Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 40: Tsundere Qi

   Zhuang Shikai walked out of Uncle Biao’s office with a face full of love, as if he had been beaten by a big brother, sitting in the seat and sighed: "Brother Qi, I'm going to Stanley."

   Cai Yuanqi suddenly raised her head and shouted anxiously, "Zhuangzi, what are you doing!"

   "I have an 80-year-old mother and a twelve-year-old child. I bother you..."


   "Second Stanley as a prison guard?"

   Cai Yuanqi opened the file and read two lines, then rolled his eyes, stopped looking at the file, and turned to do his own thing.

"Hey Hey hey!"

   "Chashu Qi!"

   "At any rate, we are siblings who are promoted and raised together, risking to kill the enemy..."

   Zhuang Shikai patted the table continuously, and several police officers next to him looked up and cast suspicious eyes on them.

   Cai Yuanqi shook her hand indifferently and said: "You flash!"

   "The promotion and salary increase for you and me is not a promotion and salary increase."

   "You are the owner of a factory now. I ask you to take care of your eighty-year-old mother. What are you doing with me? And you are still an orphan! Where is the eighty-year-old mother from!"

   Zhuang Shikai actually felt very reasonable, tapping the table with his fingers and preaching: "Since you also know that I am a powerful man, before I become the detective, I will give you a chance to hold your thigh."

   "Now hold my thighs firmly, and when I become the detective, you will be my leader, Ma Shazhan!"

   Cai Yuanqi was stunned for a moment. Thinking about it, it makes sense. It is necessary to hold the thigh.

   But he has been holding his thighs all the time!

   What does Zhuangzi mean by saying this?

   Do you think I didn’t hold it hard enough?

   Want me to be a dog lick?

   Sorry, Brother Qi swears to lick the dog!

   "Give you five years, five years you can be an inspector! I would like to be your sand exhibition!"

   Zhuang Shikai said in his heart, I didn't expect Cai Yuanqi to be a little arrogant.

   It’s a good thing for him to be promoted to a higher position when it’s clear that being a Shazhan, how come his taste has changed? Even asking him to be the same, and playing a five-year deal.

   I understand, I understand, my mouth is upright, I want to lick it, but I can’t pull my face.

   However, to understand, Zhuang Shikai hates this kind of person the most. So he decided to teach Cai Yuanqi a good lesson, teach him how to lick the boss to get to the top!

   Zhuang Shikai stretched out a palm and said imposingly: "Don't worry!"

   "It doesn't take five years or five months, I promise I'm the inspector!" Zhuang Shikai is full of momentum, and he has the chance to win.

   How can the detective be so good? Cai Yuanqi almost believed him when he saw that he was so awesome.

   I only heard Cai Yuanqi chuckled lightly: "The King of Water Blowing, you are a big talker! You can be an inspector for five months, I beg you to help me ascend the sand exhibition!"

"Ha ha."

   Pretty boy sneered at this moment.

   Cai Yuanqi suddenly thought of something: "By the way, wasn't Stanley Prison expanded last year? Why is the manpower shortage adjusted now? What are you going to do?"

   Zhuang Shikai immediately pressed the document on the table, and said solemnly: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask!"

   "You little police officer is not qualified."


   Get off work in the evening.

   Zhuang Shikai walked all the way out of the police station with the folder, not forgetting to pat his thigh with the folder as he walked. It was a very chic feeling when he walked with wind.

   "Being a human brain is very important."

   "Wang Bao can infer from various clues that Luo Ge wants me to be the inspector of Causeway Bay, but Cai Yuanqi can't tell."

   "Cai Yuanqi is still too dish!"

   "He can be an inspector in the future, I feel hell."

   Zhuang Shikai walked to the side of the road, stopped a taxi, bent down and got into the car: "Master, go to the discount store on Tongcai Street."

   is still a few days away from being transferred to Stanley, and after being transferred to Stanley, I don't know how long it will take to get out. Ten days and a half months are the least, if it is long, one or two months is possible.

  The way to deal with the "killer male"? Zhuang Shikai has not been an idiot in the past few days, and has long thought out a set of mature methods, planning to use the method of borrowing a knife to kill people to teach the "killer male" to be a man.

   This way, the hands can not be bloody, and they can do evil things beautifully! It's perfect!

