Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 392: Chuang Tsai's baby

The latest website: the stars are shining.

The wooden fence of the viewing platform is a bit more mottled.

Just like years.

Looking from the distance, the night view of Victoria Harbour at the bottom of the mountain is painted, which is a bit more modern and prosperous.

The floor is higher.

The building is also more beautiful.

Ami stood in front of the wooden fence and exhaled deeply, puffed up her chest and preached: "Akai, I remember you saying you like the bright lights of Victoria Harbour."

"I like the highlight of Victoria Harbour."

"Huh?" Zhuang Shikai's expression was stunned, the memories in his mind rolled, remembering what he had said that year, and he smiled with a happy expression: "I don't even remember if you don't say it."

"I remember." Amei looked at the night scene in the distance and preached: "I remember every word you said, and I also remember that you protected me from the rain of bullets. I remember the clothes you bought for me, and remember the first time you brought them. The restaurant I go to, remember every bit of every day..."

Zhuang Shikai smiled and shook his head, stepped forward and patted the wooden fence hard, standing side by side with Ami: "I remember the first time I lied to you to go to bed."

He was honest and not ashamed at all.

Ami couldn't help but smile: "I remember this too."

After all, the first time to go to bed is memorable for both men and women. It is the beginning of the practice of love, the entrustment of body and mind, and the enjoyment of the great harmony movement.

Zhuang Shikai said helplessly, "Do you remember me so clearly?"

"I don't want to be a salty guy!"

"You are late."

"You are a salty wet guy in my heart."

"But he's a handsome and handsome salty guy."

Amei stepped forward to poke Zhuang Shikai's chest with her hand: "I just like the way you treat me rudely."

"That..." Zhuang Shikai glanced around randomly, except for a few hanging on the tree, there was no one near the top of the mountain.

Ami retracted her finger, looked at her watch and preached: "I remember every word you said, not only in your head, but also in your heart..."

"For example..."

It is ten o'clock in the evening.

Zhuang Shikai nodded, his mind was still full of sluggish male hormones. In the distance, in the direction of Victoria Harbour, the buildings suddenly lit up with blue and red fluorescence, and the night view of Victoria Harbour became extremely bright, like a brilliant pearl, both dazzling and beautiful.

At this moment, the residents of Hong Kong Island, either by the sea, or in the mid-levels, high-rise buildings, or in the urban area, all raised their heads and looked at the beautiful night scene, and for a while they were dazzled and immersed in the illusion of the future.

Immediately there was a burst of enthusiastic exclamation from the citizens, and more and more citizens raised their cameras to take pictures of the first show in Victoria Harbour.

The TV stations that received the news also sent people out to collect photos and record videos...

This Victoria Harbour premiere astounded the whole of Hong Kong, and was hailed as a witness to the economic take-off of Hong Kong Island in line with the changes in the landscape of the 1980s.

Kakaka, a few photos taken at this time will become precious historical photos. In the future, whenever I open the economic history magazine of Hong Kong Island and read the development process of Hong Kong Island, I will always see this iconic photo.

It is a pity that this Victoria Harbour debut is not intended to surprise the city, but to surprise a person.

Zhuang Shikai watched the high-rise buildings lit up one by one, forming a dazzling and gorgeous night scene, encompassing the prosperous world and the art of light scenes. The pupils in the eye box instantly dilated, and some incredible preaching: "Did you do it?"

He really didn't expect Amei to have this heart...with this ability to execute!

As for illuminating the strength of Victoria Harbour...

May is not lacking at all.

Because Aramco is already the internal sales director of the "Shixing Group" and the director of multiple subsidiaries, it has access to various business predators and has a strong network of resources.

Although these resources and benefits are based on Zhuang Sir, it is precisely because of relying on him that it is more influential.

Now it is not difficult for Amy to use resources to light up the Victoria Harbour. The difficulty is that it will still be able to remember this trivial matter ten years later.

This is what Sir Zhuang has forgotten. Sir Zhuang was moved for a while. Ami looked at his eyes and said affectionately: "I can do anything for you, even if I fight for this life..."

She held up Mrs. Sir’s cheek and confided her heart: “I know you don’t like to be bound by a marriage certificate. I have also seen more men who have married third concubines, sixth concubines, and eight concubines. You have treated me well enough. Up."

"As long as you are by my side, I don't care about these, but there is one thing I care about..."

"I hope you can agree to me."

She is well aware of the principle of being a woman next to Sir Zhuang: You are the one who Sir Zhuang gives you, and Sir Zhuang does not give it, and she cannot take it herself.

And some things are women and human nature desires.

So she only came back tonight to ask Sir Zhuang.

As for lighting up the night view of Victoria Harbour, it is not that she made a special effort to fudge Sir Zhuang on a whim, but a surprise that she had prepared for the "10th Anniversary" plan in half a year and made a special trip to Sir Zhuang.

Other things seem to be accidents.

Of course, Victoria Harbour didn’t have no lights at the beginning. It’s just that the lights didn’t have matrix design, artistic modeling, and the rustic flavor of the previous era. Each building is equipped with independent lights, just listen to the "good-looking". realm.

