Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 213: Whoever messes with my brother must be k

Fire Qilin withdrew from the manor mansion with great fanfare.

Zhuang Shikai stood alone, holding a cigar in his hand. The cigar was spontaneously burning and smoking. Amei and Shalena waited quietly next to him, killing the secret cloth in the air.

Fire Qilin's trick is extraordinary.

It's not absolutely Zhuang Shikai.

He is absolutely extinct!

That's right, icac brought people to the manor mansion and couldn't avoid Luo Ge's eyes and ears. And Luo Ge will also pay close attention to his follow-up, after all, he is the first senior inspector to be investigated.

But you think you can force Zhuang Shikai to Liangshan by leaving with the information, spreading some rumors, and pulling a few groups of people back to prove it? Hehe, Huo Qilin is Xiao Sha on display. He only has the courage and means to do things, but he doesn't have a vision of the overall situation.

This trick may be very useful to deal with gangsters and young and Dangerous. But who is Inspector Zhuang? A senior inspector who can talk to Lei Luo on an equal footing, he has many ways to stabilize the situation.

No matter how many rumors Huo Qilin spread, Luo Ge would not dare to touch him! As soon as he moved him, the police force would be upset!

However, this trick is very insidious.

Because the human heart is most afraid of doubt, when a seed of doubt is planted, it will slowly take root.

Especially in the current situation in full swing, seeds are easy to grow wildly.

But Zhuang Shikai had a ruthless move that could dispel all Luo Ge's suspicions.

"You are too smart."

"Thinking to play a card out of nothing would be very frustrating."

"Do you know there is a card called invulnerability?"

Zhuang Shikai picked up his cigar again, turned around and walked to the table and cabinet, and dialed Luo Ge's number.


"Brother Luo."

The phone was quickly connected, and Miss Bai's voice rang from the other side.


Zhuang Shikai grabbed it and put on a smile, preaching in a kind tone: "Sister-in-law, I'm Zhuangzi, look for Brother Luo."


"Zhuangzi, wait a moment."

Miss Bai put the phone down gently, and after more than twenty seconds, Lei Luo answered the phone.

"Zhuangzi, what are you looking for?"

"I haven't finished my meal yet"

Luo Ge's voice is more relaxed, but there is also a kind of calmness.

He must have known that icac had been to the manor house, so he was not surprised when Zhuang Shikai called.

But, do you think Zhuang Tsai came to call to explain the situation? That approach is too weak! Zhuang Shikai will use the most powerful answer to prove his position and eliminate the invisible tricks of Huo Qilin.

Just listen to Zhuang Shikai saying: "Brother Luo! I want to chase the Qilin out! I want him to die!"


"Zhuangzi, what happened?"

Lei Luo's tone was full of surprises. I didn't expect Zhuang Shikai to be so murderous tonight. This is not the usual sunny and cheerful Zhuangzi.

Immediately, before Zhuang Tsai could answer, Lei Luo asked with a deep face, "Is Huo Qilin saying something bad!"

"Or did he move your woman?"

"No! No!" Zhuang Shikai vetoed over the phone, and said murderously: "Those who mess with my brother! Than kill them!"

"Chaos my brother! Compare and kill him!" These words rang on the phone, and Leiluo was touched and understood immediately, and immediately understood what Huo Qilin was going to do.

At this moment, Lei Luo also replied clearly and forcefully: "For the brothers: trust each other in life and death, save auspiciousness and life; fortune and misfortune depend on each other, help each other in adversity, and those who mess with my brother by outsiders, compare and kill!

"I'm the elder brother, leave this to me." After Lei Luo finished speaking, he immediately put down the phone, went to the study aggressively, and dialed the number with another phone.

People are in charge, meaning words take the lead.

The word brother in Zhuang Shikai's mouth clearly shows the brotherhood in his heart.

That strong murderous spirit sounds like a strong friendship to Lei Luo!

tmd, Huo Qilin, this horrible boy who dares to mess up my brother's relationship with a plan, I must make you die miserably!

At this time, Lei Luo was angry and moved, especially driven by such fierce feelings, and didn't want Zhuang Shikai to see blood in his hands when the situation was critical.

Even more chaotic, Lei Luo has been ready to do things a long time ago.

In the future, who would say that Zhuangzi treats him twice, he is the first to kill him!

"Little Vietnam, do things!" Lei Luo dialed the phone in the study and said...

On the other side, Huo Qilin was sitting in the car, squeezing his fists, a string in his heart tense tight.

Since the battle between icac and the police force, icac members have been in danger all the time. In particular, senior staff such as Yan Guoliang and Huo Qilin.

However, since Huo Qilin decided to raise his head and leave today, his heart was full of enthusiasm not to hit the south wall.

