Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 2: Shoot the lame hao

   "Ding! Mission release: Kill Wu Shihao." Zhuang Shikai put down the photo, and a golden Rolex on his wrist flashed a reflection. It was not dazzling, but it flashed just right through his eyes.

   This is a wonderful effect every time the "Super Power Watch" releases a task, Zhuang Shikai can know the details of the task as long as he moves his mind.

   The team can get 300 experience for killing Wu Shihao, and 500 experience for killing Wu Shihao by hand.

   Now Zhuang Shikai’s level is level 4. From level one to level four, each level corresponds to an increase of 100 points of experience. If you want to reach level 5, you need 500 points of experience. If he could kill Wu Shihao himself in this task, he would be able to directly upgrade to a level and gain an attribute point.

   Lard's eyes swept across the plainclothes in front of him, his cheeks trembled and said: "In the evening, Shihao Wu has a birthday banquet at the Dafuhao Restaurant. It is seven o'clock and you can set off."

   "Yes, Brother Zai." Twenty Chaozhou police officers responded loudly. Zhuang Shikai mixed in the crowd and walked out of the gun room with the crowd.


   "Are we really going to kill Brother Hao?" Five black cars were driving on the road, and a plainclothes police officer sat behind and asked in a loud voice.

  Another police officer looked disdainful, and raised his mouth to preach: "What Brother Hao? When Luo Brother praised him, he was called Brother Hao. If Luo Brother didn't praise him, he was just a lame man."

   Cai Yuanqi, who is in charge of driving, also intervened: "Everyone pay attention to safety at night. We are making Wu Shihao's birthday a day of death, not a day of death for himself."

  The atmosphere in the car suddenly became a bit heavy. After all, everyone was originally in military uniform. Although they performed well in their respective police stations and learned firearms during police training, they inevitably felt pressure to implement shooting operations.

   There is no way, the bullet has no eyes, and there are many horses around Wu Shihao. This thing is not easy to do beautifully, but Luo Ge sent a total of 20 plainclothes to do the job. As long as the action is agile, the opportunity should be great.

   Zhuang Shikai was holding a red invitation card in his hand, sitting in the co-pilot and flicked his fingers. Fortunately, today is not his birthday, otherwise it would be really unlucky for his birthday to become an anniversary of death.


   Big Rich is the most popular restaurant in Causeway Bay. It was opened by Wu Shihao eight years ago. When it was built, it was on the fourth floor. The year before last, it was built with two floors. Now it is a six-story tall building.

   There is an observation deck and wooden fence on the sixth floor. The big people can stand under the neon lights of the rich, smoke a cigar, and watch the busy traffic and feasting of Causeway Bay.

   Five black cars stopped at an intersection in Causeway Bay. Zhuang Shikai and the others got off in one file and walked to the Da Fu Hao Restaurant in the middle of the street. Wu Shihao's birthday banquet was naturally held in his own restaurant.

   A police officer surnamed Jiang was responsible for leading the operation. After he came to the door of the rich man, he handed the invitation card to the welcome guest in front of him: "One, thank you."

   "A guest, twelve tables on the sixth floor." The welcome guest dressed in Tang suit shouted loudly.

Police Constable   jiang took a few steps forward, and a "Yiqun" Ma Tsai wearing a black shirt stopped him and started a body search for him.

   "What is this?" The black horse found a pistol from his waist.

   Police Officer Jiang's expression remained unchanged: "I'm a errand, it's normal to carry a gun."

"Awang, you help the police officer keep the gun." Hei Ma Tsai took a look at him and handed the gun to a subordinate next to him. Police Officer Jiang immediately reached for the gun and drew the trigger at the black Ma Tsai's forehead: "boom!"

   "Go!" Police Officer Jiang yelled, and 20 plainclothes agents drew their guns at 3.8 and rushed into the rich man's restaurant.

   Zhuang Shikai followed everyone behind, cursing wildly in his heart: "Trash! Trash!"

The gun on    was checked out, and it was entirely possible to find a way, such as temporarily handing over the pistol, letting everyone enter the restaurant one by one, and finally sending a few more people to grab the gun. Or even without a gun, Wu Shihao was directly beaten to death with his fist.

   Such an outrageous shooting is tantamount to the worst decision. However, since the matter has developed to the present, it is really only possible to initiate a brutal force killing!

   A group of police officers fired one after another, and after shooting down a few horses who came forward to stop them, they dashed all the way to the sixth floor, killing more than a dozen Yiqun horses in the meantime.

   Born in this chaotic era, all the citizens of Hong Kong have long practiced the magical skills of getting down and drilling under the table. When the gunshots sounded, the guests and waiters in the restaurant had quickly got down and got under the table.

   Zhuang Shikai rushed to the sixth floor and saw Wu Shihao holding a cane, and with a ding sound, he lit a cigar in his mouth with a lighter, and Ying Shi Lang Gu looked down at them.

   is different from the lower floors filled with guests. On the ten round tables on the sixth floor, there is only a large group of horses dressed in black shirts and showing fierce colors.

   The horses opened their black shirts, revealing their white vests, and there was a black star pistol stuck in their waist.

   "Ding." Wu Shihao covered the lighter, spit out a puff of smoke, and held up the crutches one step earlier: "Did Lei Luo let you kill me!"

   After Wu Shihao’s initial silence, UU reading www.uukanshu.com burst into a huge roar: "One world, two brothers! He wants you to kill me now?"

   Cai Yuanqi, Police Constable Jiang and others faced Wu Shihao's powerful aura with guns in their hands. They were still panicked, and they stood there without moving for a while. But no matter how Wu Shihao roared, Zhuang Shikai knew what to do now and took the lead in raising the police gun in his hand.

   "Bang!" Zhuang Shikai shot out a bullet, and immediately turned sideways and leaped to the back of a wooden screen.

   "Kill them!" Wu Shihao roared, and the gunmen in the court drew their guns together and quickly pulled the trigger: "Boom!"

   A rain of bullets swept across, and screams, roars, and fighting sounds suddenly sounded. Zhuang Shikai leaned his back against the screen, held the gun in both hands, quickly reached out his head, and quickly retracted.

   When he closed his head, he snapped, and the screen in front of his cheek had been cut by a bullet.

   Fortunately, the wooden screen is made of solid materials and is used to highlight the extravagance of the setting. At first glance, it is seven or eight meters long and more than two inches thick, and ordinary bullets cannot penetrate it temporarily.

   And in the just glance, he has quickly locked Wu Shihao's figure, knowing that Wu Shihao is under the protection of several horses, and quickly withdraws to an exit.

   Never let Wu Shihao go! Zhuang Shikai closed his eyes and started counting the time in his mind. After he finished counting four times, he shot the probe on the right side immediately!


   The picture seemed to freeze, a bullet passed through a figure, and finally passed through the gap between two bodyguards, hitting Wu Shihao's heart!

   This power struggle in the eyes of black and white is a simple fight against crime in Zhuang Shikai's eyes! He is a policeman! Let's kill first!