduce Xiaowen to them.