When he discovered that Zhuang Shikai's work was impervious, he knew that ordinary methods could not help this young and high-ranking senior inspector.

So Huo Qilin would come up with an extraordinary move.


This trick is bad and vulgar, but it is definitely not a bad idea.

On the contrary, this trick is the best policy, the best policy.

Because at this time it is the best policy to have a plan!

It’s better than spreading out your hands...

Now fight who is better.

After all, the strategy depends on the target...

Huo Qilin is by no means a smart person.

Don't mention the comparison with Zhuang Shikai, even if it is compared with Li Shutang, it is not smart.

Do you think Li Shutang confessed to the ICAC? No, Li Shutang's simple action contains two very complicated extensions.

First of all, he hid among a group of police officers, there is no risk of exposure, he is already invincible.

Secondly, there is indeed a chance that there is a lot of black money in the manor house.

Because many big bosses have the habit of keeping cash or keeping transaction records.

Give icac an excuse, icac really found the most correct, then he is the hero who surrendered anyway, he must not die, but also take the opportunity to take down the "four detectives" headed by Luo Ge, then he will be supported by the Shanghai Gang. , Is the most dazzling new star in the police world.

This is the first, and the second is the failure of the ICAC search. Zhuang Shikai will launch a counterattack against the ICAC. If the ICAC makes any wrong actions through this action, he can change his body and become the one who actively lured the ICAC to go wrong. The hero of the police force has a chance to make a comeback under Inspector Zhuang.

The last time, it was also that the police continued to bite each other.

He still survived the police turmoil safely, and continued to wait for the next chance to recover.


Sitting in the interrogation room, Li Shutang drank a sip of coffee. There was an extraordinary look in his eyebrows.

He is indeed a brilliant talent.

Not necessarily the brightest, but he can see the wind in the big waves and fiddle with the situation in the room.

Li Shutang lowered his head after drinking coffee.



"Sir Yan, I'm off work first." At Hutchison Building, Huo Qilin brought people back to the ICAC with the information, filed the information, and then packed up and left work. He bumped into Yan Guoliang in the corridor and greeted him aloud.

The information I got back is nothing to look at. The next operation will be carried out tomorrow. Of course, I am going home to sleep.

Han Zhibang and other team members are also ready to leave work.

Yan Guoliang took the cigarette and nodded, and preached, "Slow down on the road, pay attention to safety."

"Ha ha."

"Who dares to move me!"

"I'm Huo Qilin!" Huo Qilin smiled and walked down the stairs indifferently.

Yan Guoliang laughed lightly and watched Huo Qilin leave and return to the office.

When he sat down in the office, he suddenly realized why he had to say "pay attention to safety". He usually only says "slow down on the road" to greet colleagues when he gets off work, and he never says "pay attention to safety".

This gave Yan Guoliang a bad premonition. If there was a mobile phone in this era, he would definitely call Huo Qilin and ask him to be more careful.

It is a pity that there is no telephone in this era, and Huo Qilin will not be able to contact him for a while after get off work. So Yan Guoliang suppressed the thoughts in his heart and stopped thinking too much, hoping that he was thinking too much.

"Sir Deng went to check Zhuang Shikai today. I am more worried that something is normal, and there should be nothing wrong." Yan Guoliang knocked on the desk and continued to work.

Huo Qilin stopped a taxi at the bottom of the Hutchison Building.

"Tixi! Stop!"

Huo Qilin stretched out his arms and waved vigorously, still yelling with a cigarette in his mouth.

Since the ICAC can reimburse the taxi for commuting to and from get off work, Huo Qilin will take a taxi back home from the downstairs of the Hutchison Building every day after get off work.

And he was a little mad, his favorite exaggerated posture, and his yelling voice stopped the car. If the taxi didn't stop, he would catch up two steps, or rush into the road to **** the driver's mother.

He didn't have this habit in the police station before, because the ICAC gave him the habit.

Moreover, because there are few license plates for vehicles operating on Hong Kong Island, every driver is very temperamental. He often has to stop three or five vehicles before the driver will park him.

Today, Huoqilin was lucky. The first passing car pulled over and pushed the door.

So Huo Qilin dangled a cigarette, opened the door, and got into the car cursingly.

"If you are acquainted, if you don't park me, I will **** your whole family to death."

Huo Qilin dang his cigarette and moved his mouth.

At this time, he was sitting in the back row sorting out his suit, but as he sorted out, there was a constant stream of soot falling on the suit.

The driver looked at him from the rearview mirror and did not speak at all, then started the car and left.

"Go to Queens Road."

Huoqilin reported a place name without realizing that the car door had been locked by the driver.

"Why are there still people in the car?"

