Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 273: Black power

"it is good!"

Dunber said a word.

Raise your leg to the next step.

Long Gen raised his eyes and continued to look at Deng Bo.

Deng Bo walked down the stairs and continued.

"The club was killed."

"It's not a solution to fight, but it's not a solution to not fight."

"You did the right thing."

"It just happened to stand on the opposite side of Zhuangye."

Long Gen nodded slightly and thought, he knew that Dun Bo was bribing him.

In fact, his bribery method was correct, even very clever, which was also recognized by Dunber.

Unfortunately, Zhuang Shikai refused to agree, and used a strong cleaning to show his attitude. This gave Longgen the feeling of flattering and patting on the horse's legs.

But is Longgen really to blame? No wonder, everything comes from Zhuang Shikai's personal position! Lord Zhuang wants to beat them! I will fight without this excuse! You can't avoid it no matter how you hide it!

Therefore, Deng Bo supported Rongen's decision to let the brothers start work... The brothers didn't work and couldn't get the money. This is the biggest problem of the club. Under the premise of solving this problem, everything can be done.

What's more, Heliansheng is still a member of the league of associations, and there is a war with Liansheng. Can other associations not help?

"I just want to hit one punch, lest there be a hundred punches!"

Longgen helped Deng Bo speak.

Dunber nodded: "This is what the reporter should do!"


"What did Wang Bao and Jiang Zhen do?"

Dunber went down the stairs.

Slowly walked towards the tea seat on the first floor.

Long Gen preached: "No action."

"That's good."

Deng Bo's head is very fat, and his eyes are hidden in the flesh. Whether he is open or not, where he is looking, sometimes it is difficult to understand when standing by his side, even nodding his head is very laborious.

But it was this state that made him extremely powerful and unpredictable.

And the actions between the two men's mouths were actually about the horse stall business that was swept away.

If the horse stall business with Liansheng had just been swept away, other clubs would have swallowed it. So it can be seen that the association of associations is not strong, and the stupidity of the leaders of the associations.

Fortunately, there is no fool who can be a big boss. Wang Bao, Jiang Zhen and others obviously have the opportunity and can also take advantage of the stable business with Liansheng, but they did not move and remained calm.

You know, every time a horse stall is cleaned, the lady is best to dig it away.

The major societies will have to move some people, and they will soon be able to dig out a large number of young ladies from Heliansheng.

But they did not do so, but tacitly abide by the agreement of non-aggression, cooperation to make money, and food for 180,000 members.

Of course, there are reasons why the horse stalls are not very business and not worthwhile. There are also reasons why the eight major societies are shocked.

"If you want to do it tomorrow, you will be bigger and go out together with the eight major societies, so that Lord Zhuang can see the power of the eight major societies!"

"In those days, Lord Zhuang took more than 20,000 Chinese police officers out of the street, and he dared to attack the Governor's House!"

"This time we took 180,000 members out of the street. What do you think will happen to Hong Kong Island?"

Deng Bo preached aloud.

Although the tone is slow, but full of courage.

Long Gen was also excited while listening, and he was very excited to preach: "This should be more powerful!"

A servant served two cups of tea by the side. Deng Bo picked up the cup and asked, "That's right."

"I heard you contacted Vietnamese boy?"

In the past few years, the Vietnam War has just ended. Many Vietnamese soldiers, deserters, and retired soldiers are eating on Hong Kong Island, and retired gunmen and special forces from the mainland have come to Hong Kong as killers and make big money.

These mainlanders can also be regarded as "Hong Kong cavalry." There are also soldiers who fled from the Korean War, plus "North Korean defectors" trained in the war.

In short, Southeast Asia has become a rich source of killers for a time due to constant disturbances.

These killers are not short of top quality goods.

There are countless good players.

Hong Kong Island has again become their foothold, leading to strong competition in the killer market.

Just pay! There is no one who dare not kill!

If there is? Then add money!

At this time, Long Gen blew the tea and preached: "I contacted a group, buy a peace of mind."

And Liansheng missed the fight.

The big D has a reputation, at most he can only show his troops and lead people to go shopping.

Therefore, assassinations and black guns can only be done with money.

And it is an old tradition to spend money to move reinforcements with Liansheng.

However, moving reinforcements on the rivers and lakes is also about human relations and relationships.

It's easy to buy two or five boys, or small characters who are not influential, by spending money alone.

Especially for the community, if you spend a big price to hire an international killer, it is better to move a related fierce person to cover it.

So Deng Bo said: "I have a little friendship with the big man of the number bank."

"You ask him to find an inland killer."

"Safe! Better too."

The number gang is the largest gang of the "big circle gang" and the only gang currently.

The "big circle gang" is a gang composed of mainlanders, mainly composed of people from several coastal cities who come to Hong Kong to eat food.

Some have lived on Hong Kong Island for two or three generations, four or five generations, and they have taken root on Hong Kong Island.

However, in recent years, just like the local communities on Hong Kong Island have been difficult to mix, the "big circle gang" is actually even more difficult to mix.

So while the four major societies invaded the small societies, the "big circle gang" also successfully completed internal annexation, giving birth to a large society "number gang" independent of the eight major societies.

The number bank is called the number bank because mainlanders need to add a cross-border number when calling home. Therefore, this became a mark of Hong Kong people for the big circle gang, and finally it became the name of the "number gang".

