Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 522: This is the national spirit! (2 in 1, 60

, The fastest update of the latest chapters of the Hong Kong Comprehensive World Hero!

The attitude of the "Hong Kong Governor" in this incident is critical!

The Governor represents the interests of the British government and British enterprises.

This parade must have been approved by the Governor of Hong Kong!

Whether it can start, whether it can stop or not, depends on the Governor!

He is tantamount to being the voice of the British political and business circles, bringing together the opinions of both political and business parties and playing the role of "endorsement".

Of course, Zhuang Shikai had to say hello to the Governor before doing anything.

It is tantamount to a declaration of war!

As for the "informer" in Zhou Huabiao's mouth?

Not the undercover agent of Crouching Tiger! They are members of the community bought by the police! 24K pure twenty-five!

During this operation, Zhuang Shikai had a "dark hand" plan, which was the last step in digging holes for the ghost staff and burying their bodies.

The implementation of this "secret" plan can not send "undercover" to do things, so as not to expose the undercover, or leave black material, the best way is to contact the "community informant" and send young and Dangerous people to dig pits quietly.

Of course, community informants are not as reliable as the police undercover, but there is no connection between the local community on Hong Kong Island and the ghost staff. Human beings belonging to two worlds basically don’t have to worry about exposure risks.

This is the world!

People live in the same land, not necessarily in the same world.

The whole parade is still in the plan of Sir Zhuang, regardless of whether it is soft or hard, black or white, in short, it is stable.

"Beep! Beep!" At this time, the call was connected to the Governor of the Hong Kong Governor and picked up the copper telephone, leaned the receiver against his ear, and opened his mouth and preached: "This is Miles, what can I do?"

He was wearing a suit with a cigar in his hand and spit out a mouthful of white mist. He sat behind the large desk in the study room of the Governor's Mansion, holding on to the wooden table and asking knowingly.

Stupid boys know that "Blanche" will contact Hong Kong Island. The British parade must be approved and approved by the Governor of Hong Kong. Otherwise, how can the parade be possible?

With Blanche's identity and position in the whirlpool, he can definitely contact the Governor of Shanghai for ventilation.

Therefore, Miles is purely acting stupid.

Zhuang Shikai did not puncture, leaning on the chair in the office, turning his ten fingers around the tabletop: "Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, I am the police force, the head of the Hong Kong Island Region'Zhuang Shikai'."

He has a smile on his face and a cheerful tone.

Zhou Huabiao laughed a little while standing beside him: "Who is not just a fox? What pretends each other? There are kinds of things and continue to pretend if something happens! Pretend to the Zhuangye all the way."

"Oh! It's Zhuang!" The Governor of Hong Kong was a little upset, but said with a smile: "May I ask Sir Zhuang if he has anything to do with me?"

"Causeway Bay has gathered a group of British citizens and is launching a rally and parade. There are more than 5,000 people..." Zhuang Shikai briefly reported the numbers and route. The Governor smiled and preached: "The parade is a legal act for the citizens to express their opinions. As long as it is approved by the police, it is a reasonable and legal demonstration..."

"The responsibility of the police is not to disperse the procession, but to assist the procession and help the citizens express their opinions."

The Governor did not mention how to solve the public's problems after expressing his "opinions".

Because the citizen's problem is very simple...just cut the meat of Chinese capital!

Let the "Huazi" return the winning "Orient Ocean" to the Guilao with both hands, and then all the money invested was lost. The five big bosses went bankrupt and became the "Five Big Losers"...

"Orient COSCO" can not only quickly reorganize, but also quickly regain the market and resume normal operations. Other British hot money can flow into Hong Kong Island, swallow the market vacated by the five bosses, and allow British capital to grow further and Chinese capital quickly Malaise.

Haha, this is not called not solving the problem, it is called solving people!

This kind of hooliganism is a hooliganism habitually used by hooligan ghosts.

"Gui Lao is really a Gui Lao."

"Dog can't change eating shit." Zhuang Shikai cursed inwardly, but smiled on his face, very serious, and preached earnestly: "Yes! Sir!"

"I will definitely help the citizens express their opinions and help handle the parade."