At this time, the person sitting in the co-pilot moved around, revealing an khaki jacket shoulder toward the back.

Huo Qilin saw a person sitting alone in the co-pilot, and immediately complained a little unpleasantly.

Although carpooling in Hong Kong is just commonplace now, how can you not share a car if you want to make a taxi? But Huo Qilin always felt that carpooling was not worthy of his identity, so he was naturally upset.

The co-pilot "guest" heard Huo Qilin's complaint, and did not say it, but sat obediently, intending to send Huo Qilin the last part of the road.

The taxi drove across Pedder Road, entered Huanhai Road, and headed towards the Star Ferry Pier.

When the taxi was traveling along Huanhai Road, Huoqilin suddenly realized from the scenery outside the window that it was wrong, and pulled the door with his hands, but only a "click" sounded.

"Fuck, you are not the way to Queen's Road! Where are you going to send me!" The car door could not be opened, and Huo Qilin suddenly realized that it was wrong, roared frantically, and sank his heart to the bottom.

On the road, the other three taxis approached the taxis, protected the taxis in the middle, and cut off all the way for Huo Qilin.

The man in the yellow jacket sitting on the passenger car grabbed his head, revealing a Vietnamese face that looks like a monkey, looking at him bloodthirstyly, and preaching in proficient Cantonese: "Send you to death!"

"Wow!" Huo Qilin got up furious, grabbing the seat to get up and start his hands.

"Heh." Viet Nam raised his muzzle, exposed a pistol in his hand, and spoke directly with the muzzle, successfully blocking Huo Qilin's mouth, and let Huo Qilin sit quietly, waiting for the vehicle to drive to the dock.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh teaching by for by a sea breeze which can be heard inside the vehicle

Huo Qilin squeezed his hands tightly, and his nails were already pierced into flesh and blood.

The Vietnamese boy suddenly said before the vehicle arrived at the pier: "Luo Goto, I will bring you a word."

"What are you talking about?"

"Whoever messes with my brother must be killed!"

Huo Qilin suddenly looked up, and the Vietnamese boy looked cold.

At this moment, Huo Qilin instantly understood his stupidity. The Vietnamese killer who was in charge of driving, with his hands on the steering wheel, even said in bad Cantonese: "If you mess with my brother, you will kill him!"

On a dark and windy night this month, soon, four rented cars stopped at the Star Ferry Terminal simultaneously. A total of ten killers pushed the door and walked out of the taxi, and ten guns were aimed at the car door.

Huoqilin pushed the car door slightly stagnant, and stepped out of the car with a faint expression on his eyebrows.

He had just got out of the car when a Vietnamese boy suddenly took out a sack and covered half of his body.

A Vietnamese boy pushed hard and pushed the Huo Qilin back a few steps.

Ten Vietnamese boys stood on the wharf in a row, raising their guns to execute the sentence.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A series of loud gunfire sounded at the dock.

The ten Vietnamese boys seemed to have been specially taught a Cantonese sentence. When they opened fire, they shouted in unison: "If you mess with my brother, you will kill him!"

The Cantonese in their mouths is really cramped, but it is really murderous and frightening.

After more than a dozen shots, Huo Qilin hit Huo Qilin, and Huo Qilin retreated and then retreated. The sack on his body was smashed by bullets, a thick blood donation appeared, and his footsteps gradually weakened.


The Vietnamese boy who took the lead took off the sack, looked at Huo Qilin's body, and threw Huo Qilin into the sea.


Not a single spray splashed.

The corpse throwing technique of Vietnamese aberdeen is perfect.



Someone finished ahead of time.

The order of the ICAC's attack on the street has undergone a wonderful change.

The Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption lay on the bed at home and couldn't sleep all night~lightnovelpub.net~ Zhuang Shikai received a series of system prompts at home.

"Ding! The mission is complete: the blood red unicorn."

"Experience reward 300."

After Zhuang Shikai finished calling Luo Ge, he received a task prompt from the system.

This wave of Sao operation by Huo Qilin is a bit sly, Sao to Da Jin Lao all expressed their approval, and there is reward experience in publishing tasks.

Hearing the system prompt, Zhuang Shikai felt completely relieved and picked up Amei, who was curled up on the sofa watching TV, and went upstairs to sleep.

Ami's white jumpsuits are really comfortable to the touch, especially the dresses that drift with the wind, and the air flow can flow from the chest along the skirt and at the bottom of the skirt. As long as you close the curtains and the white silk nightdress, you don't have to take it off. Two magic claws sticking in is an underwear of interest.

Amei put her arms around her boyfriend's neck, and saw Zhuang Tsai's interest, and she narrowed her eyes with a smile, her charming color was sweet.