Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 139: Reclamation of the New Territories

"Brothers, smash all their cars for me!" On the road in the New Territories, nearly a thousand people were facing each other.

The Lu villagers carried weapons such as steel forks and machetes, while the factory crews carried hammers, shovels and other tools. As for the Lu's Shotguns, they hide behind the crowd, waiting for the crucial moment to play.

Lu Hantao's expression was lean, and he saw that the opponents were different from the past, and he was obviously more confident. I know that if you don't come to be ruthless, the other party will definitely not stop. He simply pulled the towel off his neck and waved it down, and immediately shouted.

"All smashed!" Lu's villagers shouted in unison, dashing towards the opposite side.

"Brothers! Hold on! The director said that one month's salary will be paid for a stand! The injured factory is raised! The family allowance is dead!" At this moment, more than a dozen brothers who followed Uncle Jian brought out of prison began to play the key. effect.

As the people standing in the first row rushed forward, hula la, the employees at the back followed closely.

boom! The two sides collided with each other and started an extremely fierce country fight.

The road was filled with dust, clashing, and shouting from time to time, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

But the villagers didn't seem to be afraid of this, and even the construction crews were not as scared as they thought.

Just kidding, what era is this? This is an era when people can be killed when fighting for water in the countryside! This is the age of thousands of people in the community!

The old brother who had been beheaded didn't take human lives in his eyes, and the construction team was also used to fighting scenes, and the villagers of the Lu family were not afraid to kill a few people! The scenes on both sides are even worse than the "Warring States Period" in the history of the island nation!

As long as the boss says to send money and pay for the settlement, there will be no men who dare not rush!

Of course, if there are no workers who dare to work hard in the factory, ordinary workers may not dare to rush. Only when someone took the lead did they dare to fight.

Of course, there are actually a lot of people in the New Territories in the A cargo factory. In order to maintain the stability of the army, the people who are transferred out this time are all the residents of Kowloon and will not be deceived by the Lu clan in the New Territories.

This shows that it made sense for Zhuang Shikai to let Uncle Jian be the factory director. In this chaotic era, if you don't understand a little bit of illegal operation, you can't get mixed up at all. How to help him keep his foundation? How to help him make his business more and more prosperous.

"Squeak!" At this moment, a van stopped at the intersection. Zhuang Shikai got out of the car and frowned as he watched the horse sunning on the road ahead.

"He is here to help the people in the New Territories create jobs and to promote the development of the New Territories..."

"Isn't the club stalking horses, what are you doing like this?"

"However, this is a better solution!" Zhuang Shikai actually heard the content of Uncle Jian's call before, turned his head and glanced at Uncle Jian, with a smile on his mouth, not to blame Uncle Jian, but to admire him.

"Bang!" Zhuang Shikai stood still, took out his gun, and fired a bullet in the sky.

Suddenly the people fighting on the road stopped, and then they stopped and dispersed.

"Ding! Mission released: Reclaim the New Territories."

"You are for the well-being of the people of the New Territories, and you are looking for the future for the development of the New Territories. Please, with the resistance of the villagers in the New Territories, complete the construction of a new factory and reward 300 points of experience."

Ah, very good! Did not say that he was to make money, he did not say that he was a black-hearted businessman!

The awareness of the system is very good and worthy of praise, but the reward is very stingy. Fortunately, the task is not difficult, so let it be a gift for making money.

Zhuang Shikai stood on the side of the road with his gun, Ma Qiqi from both sides looked at him, and the young and brave Lu Hantao was also looking at him.

What is a young man dragging? What a great police gun? You treat us as New Territories without a gun! A little policeman came to scare us!

"Uncle Jian, big boss!" Ma Qiqi from the factory shouted, while Lu Hantao lowered his face and waved his hand: "Ruan Dan!"

"Kacha!" A sound of pulling the tethered gun sounded, and a mighty tall man charged up with a small group of men and horses. The Lu family’s shotgun team occasionally beats wild boars and hares, and beats people more often.

There are fifteen guns in total, not many, but they are all hidden in private households, and the police cannot find them. They are scary enough to bring them out. If it were not for the 1989 riots, many rifles from the people in the New Territories were confiscated, otherwise the Lu family could use hundreds of guns to fight with people.

"Leave it to me to solve this matter." Zhuang Shikai led Uncle Jian to greet him, walked through the separated crowd, and stood in front of Lu Hantao for the last step and preached: "I am Zhuang Shikai, the owner of the factory, what can I talk about."

"Oh, why should you talk about it? Just rely on a gun in your hand?"

"The land in the New Territories belongs to us people in the New Territories! I don't care how much money you have to pay for the government's land grant, but we only have so little in our hands. Do you still want to occupy our land?"

"I'm telling you! People in the New Territories can only be used by us in the New Territories! We are occupied by you to open factories, and we don't even have any land to grow, so we can only work for you! Fuck you, no talk!"

Lu Hantao broke out swear words, and finally pointed at Zhuang Shikai and cursed: "You have a gun! We have it too!"

"Shoot if you don't get out!"

More than a dozen guns were lowered and aligned horizontally at Zhuang Shikai.

"Boss Zhuang, be careful of the fire." Uncle Jian stepped forward, blocking Zhuang Shikai with half of his body.

"Squeak, squeak." Suddenly seven or eight police cars arrived at the scene, and Lin Guoxiong led a whole team of Kowloon Police Station with the No. 50 crew to the scene. After getting out of the car, he quickly rushed to the mountain, all raised his guns with both hands, and stood in front of Zhuang Shikai ~lightnovelpub.net~ and aimed the guns at the shotgun team.

Zhuang Shikai's expression has not changed, but he stared at Lu Hantao for a long time, and finally recognized who this young man was.

Immediately he suddenly realized: It turned out to be Grandpa Lu when he was young! No wonder it is so influential in the New Territories! Moreover, a person from the New Territories not only regards the New Territories as his family, but he also knows how to occupy the righteousness and buy people's hearts.

"I will introduce myself again. Senior Inspector of Kowloon District, Zhuang Shikai, is also the owner of this factory. Can we talk now?"

Zhuang Shikai stretched out a hand and looked at each other condescendingly all the way. The villagers in the New Territories had riots as early as when the Kowloon police officers were dispatched in large numbers.

Including the fifteen-man shotgun team, all were shocked by the opposing power.

The information in the countryside was closed. At this moment, Lu Hantao suddenly remembered that the name of the new senior inspector in Kowloon was called Zhuang Shikai! This young man in front of me!

At this time, Lu Hantao's face was blue, panting heavily, and he was in a dilemma. Zhuang Shikai smiled and put his arms around his shoulders and preached: "Don't stand still, because the atmosphere is too stiff and it will cause fire."

"When you don’t dare to draw a gun, I dare to draw a gun. When you draw out a dozen guns, I can draw out dozens of them. It won’t end well if you are against me. You don’t want your family brothers in vain. Bleeding? Why don't we sit down and talk about things that are beneficial to the people in the New Territories."

Zhuang Shikai hugged Lu Hantao and walked towards the village. The villagers in the New Territories nearby put down their weapons but did not move.

Lu Hantao got a step down, his expression was much more comfortable, and he walked into the village with Zhuang Shikai.

"You only know how to occupy land in the New Territories."

"When did you do anything beneficial to the people of the New Territories?"

"Guess when Ding Quan will come down?"

Lu Hantao's eyes lit up, and he took Zhuang Shikai into the Lu's ancestral hall.