Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 404: Fierce exchange of fire!

Latest URL: "DaDaDa."

"Da da da."

Groups of mobile units rushed out of the police hall.

"Da da da."

Groups of mobile departments fell on the stairs at the entrance of the hall.

Hearing the sound of neat, mighty, well-trained footsteps, the mobile unit rushed out of the hall with guns in both hands, stepped on the steps with both feet, and resisted the gangsters' attack.

Since the gangster chose to attack frontally!

Then the police force’s first reaction was also a positive resistance!

In this way, we can keep the control of the headquarters building and prevent criminals from entering the headquarters building, causing more casualties to the police force!

Whether it is acting or actual combat, this is a strategy that the police force will inevitably adopt and will not change.

If the battle before the General Administration is the first stage of the exercise, the second stage is after the culprits enter the General Administration Building. The two are fundamentally different. If the General Administration can keep the gangsters at the door of the police station , Then the exercise can be a complete victory.

Therefore, at this time, a large number of police officers from each group are rushing towards the police station building.

The mission of the mobile department is to fight criminals for five minutes, give other departments time to mobilize the police, and keep all the criminals out of the door!

"Da da da."

Pieces of bullets swept towards the offensive team.

But the offensive team didn't even hide, and kept pulling the trigger, pushing the door step by step.

"Shoo, hoo."

A round of bullets hit the green plants next to the flower garden, and one bullet passed the police officers' ears, and finally passed them, and they continued to move forward.

In the end, the bullets flew into the newly drawn leaves, and the flowers were stained with different colors, but the offensive team policemen who played the gangsters were unscathed and advanced bravely.

The mobile department was continuously shot, and the rate of attrition was so rapid that it could not stop the offensive team.

In the rain of bullets, the military literacy difference of the two sides is obvious!

Incisively and vividly embodied...

This difference does not mean that the mobile unit has no formation and does not understand defense, but the difference in strength in psychological quality, shooting accuracy, tactical avoidance, and so on.

For example, the members of the offensive team do not need to command, and often take the initiative to make tactical actions such as bending over and lying down, so as to avoid being shot by bullets and causing attrition.

And the mobile unit is fast! Nothing special!

There is essentially no threat to the action team.

Therefore, the mobile unit is really brave! But it's just bravery!

Of course, there are reasons for the topography of the General Administration...

There are flower gardens, car yards, and many avoidance obstacles in the front area of ​​the headquarters building, and the range is extremely large.

If the mobile unit wants to target a person for precise shooting, at least five to six seconds of lock-in time is required.

But the lobby of the General Administration was less than 20 meters wide, and the mobile units rushed out on the left and right sides... Zhuang Shikai’s offensive team only needed to seize the two spaces on the left and right, and then take turns to shoot and suppress them with firepower to quickly clear them.

The offensive group of the "gangster" played by Zhuang Shikai and others actually has the advantage of terrain. This is also the reason why Zhuang Shikai chose to attack frontally.

More than just showing off!

Also for tactical advantage!

However, his terrain advantage is extremely short-lived, and he needs strong military literacy support.

Because five minutes later.

This will become a "cemetery"!

"All spread out!"

"Clamp the gun by the window to stop the attack!" Yang Zhaohui, the "senior inspector" of the mobile unit, shouted with his guns in both hands at the moment, clinging to the wall.

After that, he made two gestures, and immediately led a group of mobile units to leave, while there was still one group of mobile units on both sides of the gate, and immediately began to increase firepower to cover the chief operation.

No way, the gate cannot be left unattended, and there are only two groups of dozens of troops in the mobile unit in a short time.

"Da da da." A group of mobile units bent down and ran along the wall, and Yang Zhaohui quickly led them to a window.

He quietly sent a command to the team members and got up suddenly with a rifle in his hand.

"Bang!" Just as he was about to raise his gun and shoot, a gunshot suddenly exploded in the apartment building opposite.

"Ding Dong!"

A brass-colored bullet case fell to the ground.

Yuan Haoyun lay down in a suite and "clicked" to pull the bolt and eject a bullet.

I saw half of him hidden behind the curtains, his muzzle sticking out of the window.

He is a killer in the dark.

The nightmare of the police.

Bloody Gunner "A Yun"!

Yang Zhaohui suddenly heard the gunshots and trembled all over his body, even when he saw a touch of paint appearing right now.

Then he touched the glass with his hands, but couldn't feel anything outside. But he had already determined the specific situation, and immediately yelled, "Careful!!! There is a sniper!!!"

"Ten o'clock on the left!" After hearing the gunshots, Zhuang Shikai quickly recognized the voice position and issued a commanding order loudly.

"Da da da." The offensive team immediately shifted their guns and fired in the ten o'clock direction.

The police officers of the mobile unit have just got up, and have not raised their guns to shoot, and the window glass in front of them is covered with a whole piece of paint.

Now they all held their guns in place, looking at each other, there was no need to aim at the guns. The offensive team such as Zhuang Shikai also noticed the lack of frontal firepower, and naturally accelerated the pace, concentrated the firepower in the front hall, and quickly killed the remaining team.

"Enter the building!"

"Follow the plan!"

Zhuang Shikai roared, and twenty gang members rushed into the building. All the police officers encountered along the way were taken away with one bullet. Not even asking at all, it can be said to be merciless.

Yuan Haoyun was on the opposite side of the building, hiding in the shadows, holding a cigarette in his mouth and smiling.

He began to move his gun to search for the next target.

A police officer from the public sciences department stood beside him, staring sharply at him, specifically supervising whether he had cheated or violated regulations.

Yuan Haoyun just smiled contemptuously, and didn't look at the little police officer at all...

Inside the headquarters building.

Yang Jinrong is patrolling on the eighth floor.