Miles also smiled: "Well, I trust Officer Zhuang very much, please let go and do it!"

"Yes, sir!"


The phone hangs up.

Zhuang Shikai looked at the phone, pondered for a moment, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "The fox is a demon, all over the body!"

Miles leaned on the chair, folded his hands together, raised his head and preached: "Turn on the TV!"

"I want to watch the parade and sign documents!"

The parade on the street today is the most important thing for him and needs to be observed first.

This is not only involved in the "China-UK" high-level negotiations, but also directly related to the political performance, political scoring, and future status of the parties on both sides.

The high and low positions of Chinese and British capital in the next ten years! It can be said to affect the whole body!

The Governor hoped to see the British staff's parade out of control and finally crashed into the headquarters building. Zhuang Shikai killed a few more "British nationals".

At that time, he will be able to directly hold Zhuang Shikai accountable, and on the grounds of handling excessive demonstrations and causing deaths, he will attack the Chinese capital while attacking the "Zhuang Clan".

In this way, even if Zhuang Shikai cannot be killed with a stick, Huazi and Zhuang family, Qian and Quan, Zhuang Shikai must choose one! And after he finishes the election, he doesn't have to go by himself, and all the pro-China factions under his banner will fall!

The election business is the five bosses, the Patriotic Chamber of Commerce, and the election rights are the Chinese police and the five superintendents.

And after this stick breaks his money and power, there will only be a lone hand left in the future, and his strength will be greatly reduced.

No matter how the "Sino-British Agreement" is signed, Zhuang Shikai will be cut clean before 1997, and the "Chinese associations" that have been entrenched on Hong Kong Island for more than ten years will be crushed to death! Spread the British interests over the land of Hong Kong Island! It is not expected to be difficult!

This will be the best performance of "Mylis" in ruling Hong Kong Island! He is no longer a low-key Chief Executive, he will show off and be supported by the big capital of his ancestors, and he may be soaring in the future!

This is another guy who is eyeing Downing Street~

Zhuang Shikai has always had only one wish, that is, let the Chinese take charge of the Chinese territory, have food, work, and dignity.

The cultivator has his land, and the dweller has his house.

Therefore, both sides are keenly aware that a small political incident may become a turning point for the power of "China and Britain" on Hong Kong Island.

The stronger the Chinese, the stronger.

Is it also the afterglow of the British sunset?

Do not! There are no small political incidents!

Any trivial small incident may eventually become a huge news in a certain area with the help of various forces and even secret assistance.

But now it's the British side who doesn't want to admit defeat and wants to make matters worse.

Zhuang Shikai's best way to deal with it is to suppress the storm and let small incidents and small incidents calm down.

This is the method of a good politician.

"Tick." In the Governor's Office, the Yanmar Female Secretary twisted her hips, holding the document on her chest, holding the remote control in her right hand, and adjusting the TV channel.

On the TV screen, the marching citizens held up slogans, shouted slogans, and marched forward.

Miles opened a document with a smile, opened the pen cover, and slowly reviewed the document.

"Papa." Zhuang Shikai lit a cigarette and looked at the floor-to-ceiling windows. Underneath was a wide street with 1,500 neatly formed uniformed police officers.

"Sir! News is coming out!" Zhou Huabiao reminded.

"Huh..." Zhuang Shikai spit white mist, stared downstairs, and sneered: "What's so good about the news? I'm just standing here and watching the downstairs full of people! How can I play with the clown like this!"

The interpretation of the news about the parade, what the live broadcast explained... Now the grandpa doesn’t bother to watch it!

As long as he wins! You can broadcast the news as you want!

And whether he can win this time depends on whose methods are superior, and whether the Governor can handle the pressure...

I hope to call the Governor later, and the Governor can answer the phone with a smile! Ha ha!

Zhou Hua nodded, took coffee from the front, and brought it to Master Zhuang.

Master Zhuang raised his hand to take the coffee cup, and the two leaned on the table together, looking down at the floor.

"HSBC loan! Reorganization of the company!"

"HSBC loan! Reorganization of the company!"

"HSBC loan! Reorganization of the company!"

on the street.

Blanche took off his suit, dressed in a white shirt, and held up a slogan.