"Thank you Dunber."

Longgen put down the tea cup and thanked him.

He knows that there is a relationship with Dunber, and he can definitely help hire a lot of roles in the number.

This kind of character is not necessarily invited to have money outside!

After all, the most unknown number in Hong Kong is the most capable and the most deadly!

In the end, Deng Bo just said slowly: "If you want something, you have to talk about it."

"I know."

Long Gen nodded, knowing that Dun Bo was reminding him that some people could not move.

Because that kind of person is dead! It will also cause trouble!

Besides, he is hard to die!

However, this does not mean that the police cannot be moved.


Armory Street.

A corner.

Zhuang Shikai stopped the car and lowered the window: "How about Dahua?"

"Are you okay?"

He looked at Cao Dahua and asked.

Master Zhuang would stop the car and deliberately talk to Cao Dahua.

Naturally, it is necessary to train the undercover.

Feed the undercover chicken soup and beaten chicken blood to encourage the undercover to continue to solve the case.

After all, now and Liansheng have not even leveled, there are too many places to use Cao Dahua.

Cao Dahua looked at both sides, making sure that there was no one nearby, and then whispered, "Sir Zhuang, don't worry!"

"Patience! I'm used to it!"

Cao Dahua patted his chest, with an emotional expression on his face.

Although he is not enough to play undercover in the same period, he is not enough to have the brain in the same period.

But after long-term "training of horses", I know how to chat.

He knows what occasion, what gesture and facial expression to use to get the most favor from the other party.

Even if Zhuang Shikai knew that he was pretending, he couldn't help but feel warm when he saw his posture, and he valued him a lot.

However, Lord Zhuang is not a person who is easy to fool. If you want to fool Lord Zhuang, you must be prepared to be fooled by Lord Zhuang.

I saw Master Zhuang grasping the steering wheel and suddenly sighed: "Oh."

"Huh?" Cao Dahua suddenly felt that the Zhuangye was in a bad mood, raised his brows and asked: "Zhuangye, did something happen?"

His heart tightened, and his emotions began to fall into a trap.

Zhuang Shikai punched the steering wheel: "I applied to the director to be promoted to inspector, but the director rejected it!"

"Ah! No?" Cao Dahua widened his eyes, exclaimed, and immediately changed his words and cursed: "Fuck you! I was born to death, why not give me a promotion!"

Cao Dahua's anger was immediately transferred.

Zhuang Shikai preached: "Ghost said that it is only a trivial effort to wipe out a hall."

"Heliansheng hasn't evened, Longgen hasn't caught it yet."

"There is no way to promote you!"

When Zhuang Shikai spoke, a self-blaming expression appeared on his face, as if he was complaining that he was a big boss for not being a good boss, and he didn't get the benefits he deserved for the little brother.

Cao Dahua saw the emotion on Zhuang Ye's face, and felt a little bit sorry in his heart.

To be promoted to an inspector...It shouldn't be someone who can be the master...

Guilao couldn't help him if he didn't get a promotion.

Can't blame the Zhuangye.

Can only blame the treacherous ghost!

Cao Dahua instantly raised his tone and preached with great energy: "Master!"

"Don't worry, I will never shame you!"

"Why don't you just level one and Liansheng? It's on me! What information can I give you as soon as possible!"

Cao Dahua sighed now, just wanting to get things done.

Zhuang Shikai smiled in his heart and said: It's all right.

Then he took out an envelope from the car and handed it to Cao Dahua: "Ada, here you are, there are 50,000 yuan in the envelope. Take it and have a good time."

"Thank you, sir." Cao Dahua moved his lips. For some reason, he instinctively wanted to say something else. But Chief Zhuang was too prestigious, and when he reached his lips, he turned into a respectful thank you.

"Well, I'm going home first."

"Be careful yourself." Zhuang Shikai started the car and drove away from the corner.

The two should not talk outside for too long.

And he is a sergeant who must be rewarded for merits and punished for mistakes.

Although, if you want a fisherman to do something undercover, you can't get nothing without reward for sweeping away the mouth.

So he gave out 50,000 Hong Kong dollars as a reward, not too big or too small, and enough for Cao Dahua to cheer for a while.

"Master Zhuang is generous."

"I must do well for Lord Zhuang!"

"Bah! Hell!"

Cao Dahua was on the road holding the envelope~lightnovelpub.net~, taking a mouthful of phlegm into the stinking ditch.

He didn't know that Mr. Zhuang had never applied for his promotion, and it was not worth it that Mr. Zhuang was a person who could even arrange his own promotion. How could he not be able to arrange him?

Cao Dahua walked on the road, but did not expect to return home.

the next day.

The police did not give him a job! The club will give him a job first!

Cao Dahua set up a white paper fan at the entrance of the Queen's hall of "Heliansheng", and took over the previous business, personnel, and horsemen who were responsible for coordinating the entrance of the hall. At 8 o'clock in the evening, he set off from Queen's Road to Causeway Bay to participate in the community troubles!

At the same time, I met with the representatives of the Liansheng Group to meet the leaders of the seven major societies and decide on the eight major societies. At 8 o'clock in the evening, they will be dispatched at the same time to fully demonstrate the strength of the society!

Let the police force work!