Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 270: Catch the chicken


"O Ji just sweeps our place, but there is no sweeping place."

"Buffalo must be being cocked!"

Big D stepped on the side of the chair with one foot, holding the tea stack in his hand, and screamed across his feet.

Lin Huaile looked at Longgen, and said in a deep voice: "Chungji told me that a batch of new girls had arrived in the afternoon, and Ruanfancao asked him to try the bell."


"He may be late, but he shouldn't be late on purpose."

Long Gen did not speak.

Big D once again showed an unhappy expression and shouted: "Why do you say that O Ji will sweep our place, not sweep the chicken place?"

The tall guy next to him said with a smile: "The bad guy also wants to relax..."

"If O's mind swept the stables every day, the guys would not be in the mood to do things...it would be even more funny if they caught their own person! Hahaha!" The tall guy slapped the table and laughed wildly.

Lin Huaile felt unusual in her heart, but she couldn't find evidence for a while, and she couldn't tell the boss about it.

After all, they can't make money with their tangkou, and it is a good thing that they can make money with their tangkou.

He went to the gangster alone for advice. If the gangster asked Chuuji to shut down the business of the stalls and continue to do regular massages, Chuuji would think that he was deliberately cutting off his own money, and it would be even more troublesome.

A smart person is a smart person and will never take the initiative to ask for trouble.

Lin Huaile just reminded Buffalo to pay attention in private.

He said it was good, but he didn't seem to care about it, and he didn't even forget to test the bell.

As for the big D's arrogance in the meeting, and Liansheng's hall masters have long been used to it.

Because Heliansheng is a club that eats brains and money, everyone is good at doing business, but there are not many that can really fight. The five tigers of the East Star, the four kings of Hongxing, and the five good generals of the Ni family, you will know how powerful others are.

But there is only the "big D" that can play against the league, so the big D can be regarded as the pillar of the league, and everyone can tolerate the arrogance.

Long Gen was slightly displeased by the noise of the hall masters, frowned, raised his hand and glanced at his watch, patted the table and preached: "Alright!"


"We won't wait for him!"

The hall masters all sat down, quietly waiting for the hall to speak.


Queen's Road.

A six-story rental building.

The entire sixth floor was rented by He Liansheng, which was divided into more than 60 rooms.

And a pink light sign of "Dream Xiangjiang" was hung outside the window of the building.

This is the largest horse stall on Hong Kong Island! That is, the "chicken coop"!

Although, in many nearby buildings, there are hundreds of stalls with signs of massage shops.

But in terms of service and quality, Dream Xiangjiang is a well-known and well-received company.

Of course, in addition to the rooms, this building also has multiple exits, but the maps have already been betrayed by the twenty-five boys, and the police found them clearly.

Just as Cao Dahua knows the cups of every lady.

"Boss, go slowly!"

"Welcome to come back next time!"

At this time, several women in short skirts with suspenders sent the guests out of the gate.

Several prostitutes with cigarettes walked down the building refreshedly.

The police officers glanced at them, and passed by them, and there was no disturbance for the time being.


"Form a group to whoring!"

A prostitute broke out a foul language.

Zhuang Shikai glared at him sideways, and the client immediately stopped.

The several clubs, Ma Tsai, who were venturing downstairs, had already been taken down by the police in advance.


In the dozens of compartments on the sixth floor of the building, there were waves of seductive and utterly utterly depressing voices. This is the voice of heaven in the ears of men and the voice of heaven in the ears of women.

Food and sex, regardless of men and women, can not escape a word "desire".

However, because there were two or five young men who reported the letter in advance, Zhuang Shikai had divided the police officer O's into three groups, and one of them was to conduct a frontal search with him. The two groups of men and horses were led by Yuan Haoyun and Li Cangdong and set up ambushes in two escape routes.

When Zhuang Shikai walked to the fifth floor, he smelled a breath on the tip of his nose, which was unique to the horse stalls.

With a move of the nose of an old prostitute, you can smell that the horse here is not young.

Zhuang Shikai's nose moved slightly, and he immediately smelled the smell of sixteen.

Pooh! These are all conjectures! In fact, he didn't smell anything. Instead, he covered his nose with his hands. It felt stinky inside. It was not his favorite place at all.

At this time, "Cao Dahua" in the horse stall was sitting on the chair behind the counter, holding a salty wet magazine produced by "Shixing Group", planning to popularize some new postures for the ladies based on the popular science knowledge in the magazine.

No one in Hong Kong knows that the "biological science popularization" produced by "Shixing" is a salty wet magazine!

"Da brother!"

"It doesn't seem to be right outside!" Cao Dahua was flipping through the magazine with relish, when a horse suddenly ran to the opposite stage and said.

Several horses sitting next to the guests, immediately stood up and looked at Cao Dahua warily.

"What's the matter?" Cao Dahua closed the magazine, but he knew it was the Zhuang Ye who started to act. It's just two or five boys, and they must know how to position themselves, with an expression that doesn't know anything on their face.

Ma Tsai replied: "There are a few cars downstairs that are not right, and the brothers who parked are gone."

"I dare not go down."

"Fear of bad guys coming to sweep the field."

