Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 298: Double kill/fixed

Chapter 304

Wang Jianjun’s black trench coat has a stealth coating!

This is a device that can shield thermal detection. Covering clothing with nano-scale paint can shield the monitoring from radar, infrared, laser and other equipment.

Correspondingly, this can also shield the "inspiration detection" based on the principle of heat.

This kind of technology is unheard of for the underworld young and Dangerous. It is a highly technologically advanced equipment, but it is not uncommon in military battlefields.

Of course, even the US military cannot equip every soldier with stealth equipment.

But as a professional killer, Wang Jianjun has both money and channels to obtain this kind of technical equipment.

And his special combat literacy also made him consciously make this kind of technical protection.

No wonder!

Wang Jianjun wears this black trench coat all the time...

"Biu, biu, biu!"

A burst of bullets shot through the bushes, making whiplashes.

Zhuang Shikai started a blind shot by intuition, but the bullet did not hit the target.

A figure wearing a black hood and a windbreaker quickly flashed out of the flowerbed at the other end of the flowerbed.

"Da da da!" I saw the black figure bowing his head, holding his right arm with his left hand, with a military stab in his mouth, first hurried across the road, and then hid in the opposite alley.

"Wow!" At the same time, Zhuang Shikai pushed aside the bushes with both hands, single-handedly killed to the side of the road, raised the gun with both hands and immediately shot: "Bang!"

Two bullets hit the corner.

A dark shadow leaped into the alley.

Several cars crossed the road.

Zhuang Shikai always uses inspiration detection, but inspiration detection has no target. Instead, his vision successfully captures the opponent's whereabouts.

So he immediately turned off inspiration detection, and after a few cars left, he immediately rushed into the alley.

"Zhuang sir! Zhuang sir!" The police officers who followed screamed.


In the alley.

A black-clothed killer had his legs apart and propped up over the alley.

Standing in the alley, Zhuang Shikai suddenly raised his head and crossed his hands to block.

I saw the black-clothed assassin crashing, his windbreaker flying, his eyes sharp, holding the Triangular Army Spike in one hand, and suddenly falling from the sky, the general assassinated Zhuang Shikai's head.

"Bang!" Zhuang Shikai Zama bends down, his body is raised, his hands are dead in front of the general stab, relying on his strong waist strength to not retreat.

"Haha." Zhuang Shikai looked at Wang Jianjun, who was close at hand, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, the smile he showed was even more evil than Wang Jianjun.

At this time, the two of them were facing each other, but Wang Jianjun's eyes flashed with fear.

But this little fear immediately turned into madness in Wang Jianjun's eyes.

"Ah!!!" Wang Jianjun roared, trying his best but couldn't make progress.

"Flashing!" Zhuang Shikai roared, pushing with both hands, and suddenly Wang Jianjun withdrew a few meters.

"Da da da." Wang Jianjun held the army stab with one hand, his body swayed, and stepped back.

With only one arm left, he can only pose a threat to Zhuang Sir if he makes a surprise attack in the air, and then with the help of the falling force.

After Zhuang Sir was defended against a fatal sneak attack, he could be crushed by strength and kung fu.

As soon as Wang Jianjun retreated, Lord Zhuang stepped forward, perfecting what the enemy retreated and I entered!

Fighting is also about style of play! Low-level play styles and routines! Advanced style of play, brainstorm!

Zhuang Shikai rushed forward and immediately raised his fists, dad da da, fist left and right sneered at Wang Jianjun like a shower.

"Papa!" Wang Jianjun instinctively raised one hand to block.

Can you just do it with one hand?

His head immediately turned into a sandbag, swaying from left to right with a crackle, and his body was swaying as he fought back and forth. Ten seconds later, Wang Jianjun's head was full of blood, and his orbits were swollen, almost not adult-like.

Zhuang Shikai shouted "Let you kill the police", "Fuck my brother", "Kill Laozi buddy" and so on.

With his words coupled with sharp fists, the frustration in his heart gradually dissipated.

He slowly exhaled. After hitting more than 20 punches, he suddenly stopped, shaking his numb fingers, four or five strokes in one second. Then, before Wang Jianjun fell to the ground, he stepped forward with a lunge, took the stab in Wang Jianjun's hand with his right hand, and his body was frozen with a lunge.

"Bah!" Zhuang Shikai grabbed Wang Jianjun's left hand and his army stab with his right hand, and an instant kill wiped out Wang Jianjun's neck.

Wang Jianjun, who had been beaten to the point where he could only breathe, suddenly cut his arteries, blood sprinkled on one side of the wall, and fell weakly on the ground to become a corpse.

Wang Jianjun's corpse in a black windbreaker was lying on the ground, his neck incision was extremely deep, almost half cut off, his death was extremely miserable.

The star breaking army in the sky dimmed in an instant.

Greedy wolf star is bright.

"Huh." Zhuang Shikai stood up and exhaled a long breath, completely eliminating the bad breath in his heart.

He stood up and relaxed his shoulders, re-buttoned the cuffs of the suit on his wrist, and then adjusted the collar of the suit.

"Sir Zhuang! Are you okay!"

At this time, Chen Guozhong led a few people through the flowerbed and rushed into the alley with guns in both hands.

I saw that they pointed their guns towards the ground and aimed at the corpses on the ground. Everyone's pupils shrank sharply, and their eyes flashed with horror.

Killed! Seal the throat!

Even if this kind of scene has been a serious crime for more than ten years, it is rare to see the last time.

