Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 210: Search the manor (one/five)

That evening.

Zhuang Shikai returned from the Kowloon Police Station and was having dinner in the manor mansion.

Two cars parked at the entrance of the manor, Huo Qilin dressed in a suit, pushed the door and got out of the car, and looked up at the gate of the manor mansion.

I saw that the gate was a circular arch, and the two characters "Manor" were carved on the stone wall next to it. It was traditional in black and magnificent.

Luxury houses on Hong Kong Island have the habit of naming and engraving.

"Manor" is no exception.

Two simple black characters carved on the stone wall can't help revealing the style of a wealthy family.


Huo Qilin straightened his collar, squinted his eyes, holding a court search warrant in his hand, and his expression was very serious.

"Go and ring the doorbell."

Huo Qilin said aloud, Han Zhibang nodded, and walked to the arch to press the doorbell.

There are a total of eight people in group a, and they look solemn at the moment, all of them are here.

This is the first time that icac has attacked the "Four Inspectors" in a formal operation.

Although it was only an investigation and evidence collection, the significance behind it was extremely significant. It represented the struggle between the two sides to a higher level, and actively involved the highest level of both sides, reaching the point where the sword saw the sword.

What's more, if you want to act on the "Four Inspectors", you must act carefully and cautiously.

Fire Qilin had the courage to dare to come.

"Ding-dang, ding-dang."

Bells rang in the front yard and the nanny room at the same time.

A servant heard Ling's voice and hurried to the arch.

"May I ask if there are any invitations from the host family..."

The maid asked aloud.

Huo Qilin raised the search warrant and raised his eyebrows and said, "Does the court search warrant count as an invitation?"

"Open the door!"

"You can't stop me..."

Seeing the court stamp on the search warrant, the maid showed a frightened expression and cooperated to open the iron door.

No way, the servants of the manor are a crowd with a certain level of confidence, but they are essentially a group of nanny.

They are timid in the face of the icac, who is full of horses and horses.

After all, the servants know what the boss does.

At this time, Huo Qilin held the court search warrant, which was indeed very deterrent.

Manor servants can maintain their confidence against ordinary wealthy and bureaucrats, but it is difficult to face icac.

This is the performance of ordinary servants.

There is no need to demand too much.

After the maid opened the iron door, she bowed and politely.


The main family dines in the manor. If the main family wants to drive people, they will naturally speak.

If the main house is not there, they would never open the door.

This is an important reason.

Investigators such as Huo Qilin and Han Zhibang followed the maid, raised their heads, and stepped on the stone road in the front yard.

Don't look at each of them with their certificates hanging on them, their expressions are serious, but for the first time when they came to the famous mansion in Hong Kong and entered the mansion, they were still a little shocked.

"This manor is luxurious."

"Oh shit…"

"The guy surnamed Zhuang doesn't know how much money is greedy..."

"I heard that he started from scratch and still has a big business outside..."

"Can you earn so much by doing the right thing? It's so funny!"

A group of native roe deer who have never seen the world are slandering a certain pretty boy in their hearts, causing a certain pretty boy to be stuffed between his teeth with rice when he eats, and suddenly feel that the shark fin and abalone in front of him are tasteless and ordinary.

"big boss."

"A visitor who claims to be the Independent Commission Against Corruption came in with a court search warrant in his hand and has already reached the front yard."

At this time, a housekeeper bowed her head and walked to the table, carefully controlled the distance of the conversation, and said to Zhuang Shikai with her head down.

Amei sat opposite Zhuangzi, could hear a little movement, put down her chopsticks, and turned her gaze to Zhuangzi.

Zhuang Shikai nodded, picked up the tea cup at hand and said, "Call Miss Shalena over."

"Within ten minutes."

The housekeeper replied softly: "Good Chuangsheng."

The ICAC wants to investigate a senior inspector, and it is a very unwise choice to rely on confession to pull someone out.

Huo Qilin brought people to the door, apparently trying to search for evidence.

After all, the court search warrant is in your hand.

As for the confession of Huo Qilin from which Pujie? Yesterday, he pulled a large number of police officers back, with high or low levels, which is tantamount to "death and no evidence" and cannot be investigated.

In the case of a search, according to the ICAC's several law enforcement regulations, the money income must be searched first.

Because there is a problem with the "money income" of the survey target, this is the most favorable situation for the ICAC.

On the contrary, the ICAC basically has no right to investigate crimes such as murder and homicide.

The power of investigation in this regard is in the hands of the police.

Therefore, it is necessary for him to call Shalena over.

Of course, the ICAC can also pull people directly by relying on confessions.

But the four detectives don't want face? Huo Qilin's daring to enter the home of the four inspectors does not mean that he dared to take the four inspectors out of the house.

Because the prestige and strength of the ICAC are still poor, Zhuang Shikai is not afraid of these moths.

If the ICAC really wants to take him away, then take a trip to see how the Kowloon brothers quarrel and how the ICAC will end up.

"Inspector Zhuang, long time no see."

At this time, Huo Qilin walked into the building with his horses and greeted Zhuang Shikai with a smile.

"Ha ha."

Zhuang Shikai took a sip of tea, smiled, and then turned his eyes to him and said: "I said just now why I stuck my teeth with cold water, so you are here?"

"Don't say that, Sir Zhuang, I have always respected you."

"Because I know that you and Luo are different, you are a caring person..." Huo Qilin was polite, and then picked up the search warrant in his hand and said aloud: "Chief Zhuang should not mind asking my brothers to check Right?"

"Check it out."

"Just don't disturb me eating." Zhuang Shikai put down the tea cup and picked up the chopsticks again.

Huo Qilin nodded slightly, and immediately nodded to the subordinate next to him. Han Zhibang and others immediately dispersed, put on white gloves while walking, and began to search the mansion carefully according to the special training subjects, never letting go of a corner.

Zhuang Shikai really moved his chopsticks again and continued to eat.

Ami is also much more mature, wearing a floral skirt with no fear on her face.

Raised in everybody’s house, you will naturally develop the temperament of everybody’s hostess.

Live and move gas, raise and move body.

This sentence is not just talking, but very true.

Huo Qilin came closer, held a chair next to the dining table with both hands, looked around the seemingly simple meals, and then said not simply: "Zhuang Sir eats really well."

"Abalone, shark fin, sea urchin tofu~lightnovelpub.net~ Zhuang Shikai said plainly.

"Tired of eating."

"Would you like to sit down and eat some?"

"I remember you love to eat free meals."

This is the dark history of digging the fire of the unicorn, to make the face of the unicorn.

Although the relationship between the two was kind before, it has been a hostile relationship that has no room since Huo Qilin stepped into the manor mansion today.

I saw Huo Qilin twitching at the corners of his mouth and smiled forcefully: "Hehehe, I heard that yesterday, Sir Zhuang, you, Brother Luo and Brother Gang, visited Chief Yan's house."

"I can come to my house next time. I will prepare good food for you, and I am a little bit grateful. Thank you for your previous care."

"I don't eat ingot candles." I just listened to Zhuang Shikai eating a chopsticks and shark fin preaching.