In the past few days, there has been a lot of turmoil on the road, and the horses are also frightened to death.

What's more, the Ma Zi who can come to work in the horse stalls, that is, the small employees in the club, can't even count as playing children. Naturally, they are not courageous enough, and all of them are very embarrassed.

"Dad brother."

"Or else?" The horse stalls can be closed in advance. Only three or five minutes after a notice, the evidence can be destroyed, and the guests can be withdrawn in seven or eight minutes. To be reasonable, it's really hard to catch them without two or five boys.

Cao Dahua frowned and asked aloud: "Brother Chuuji is still in the interview clock! How do you tell me to close my work?"

"If you are surprised by Brother Chuanji! I will be cut off!"

Ma Tsai lowered his head and stopped talking.

Cao Dahua went on to say: "Wen Xizi, you go to the lady's room and take those horses out first..."

"Xiang Xizi, you go knock on the door to tell other guests to stop work..."

"Duckling King, you go to the door of the boss's room and wait..."

"Don't move! The police handle the case! All get down!" Cao Dahua was preparing to make some pretense arrangements to wash away some suspicions after he escaped. Zhuang Shikai was already wearing a uniform, and led a group of police officers into the stallion and shouted loudly.

"Wen Xi Zi! To Xi Zi! Run!" Cao Dahua roared suddenly, then overturned the cabinet in front of him, then ran and jumped, rushing towards the corridor.

"Fuck! Don't run!" A team of guys had knocked down all the horses at the door, and the remaining team rushed towards the lady's room on the left. Zhuang Shikai had a rare reaction to take a slower shot first. Cao Dahua shouted, and then led the guys to catch up.

At this moment, there was movement outside, and the sound of panic, screaming, and hurried dressing immediately sounded in each room.

"Oh shit!"

"Didn't you say that the relationship is hard enough?"

"Mother Diulei! You will be arrested when you come out?"

"do not care!"

"I'll talk about it after this cannon!"

The guests behaved differently.

The responses of the ladies also have their own characteristics.

In a luxurious big bed room at the end of the corridor, Chuanji suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the movement, pushed the girl in front of him away, and reached for the shirt beside the bed.

"Boss! Go away!"

"Boss! Go away!"

Cao Dahua suddenly stopped at the door of the room and yelled inside, for fear that the police did not know that the chicken was in the room. Then after the two shouts were over, he immediately ran forward.

Chuanji was deeply moved in the room, and he said that he was my leader, and he didn't forget to call me when he ran away.

But just as Buffalo was about to put on his clothes, Zhuang Shikai lifted his foot, kicked out his leather shoes, and kicked the door of the room open.

"Blow the chicken!"

"You are suspected of organizing MY! Assaulting girls!"

"You're done!"

Zhuang Shikai stood by the door and shouted angrily.

Several guys pounced directly on the bed, and threw the puffy chicken in shorts on the bed.

Zhuang Shikai glanced in the room, saying that being young is good, and the skin is tender, then he took off his suit, walked to the side with a righteous expression, and said to the little sister: "Put it on."

"Yes, sir." The little sister of Yiguwanqiang put on her clothes and bowed her head shyly to thank.

I don't know why, she was originally afraid of the police, but after seeing the handsome, tall, gentle and considerate police officer, she suddenly stopped being afraid.

Chuanji was lying on the bed. The police officer pressed his head with his hands, his cheeks pressed against the sheets, and his whole body trembling loudly shouted: "Master! Let me go! Master! Please let me go! "

He knew very well what the crime of prostitution, the crime of organizing MY, and the crime of assault on young girls meant.

Among them, the crime of prostitution is equal to zero, even if the elders of the community are afraid of this?

The crime of organizing MY can be brought to a lawsuit by a lawyer.

He is not the legal person in charge of the premises, and he can easily get rid of him if he finds a horse to talk back.

But the violation of the girl is caught in the act!

This is absolutely inseparable!

And assaulting a girl is the heaviest of the three crimes!

A harsher sentence can be sentenced to more than ten years!

When he comes out, the arena is no longer a arena!

"Hehe~lightnovelpub.net~ Buffalo? From last week to the scene, I have let you go. How can I let you go this time?" Zhuang Shikai sneered and walked in a few steps. Step on a leather shoe on the head of the bed, then bend down and pat the shoulder of the chicken.

Chuanji immediately frightened, struggling to say: "Sorry Lord Zhuang! I'm sorry! Lord Zhuang!"

"If you say I'm sorry it's useful, why do you want the police?" Zhuang Shikai pulled on his tie, and then smiled: "Do you know that I am not only holding your stalls! There are more than forty stalls in front of you! Each stall has There are district police stations to cooperate in action!"

"And the code name of this joint operation is called'catch the chicken action'!" Zhuang Shikai glanced at the lower part of the cock, and asked sarcastically: "Do you know what is called the **** catching action?"

"It's just to see if you can use it in the future!" Zhuang Shikai looked fierce, picked up the ashtray next to him, and suddenly slammed the lower part of Chuanji.

"Ah!" There was a stern cry in the room, and the expression of blowing chicken instantly turned pale!