He wore an English headscarf, waved his hands, and rushed forward, pulling his throat open and shouting loudly.

More than 5,000 company employees and family members gathered in the adult stream, slowly following along.

The entire flow of people stretched to more than 500 meters, which could only occupy half of the road, and the remaining half of the road was cut with a cordon. Motor mounted police sirens, supervised and escorted all the way.

Hong Kong Island now is no better than before. It is not a place where ghosts are rampant! At least the Chinese police officers would not agree!

You can march! Follow the rules of the regulations, walk honestly, and give up the remaining half to the citizens.

"Beep! Beep!" A dozen motorcycle police cars with flashing police lights lined up, slowly moving forward along the cordon, trapping the marchers inside the cordon all the way.

Fifteen traffic policemen were wearing reflective vests and helmets and driving motorcycles.

They have serious expressions, and they will never allow ghosts to go beyond the cordon, but any ghost who rushes out of the cordon? All ride back!

In addition, there are also traffic teams and emergency teams on standby at each intersection.

The police showed a tough hand throughout the parade!

But Blanche was not afraid, excited in his heart, as if he was stirring the tide of history and causing changes in the world, with a sense of gaining momentum and taking advantage of the situation.

If he does this thing well, he will be able to enjoy the heroic courtesy when he returns to his ancestor's business community. What he gets is not only monetary benefits, but also merits and fame.

Name, power, money!

All three!

This shows Blanche's mood!

His little brown eyes shined brightly, showing the shrewdness of a businessman, but he did not have the courage to do big things...

He thought he was a "hero", but a **** at best. In the eyes of the big men on both sides in the next issue, he is no different from the more than 5,000 ghosts behind him...


The goal is ahead!

On Queensway Avenue, Song Zijie took the intercom and looked out the car window: "The parade has passed the fifth intersection, and it will arrive at the gate of the headquarters in 20 minutes."

They were sitting in a black official car and were responsible for leading fifty emergency teams to guard the last crossing of the parade road.


It is the Hong Kong Island Region!

"Received!" Li Ying stood at the gate of the headquarters, holding the intercom, and answered in a solemn voice.

"Over." Song Zijie put down the intercom, put his right hand out the car window, and made a forward gesture.

To the side of the road, fifteen black official vehicles started slowly, and accompanied the parade, disguised as "citizens" to follow along.

At this time, besides the parade road, apart from a few citizens and passing street cars, where are there any other citizens?

Serious citizens who come out to participate in the parade? Everyone hides at home if they watch the news! The community has ordered not to disturb this muddy water!

The associations come out to collect money, not to engage in politics, let alone the two largest associations in Hong Kong, the "China and the UK", to do things? Regardless of your big societies and hundreds of years of brand name, if you dare to rush into this storm, everyone will be torn apart.

Even the villagers in the New Territories protesting and marching at 300 yuan a day and 500 yuan per day dare not come.

And people with a little conscience don't want to get involved with the ghosts.

"Here!" Zhuang Shikai stood on the roof, raised his coffee cup, and took a sip of coffee.


He raised his eyes and looked down.

A large crowd of people in the demonstrations were shouting slogans, striding forward, and constantly forcing them to the gate of the headquarters.

One of the clowns danced most happily.

Zhuang Shikai frowned slightly: "Is that the one?"

He didn't like having a clown jumping in front of him.

Zhou Huabiao replied: "Blanche, the new president of Oriental COSCO."

"He proposed the parade. It is said to be very keen on politics. It is a bit like borrowing business to engage in politics."

Zhuang Shikai knew immediately, sneered and said, "I really didn't recognize him after changing his clothes!"

Soon his expression changed, and he said in a solemn voice: "Stop his leg as soon as this matter is over!"

"I hate jumping clowns the most."

Zhou Huabiao's expression was stunned, and he immediately replied: "Yes! Sir!"

No matter what the end of this guy is in the parade, he is not in a good mood to stare at him anyway, and his legs can no longer be kept.

"HSBC loan! Restructuring the company! HSBC loan! Restructuring the company!"

"Commercial fraud! Collusion between government and business! Commercial fraud! Collusion between government and business!..." The ghost staff of the parade kept shouting these two slogans, and as the people in front arrived at the gate of the total area, gradually more and more people gathered. People began to hold slogans at the gate of the headquarters, chanting slogans.