After receiving the order to start the exercise, he immediately ordered the security personnel to adjust the communication channel and rush to the predetermined location to prepare for the upcoming fierce battle.

Break into the door in one minute!

Enter the building in two minutes!

Zhuang Shikai's speed is faster than he thought...

Yang Jinrong's eyes were jealous, with a hint of war in his color!

For the commander, the stronger the enemy, the more exciting the action!

But he forgot.

Zhuang Sir will only make people desperate.



The five teams of the Security Department answered in unison.

They immediately began to act in a hurry according to the instructions.

at the same time.

The entire headquarters sounded the alarm.



In the corridor.

The red light flashes.

The loud sirens resounded from the General Administration.

Operational departments such as the Internal Investigation Section and the Criminal Intelligence Section quickly went to the gun room on the floor to collect weapons.

Including the information department, welfare group and other civilian departments...

All of them belonged to the drill sequence, and they came to the gun room to receive equipment.


The gun room door opened.

The management personnel carried out the prepared exercise equipment.

Da da da.

Seeing one arm appeared, he quickly picked up the gun and quickly left.

The equipment of each department is subject to the actual equipment. In normal operations, the rifle-leading rifle, the collar spray, the Chaoyang bulletproof vest with bulletproof vest, and the civilian personnel are the standard for one person, one pistol, and three magazines. .

Since the cost of "color bombs" is cheap, regardless of the equipment and ammunition sent out to fight a batch, the exercise did not actually cost much money.

If you count the ratings...

The police also made money.

Of course, a group of police with real guns and live ammunition is blocked outside the exercise area, so any community or killer should not take the opportunity to make trouble. The "color bullets" used by the personnel of some trouble-making exercises can be replaced with "gunpowder bullets" immediately.

"Da da da."

At the same time as the alarm of the General Administration was sounded, three helicopters had already taken off over the Flying Tigers station in the distance, spinning their propellers, carrying loud noises, and rushing towards the General Administration Building with a deterrent effect.

The citizens at the scene eagerly looked to the sky...

The lens picture is also quickly aligned.

This kind of "deterrence" is "appreciative" in the eyes of the general public!

With the appearance of the Flying Tigers helicopters, the ratings of "Police" immediately climbed to 35%, breaking through to the highest peak, only for the final battle scene.

Fang Jiexia was sitting in the broadcast van, directing the public relations department to switch screens, paying attention to the data collection and citizens' feedback in real time.

Since both sides of the exercise used separate communication channels to prevent "leakage", they would not be connected to the live broadcast.

Therefore, there are only group pictures on the live broadcast of the exercise, and the Public Relations Department is still staffed for special explanations.

At this time, they had just finished explaining the "exercise begins", "the role of the General Administration's alarm", and "the exercise has entered the second stage", and then they started to explain the "flying tigers' mission."

And the commentary of the Public Relations Division is indeed very professional, very literate, and feels like a game commentary for later generations. Maybe it is better than accessing police officers...

Because they will bring the rhythm...

Now the rhythm of the audience is fully brought up.

"At present, Sir Zhuang has led the offensive team into the lobby of the General Administration... Emergency mobilization has been completed within the General Administration. Three thousand police officers are not working, and all of them receive weapons and join the battle sequence!"

"The first wave of valiantly resisted mobile units have all been killed..."

"The two departments of the Intelligence Section and the Uniform Team assembled on the first floor. The police and the bandits fought fiercely. The culprits were attritions for the first time..."

"Sir Yang from the Security Department sent five teams to take charge of five confidential locations, including electromechanical, monitoring, and dangerous goods!"

"The gangster's sniper shot again!

"A number of senior inspectors set up sniper points in the office, intending to counter-sniper the bandit sniper..."

"Flying Tigers began to descent at the top of the General Administration!"

Before the TV.

The citizens stared at the screen with a fascinating expression.


They are dumbfounded!

This TM is also wonderful!

No one moved in front of the mall showcase, Macau gambling stalls began to set handicap...

Zhou Xingxing was holding a weapon, wearing a combat uniform, sitting in a helicopter, his expression was a little dazed.

He is recalling what "Zhuang Sir" said to him.

"You can do it during the drill!"

"I just let'Korean Law' see how good the action department is!"

"Including the Flying Tigers!"

Zhuang Shikai's voice is sonorous and powerful. Because he knows how powerful the "Flying Tigers" is, it is also a verification of the strength of the Chinese! What if the Flying Tigers temporarily stand on the side of Guilao? Who didn't know that he brought the Flying Tigers? Every captain is his person!

If this is the case, then everyone will follow the rules upright in the exercise! Let go and do it boldly!

He is not the kind of person who likes to play tricks.

Of course, the overall strategy is another matter! That's a crush on the strategic height! Not a trick!

At this moment, the Flying Tigers arrived in the sky above the General Administration Building. Zhou Xingxing put away his thoughts, raised his eyes, and shouted: "The teams descend to the top of the building! The gangsters' targets are quickly eliminated!"

"Today we also had a fight with Sir Zhuang! Let Sir Zhuang see how we are! We must not let Sir Zhuang down~lightnovelpub.net~ The three teams responded in unison.

"Huh!" Zhou Xingxing pulled down his black mask and shouted loudly, "Flying Tiger!"

The helicopter door opened.

A famous flying tiger team shouted in unison: "Xiongwei!"

Wow! Then they dropped the rope and started a downhill!

Soon, the three teams assembled and quickly descended, and quickly jumped into the building, began to perform their tasks, and attacked the offensive team.

They are soldiers of Sir Zhuang.

It is also the horse of Sir Zhuang.

If they behave poorly, they will not only lose the face of the Hong Kong police, but also lose the face of Sir Zhuang.