Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 47: Pay your life


   Criminal room.

   Just after the prison guards sent the meal, Lu Jiayao pulled a plastic shift beside him and knocked down the plastic chair. There is a couplet on the back of the chair.

"Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future."

   Lu Jiayao was holding the dinner plate, pondering the two lines of words, his eyes were a bit complicated, and his words were shining with strange light.

   He packed up his mood and shouted to the side with a smile: "Brother Zheng, here is a couplet."

   "I wrote that." Ah Zheng squatted in the confinement room next door, slurping dinner. It is not the first time that he has been in the criminal room, and he has fought quite a lot during his rookie period. Just like Lu Jiayao, he is a character who is unwilling to accept bullying and daring to resist. Unfortunately, the cell quickly taught him to sit in. So he engraved this sentence under the chair on the day he realized the true meaning of life.

   To be honest, it’s still a bit difficult to see this passage. First, you have to go to the criminal room, then move to the next warehouse, and finally overturn the stool. A series of operations require a lot of fate.

   A was thinking of picking up an enamel cup and taking a sip of water, and he couldn't help sighing, "It's really not easy for you to see this sentence."

   "Hehehe, Brother Zheng." Lu Yaojia gave a chuckle on his face, and helped his cracked glasses.

   A is holding the only piece of meat in the dinner plate with his hands, hanging in front of him, tilting his head and eating one bite: "The prison is like a big zoo with many lions, tigers, elephants..."

   "You are a little sheep, and I am a little monkey. It is the easiest to be bullied."

   "So to be a human must be forbearance, forbearance, forbearance..."

   It just seems to be venting, as if to finish a sentence, and then eat all the pieces of meat into his mouth in one bite. There is one difference between him and Lu Yaojia, that is, Lu Jiayao was sentenced to three years for manslaughter, while he was sentenced to 30 years for murder. For Lu Jiayao, the word forbearance is even more important. After three years, he can usher in a new life.

   But like "Lu Jiayao", he is not a young and Dangerous boy in a mixed club. He is the most dangerous in prison and the easiest to be bullied. It's not just prisoners who bully, but prison guards also bully people like them. And Lu Yaojia's upright character, I am afraid it will be even more unbearable in the future.

   Ah is looking down at the bandage on his chest, hoping to help Ah Yao this time, so Ah Yao can learn his lesson.

   "Da da da da." Zhuang Shikai carried the baton behind him, and walked steadily into the criminal room. Now that the time is right, he is ready to come to Zhong Tianzheng for a showdown.

   Although Zhong Tianzheng will meet the Assassin sooner or later, it will be at least a year later, and he has not killed the Assassin.

   The prisoner may dare to fight with the prison guard, but he absolutely dare not kill the prison guard.

   The purpose of his showdown is to prompt Zhong Tianzheng to act early, and must completely kill the killer male.

  It just so happened that the person in charge of guarding the criminal room today is a brother from the police force. He wants to come in easily, just say hello.

   I saw him walk directly in front of Ah, stand still, and look at each other with a smile. Ah Zheng's expression was abrupt, put down the bowls and chopsticks, handed out the dinner plate and said: "Sir, I'm full."

   "41671, do you think I'm here to collect the dinner plate?" Zhuang Shikai took a cigarette, lit it, didn't smoke it, and threw it directly on the ground. Ah Zhengde was also a bachelor, bent down to pick up the cigarette on the ground, and asked, "Aren't you here to ask me to pay my favor?"

   "You guessed it right." Zhuang Shikai lit a cigarette again, and the two looked at each other with a smile.

   The afterglow of the setting sun shone into the fence and hit Zhuang Shikai, making him look a little dazzling.

   The sunset glow was fleeting, and the sky outside the window fell into gloom before a cigarette was finished.

   Until Ah Zheng’s cigarette burned to the butt, he couldn’t help but said, "Big brother, what do you want me to do?"

   "Help me kill someone!" Zhuang Shikai didn't hide it, and threw the cigarette **** into the plate: "Kill the killer, is it courageous enough!"

   Lu Jiayao heard these words in the barn next door, and knocked over the dinner plate in his hand. He hurriedly bent over and cleaned the rice with his hands, but his eyes were very flustered.

After the initial silence, Ah Zheng suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the iron fence, suppressing his voice and gritted his teeth and preached: "You don't want to kill me! I don't care what your grudges and killer males have! No matter what trouble the killer bears out there! I just want to go to jail and leave safely!"

   "Don't want me to do anything about your affairs, just rush to me if you have any tricks! Damn, a broken poster wants me to kill you? I'm all over, don't care about you so much!"

  Fuck, Ah Zheng is a pragmatist, so he won't be led by the nose by some **** "famous". Moreover, his mind is very flexible, and he has long seen that Zhuang Shikai's purpose in coming to prison is not simple. Only now did I know that it was for the "killer male".

   bash the street! He and the killer male are indeed a bit grudges, but can't you just endure it by gritting your teeth? Why did he let him kill the "killer male"! I don't know what kind of trouble the "killer male" is causing outside, and can make people come in and **** him with all their energy. This matter is definitely not a small trouble, it's not that he can participate.

   Zhuang Shikai wiped off the saliva on his cheeks with his hands, with a smile on his face: "That's not a poster, that's your wife!"

   "I will help you save your wife, and it is only natural for you to pay your life."

   He glanced at Ah Zheng, then turned his gaze to Lu Jiayao next to him, tapped the iron with a baton and smiled: "Send you a word! Forbearance becomes more and more angry for a while, and takes a step back and thinks more and more losses!"

   "We didn't come here to pit you on purpose. It's just that you get into the killer, and you will be killed by him sooner or later. Don't regret not teaming up with me at that time."

   Zhuang Shikai turned and left after saying this sentence, shaking his head and shook his head: "Oh, my factory still lacks a position as a designer, who should I go to?"

   "The aristocratic kindergarten I contacted before is useless~lightnovelpub.net~ Alas, the 100,000 yuan prepared is useless, I really don't know how to spend it now."

   Zhuang Shikai sighed as he walked, his voice was not too loud, just enough to make Ah Zheng and Lu Jiayao hear him.

   "Is it promised to go out and work for me?" Lu Jiayao was an art designer before he was taken into custody. Hearing what Zhuang Shikai said, he immediately moved his mind.

   Azheng's heart jumped even more: "Can my child go to aristocratic elementary school?"

   The most important thing for him is that he has only one child, but now the child is in the orphanage and can only go to the welfare elementary school of the orphanage. The living environment inside, the quality of teaching is simply lousy*** The rooftop elementary school in public housing estates is not as good as that.

   If you can transfer to an aristocratic elementary school, not only will your child’s life be better, but it will also have a bright future.

   Lu Jiayao graduated from University, he has a good academic background and future. It is only a group of young and Dangerous boys harassing his girlfriend that he will accidentally kill a young and Dangerous boy.

   Now he has a criminal record, and regular companies will no longer use him. There is another beautiful girlfriend waiting for him outside. A good job after being released from prison is in front of him, which is very important to Lu Jiayao. As for the banknote that finished the ticket, to be honest, two people can't use it.

  For people like this who are still in prison, temptation with banknotes is the stupidest way. They must grasp what they are most afraid of losing, so that they can make the most ruthless determination.

   Zhuang Shikai even has the ability to threaten them with their girlfriends and children...but that is shameless and unnecessary.

   As a bright-minded future boss, he prefers to use the simplest and most effective way to solve problems.

   When he was about to walk to the gate of the prison, Ah Zheng in the prison suddenly shouted: "Police officer, I still want to smoke."