These people are really wishful thinking!

Standing in front of the French windows, Zhuang Shikai heard the slogan in his ears and looked downstairs.

In the midst of the noise, he couldn't help but rise in anger.

Clench your fists!

Secretly cursed in my heart: "Lose your mother! Huazi used strength to win the business war, where do you have the face to get the company back?"

These sounds are too harsh!

It's not because there are so many people in the parade, but because the parade of the ghosts is extremely ironic.


Chinese are inherently inferior? Guilao was born to be a superior one? Can even lose a bet?

How can this make people angry!

Zhou Huabiao saw the chief's clenched fist, bowed lightly, and preached respectfully: "Sir Zhuang, I'm going down to work."

"Call me whenever you need it."

With the distance of the building, the police walkie-talkie can directly call to the bottom of the building to ensure frontline communication.

Even if Master Zhuang is standing in the office, he can pick up the walkie-talkie and direct the front line himself.


Zhuang Shikai said softly.

Zhou Huabiao left the office silently.

After he walked out of the office, he immediately put on a police cap, brought a baton, and stepped quickly in the corridor.

Downstairs, the long procession finally gathered together.

There are more and more ghost staff, the scene is getting louder and louder, and the noise is getting louder and louder.

The reporters filmed from a distance.

Li Ying took the lead, standing in front of the uniform phalanx with a baton in his hand, raising his hand to signal: "Level 1 alert!"

"Wow!" One thousand five hundred police officers stepped forward, raising their batons and shields.

They stepped forward on the ordnance, and in a uniform movement, immediately played the murderous "Into the Array".

You must know that a neat voice is full of "power", which is equivalent to "murderousness"... This is a mark left over from tens of thousands of years of war and a reaction carved in human genes.

The Hong Kong Island Police Force has always been well-trained. It has not yet started, and the marchers were taken aback by the pressure.

"Don't be afraid of them!"

"We are British nationals! The yellow-skinned monkeys dare not move us!" Blanche rushed out of the crowd first and shouted.

Thousands of British employees immediately recovered, regained their arrogance, and shouted: "Accussion! Accuse the Chinese company for commercial fraud!"

"Reorganize the company! Return the equity!"

"Banks must provide interest-free loans! Keep jobs for British citizens!"

These employees can be said to be courageous, with more than 5,000 people gathered together, and they are indeed very emotionally motivated.

Not only can it make them stir up trouble, but it can also put pressure on the police.

But what about the police?

Stand still!

Li Ying was wearing a military uniform, standing on the front line, wearing equipment around his waist and trouser legs, holding a baton, and his expression calm.

The commander has already ordered!

No action without order!

Of course, keeping the gate of the headquarters is the bottom line!

The 1,500 police officers are divided into three phalanxes. One phalanx is 500 people, divided into ten rows, each with fifty people. The phalanx of fifty people alone is extremely oppressive to the citizens.

In addition, because the main area gate is not wide, the three phalanxes cannot be filled. Instead, a military lineup is adopted. One phalanx is placed at the door and two phalanxes are placed on the left and right wings to suppress the dangerous actions of the marchers in all directions. .

Song Zijie took the emergency team and sat in the car, parked the car behind the marchers, and along the streets along the way, he could rush out to do things at any time, shut the marchers and beat the dogs.

Regardless of the fact that there are fewer police officers than marchers, the police officers carry equipment one by one and are well-trained. There are more than two thousand people who are enough to hang the ghost staff.

Traffic police are completely blocking both ends of the avenue to prevent citizens from being harmed.

This caused a certain degree of traffic jams.

Caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the citizens.

Correct! The citizens will also start to be dissatisfied with ghosts!

"The yellow monkey is back to the company!"

"Hong Kong Island is a British colony, and we deserve commercial preferential treatment!"

"Chinese capital is not allowed to grow!"

"Provide free loans! FUCK! We want loans! We want salaries! We want positions!!!"


The guilao staff "marchers" did not carry weapons, gathered in the same place, and verbally abused the headquarters building.

In just fifteen minutes.