However, everyone knows that Wang Jianjun's sharpness is also there. No matter what the Zhuang Ye does, as long as Wang Jianjun is dead! Master Zhuang will do nothing!


Zhuang Shikai responded to several police officers with cold eyes. Wang Jianjun's death by his own sword was also fate.

After he retracted his gaze, he would only say: "You stay here on the scene."

"I will deal with Wang Bao again."

Chen Guozhong glanced at several police officers and nodded obediently, "Yes, sir."

These police officers are okay, so just charge and fight the boss.

Own hatred.

Report in person.

Dude's hatred!

Big Brother News!

Killing a Wang Jianjun is not finished.

Tonight Wang Bao will not end if he does not die.

Zhuang Shikai has good marksmanship. There are many talents who can lead troops to the battlefield, and many have excellent management and command capabilities. There are not many people who have good skills and are qualified to deal with Wang Bao.

This has something to do with the fact that the police force does not attach importance to fists and feet. It also has something to do with martial arts practitioners who act recklessly and don't get ahead.

After two sentences, Zhuang Shikai turned and walked out of the alley, sat back in the police car, picked up the walkie-talkie next to the driver's seat and shouted: "Call the main station, I am 0591 Superintendent Zhuang Shikai, help me turn O mark.

"The action begins!" Zhuang Shikai loosened the intercom, put it in gear, and drove the police car to the target apartment.

"Yes, Superintendent Zhuang." In the main station, a female policeman agreed in a clear voice and immediately began to deliver orders.

Headquarters, O's record, dozens of police officers are already armed with live ammunition, ready to go.

After O Ji received the order from the main station, a large number of people immediately mobilized and went straight to the target location.

Zhuang Shikai planned an action plan for every move long before the action started.

Complete one step.

You can proceed to the next step immediately.

I saw the police car rushing all the way, swiftly slamming, and arrived at Tsim Sha Tsui and the apartment building in a blink of an eye.


"Puff puff!" The high floor of the building, outside a door.

There was a sound of Ma Tsai falling to the ground.

Zhuang Shikai loosened a horse's wrist, pushed open the solid wood door, and strolled into the luxurious suite.


"Take care of the baby first." Wang Bao was sitting on the black leather sofa, dangling a cigar, still wearing a suit and vest, but he was talking on the phone with his head down.

"You come back quickly."

"The baby misses you very much." Wang Bao's little wife's voice rang across the phone.

The cry of the baby faintly came.

Wang Bao raised his eyes and saw Zhuang Shikai entering the room, sinking his hole and preaching in a low voice: "Don't worry."


Immediately, he did not hesitate anymore, but hung up the phone neatly and stood up with a golf club: "Master."

"Wang Jianjun was killed by you, right? You are really closed. You have placed an inner ghost next to me. It has been seven or eight years after being inserted, and it has become my leader."

"I didn't lose in this game unjustly."

Wang Bao walked in front of the bar next to him, preaching with his hands on the golf club.

A figure covered with blood, tied all over, is hanging upside down above the bar.

This person is Ma Jun.

His **** face was ticking, still dripping dirty blood.

"He told me to lose the whole letter of loyalty directly!" Wang Bao pointed to Ma Jun next to him, his face surged with anger, and he pointed to Ma Jun and preached every word.

"You're also quite suspicious! Luo brother thought of inserting ghosts in our eight major societies when he was still there!"

"Who won't you win?"

Ma Jun opened his eyes in a daze, and shouted in a vague tone: "Zhuang Sir..."

Zhuang Shikai let out a sigh of relief.

The next moment, Wang Bao raised his golf club and hit Ma Jun's abdomen with one shot, and Ma Jun fainted again.

"Tonight is divided into life and death." Wang Bao knocked Ma Jun unconscious, holding the cue and turning his head to preach.

Anyway, he can no longer play on Hong Kong Island.

Today he runs away if he wins.

Just die and die simply.

"Fuck!" Zhuang Shikai raised his brows and unbuttoned the suit one by one, then took off the suit, hung it on the back of the chair next to him, and unbuttoned the cufflinks of the white shirt. Damn you!"

"Ten seconds now!"

"Haha." Wang Bao sneered, and took two steps forward, holding the club with both hands: "Do you know why I always like to play golf?"

"I'm not your mother! Don't worry about you hanging out so much!" Zhuang Shikai roared, stepped on the round table, leaped forward, turned and kicked his leg forward.

"Bang!" Wang Bao suffered a hit in his chest, holding the club back several steps.

After he stopped, he didn't panic~lightnovelpub.net~ raised his hand and flicked the club, hitting both ends, blooming in all directions.

This is the plum blossom stick in Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, which is known as "the water can't enter, it's a little bit fatal"!

It turned out that Wang Bao was still hiding his cudgel on top of Bengquan.

Zhuang Shikai stood still with his legs like a bow, pinched his right hand to point out his fist, and his left hand slammed to keep up: "Hongquan! Set your feet!"

"Papa!" Zhuang Shikai hit with both hands, then took another step, raising his elbow and hitting.

"Puff!" Wang Bao raised his head, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his fat body flew out directly.

Zhuang Shikai stood on the spot, stepping forward, looking at Wang Bao, whose gaze was blurred and his mind was gradually dissipating, he took out a pistol and aimed it at the opponent's eyebrows.

"Bang bang bang bang!" Zhuang Shikai repeatedly pulled the trigger, one by one bullets smashed Wang Bao's head.

There is a chapter in the evening.

(End of this chapter)