   The most important thing is that the prison meets the conditions for borrowing a knife to kill people, and there is no need to press to intervene.

   However, before going into Stanley, Zhuang Shikai intends to go to the A-goods store and ask "Ami" if he has time for dinner.

   After all, this is the treasure girl he hid in the store, and occasionally he has to take a look to see if he has a chance to start.

   It's just a matter of refusing.

   He is not in the mood to stick to his cold buttocks with a hot face.

   If you are not fate, be friends.

   Ami will meet who she should meet.

"it is good."

The taxi driver responded casually and drove him to Tung Choi Street.

   Now the discount store is already a well-known name for the A-goods store. There is no need to add a certain discount store. You can directly report the discount store to the taxi driver, and the driver will send you to the A-goods store.

   Even the A-goods store has become a landmark in Tung Choi Street. As long as a female passenger says to go to Tung Choi Street, the driver will automatically drop off customers at the entrance of the discount store.

   When Zhuang Shikai arrived at Tongcai Street, he suddenly realized that this time was a little different from the last time.

   In less than a month, the stall A has been set up for half a street, and it has formed a certain crowd gathering effect. There are more vendors selling clothes, snacks, and magazines.

   Zhuang Shikai took a few casual glances and found that the leather bags on Booth A were all sourced from his New Territories factory. Only then nodded with satisfaction, treating all the vendors on the scene as their own wage earners.

   didn't pay much attention anymore, he walked straight into the store A. Shopkeeper Cui had long legs and pointed eyes. When the big boss was there, he immediately stepped on high heels and walked in front of him with small steps.

   "Boss." Shop Manager Cui screamed sweetly, and the seven or eight ladies in the shop who were choosing packages raised their heads and all looked at him.

   "Boss, boss." Several beautiful female employees in the store greeted them crisply, and Ami also pretended to say hello calmly.

   Zhuang Shikai smiled at everyone, and nodded to the customers who looked at him, and then walked directly to Amei and asked, "How about work recently?"

   Ami stood behind the cash register, lowered her head, feeling the deer bumping into her heart.

   "Zhuang Sheng."

   "Also, still, okay..."

   Zhuang Shikai smiled and said in a more formal tone: "If it's okay, do you have time to have a meal with Miss Zhang?"

   He checked his watch to confirm, "How about tomorrow night at six?"

   Regarding the rejection of the invitation to Ami last time, he went home and thought about it several times. He felt that Ami's eyes should have moved a little at the time, and finally rejected him. It may be that the way he invited was too abrupt~lightnovelpub.net~ scared Ami.

   So today he decided not to make a joke, but to formally invite him, hoping to get a good answer.

   Ami's face turned red, and her little hand on the table was also at a loss.

   At this moment, the "Thirty-Six Strategies for Killing Men" in "Sister Zhao"'s mouth were all forgotten by her! How can she bear to refuse the formal invitation of the person she loves! How sad Police Officer Zhuang would be like that!

   Besides, the attitude of Zhuang Shikai's invitation was very formal. Not only did he come to invite her specifically, but he also made an appointment tomorrow to give her enough time to prepare.

   Seeing Ami move her lips, she finally nodded and agreed: "Okay."

   "Huh?" Zhuang Shikai was taken aback for a moment, and immediately arranged his collar with excitement: "I will pick you up at the shop at six o'clock tomorrow night."

   He felt that he had finally found the right way to chase girls.

   "See you or leave." Six o'clock is exactly the time for Ami to finish work tomorrow. Obviously Zhuang Shikai also did his homework in advance.

   "See you or leave." Ami lowered her head, not daring to look at Zhuang Shikai.

   Zhuang Shikai smiled at her, then turned and left the shop, not wanting to put too much pressure on Amei, and come back tomorrow.

   But after he turned around, Ami raised her head and watched him leave.

   The female customers all thought that Zhuang Shikai was just talking to the employees normally, and just took advantage of the male lead not paying attention, desperately seizing the time, frantically looking at his profile.

   is handsome, handsome, and looks rich and golden again. No matter how you look at it, it's a male **** template, so you have to look at it more.

   Actually Zhuang Shikai wouldn't care even if he knew it.

   After all, beautiful girls treat pretty girls, and pretty girls treat pretty girls. Everyone is happy when they eat their own dishes.

   On the contrary, Cui Dian's eyes rolled around, as if he could see the doorway.