The scolding became more and more radical, more and more rampant, discriminating, attacking, and brazenly flaunting prestige.

Don't mention politically incorrect, now it's politically correct that ghosts are superior!

They seem to be attacking "Chinese capital" and "Zhuangye", but they are actually attacking the entire Chinese community and the Chinese police officers in front of them.

"This..." The reporters had some wrong expressions at the scene, and the Chinese citizens in front of the TV also had some wrong expressions...

Standing on the top of the building, Zhuang Shikai smiled as he listened to the curse.

"Using language as a weapon, using the body as a bargaining chip, wanting to deliberately provoke police officers, cause major incidents, chaos, and satisfy the interests of British capital?

"This is what the governor does?"

Sir Chuang realized.

He smiled again: "Very smart and effective."

The police officers were already extremely angry downstairs.

But he kept restraint.

"But it will be counterproductive!"

Zhuang Shikai said in a deep voice: "This will make the united Chinese more united! This will make the brave Chinese more courageous!"

Regardless of the Governor, the first brother, or even every high-level government.

The British government has always called it: Hong Kong is governed by Hong Kong.

I like to send a "China Connect" who understands Chinese culture to govern Hong Kong Island.

But they still can't understand the pride in the bones of the Chinese nation!

Is it possible to understand a nation by holding a few dictionaries, learning a language, and reading a few masterpieces and history books?

What do you think of the Chinese nation!

Is the civilization of the Chinese nation so shallow?

How can the barbarians understand that my Chinese man can eat all suffering, shed any sweat, pay as much blood, but the spirit of insult!

The veil of the Hong Kong government's hypocrisy...

Uncovered naked at this moment!

"There is no command from the commander! Never act rashly!" Zhou Huabiao hurriedly walked to the front in a white uniform, standing beside the phalanx and shouted loudly.

At this moment, 1,500 uniformed police officers squeezed their batons, gritted their teeth and resisted the curse, all with a hideous expression on their faces.

The emergency team in the official car also looked indignant and cursed in a low voice.


"Death to the street!"

"The ghost shovel of the Xian family!"

Li Ying raised his hand again, shouting loudly: "No action without order!"

"Yes, sir!!!" The 1,500 uniformed crew members hissed, shouting all the injustice in their chests into the words.

Like thunder piercing the sky!

The shouts of the officers resounded through the streets!

The ghost staff continued to scold them, and the more they scolded, the more unpleasant they were, and they rose to scolds of race, family, and even surnames.

Some Chinese staff were mixed in it, some started to sneak away with shame, but there was still a large number of people left...

Li Ying's face was red, and he suddenly raised his arm and shouted: "I swear!"

"I swear!" 1,500 police officers responded in unison!

"Heroic dedication! Guard Hong Kong Island!" Li Ying chanted loudly.

"Loyal and courageous! Protect the citizens!" Li Ying recited loudly.

He was reciting the police oath! Every police officer joins the police force and takes the oath when taking the oath!

"Heroic dedication! Guard Hong Kong Island!"

"Loyalty and courage! Protect the citizens!"

The 1,500 police officers shouted in unison, gathered into a torrent, reciting the same oath!

At this time, the Guilao staff was swearing in the most despicable language.

Chinese police officers responded with the most loyal oath.

Regardless of the past, today's Hong Kong Island Police Force has finally achieved what it promised.

But how many promises have Hong Kong and Britain fulfilled to the people of Hong Kong Island?

"FUCK! FCUK!" Guilao's verbal abuse continued~lightnovelpub.net~ The citizens in front of the TV shed tears, and the emergency crew members in the car whispered: "Loyal and brave...protect the citizens... "

When the police officers were verbally abused and had no order of action from their superiors, and did not know what to do...they used the loudest oath! Hold up your face!

Hold up the face of the entire Hong Kong Island Police Force Chinese!

Dissolve the psychological offensive of the Governor!

Li Ying did a great job!

Zhuang Shikai stood at the bottom of the building with tears in his eyes...

Enough scolding.

The citizens know where to stand...

Public opinion also knows which side to fight...

Zhuang Shikai picked up the walkie-talkie, exhaled, and preached: "Put a warning sign!"