But now it is "art".

This is a lighting art team specially invited by Aramco from abroad. It has been designed and transformed for more than half a year and spent millions of dollars to successfully transform the lighting landscape.

She also did not expect that this design will become a landmark landscape in Hong Kong in the future, and it will continue to be used for decades, and it will be lit up every night, now and night.

Amei's words have also entered the heart of "Zhuang Sir".

She did not say that Chuang Sir did not marry because of a woman, a horny, and a salty man.

Sir Zhuang is really not!

If he were a salty and wet guy, he would have married dozens of aunts long ago. A woman can never use contact lenses like a second time, throw one a day, and one a day.

You know, from a certain perspective, it doesn't matter what kind of "polygamy", "monogamy" and the laws of Hong Kong Island become.

He has always been single without getting married. It is a "bigamy crime" for me to find multiple wives at the same time. It is not illegal for me to talk to several girlfriends at the same time.

Fall in love!

No problem at all!

But he didn't...because he was just a hormone-driven creature...

Although he does not deny that he likes beautiful women, nor does he deny that he will accept women.

But he didn't want to get married more out of the insecurities of a "traverser".

After all, he came through rebirth at that time, and from the bottom of his heart, he kept a certain special vigilance for everything.

Be sure to set aside a safe space with enough concealment for yourself.

In addition, he was still Luo Ge's little brother back then, and when the wind came and the rain went, facing murder at any time, it was difficult to talk about stability.

He and A-mei were eating out, and Luo Ge sent someone to pass a message over. He would wear a gun and do something. If he could come back, he had to make a "?" sign!

What do you use to marry someone?

Although, he really became a boss later, and his days have passed the better, but he also gradually liked this way, hoping to leave himself a "alone" aspect of life, really don't like to be an honest man husband.

Therefore, Ami used "do not like to be bound" to describe him, which really embarrassed him.

Zhuang Shikai stretched out his palms a little touched, and gently held Ami's catkins and said, "As long as I have it, I will give it to you."

If Ami said that she wanted to get a marriage certificate, Sir Zhuang would not refuse, she would only agree with it with a smile, but Amei did not, she just put her face against Sir Zhuang’s chest and preached: "I want a baby. "

"I want to send the baby to study, take the baby to the playground, and have a happy New Year's Eve dinner for the whole family."

The moment Zhuang Shikai touched Ami's face to her heart, he suddenly realized something, as if there was a link in blood that made his head sober.

At this moment, Zhuang Shikai's heart was a little throbbing, and he took a few deep breaths, stroked the hair on his chest and preached: "Take me with you."

"Huh?" Ami raised her head in surprise, her eyes flickering at the man.

The man looked at her and smiled: "I will be fortunate to suffer for you in the future."


Amei lowered her head again and hugged Zhuang Shikai tightly!

In fact, Zhuang Shikai had long thought that he should have a child, but he was not so eager, he was inclined to wait at random, and he did not take contraceptive measures when he had sex.

After Ami is pregnant, she can tell him directly. Sir Chuang is just happy and will not refuse.

What's more, every life is worthy of respect. Sir Zhuang hates abortion and cannot do anything that violates his own moral code.

This is also the reason why he doesn't mess around casually, because he is afraid of making things coerced by others.

And Ami asked him so cautiously, not because he was afraid or afraid of Sir Zhuang, but because he loved and respected Sir Zhuang deeply. Because the more women who fear men, the more arrogant they will have after pregnancy, and they will never do such things.

Zhuang Shikai stroked Amei's back, and he could feel the child's heartbeat? A silly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said softly and caringly: "When did you find out you were pregnant?"

"Half a month ago."

"No wonder you have always said that you are not emotional recently." Zhuang Shikai hummed and said.

Amei punched him, but Sir Zhuang didn't talk about it anymore, because he felt that the women at this moment were extremely sacred, as if they had the aura of maternal love left over from the "matriarchal society" derived from human genes.

Mother is such a great person...

Zhuang Shikai asked with emotion, "How old is the child?"

"More than two months." Amei replied softly.


"So small?" Zhuang Shikai was a little surprised.

Many people do not know that they are pregnant for two months.

Amei replied comfortably: "I found out when I was doing the experience~lightnovelpub.net~ Oh, you did have an experience two months ago." Zhuang Shikai nodded and smirked: "I seem to hear a child moving. ."

"You come here less! Two-month-old children are still taking shape!"

"Hey eh, don't move, don't hit me." Ami hammered Zhuang Shikai lightly with her fist, and Zhuang Shikai craned her neck and pretended to shout.

Suddenly, Amei said: "Huh! You should think about baby's name first!"

"You have to do your duty as a man..."

"Look! I made him a huge country! Still not fulfilling his responsibilities?" Zhuang Shikai waved his hand, pointing to the Shanxia Victoria Harbor and said with a smile.

Amei feintly cursed, "Be serious."

"Then call it Zhuang Ziwei!"