Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 523: Witness the history (2 in 1, 6000 words

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"The first warning! Please evacuate the crowd ahead!"

"You are already close to the front of the guard zone! Please stop moving forward!"


A police chief wearing a helmet and military uniform held up a yellow slogan.

The police "slogan" system is divided into warning, severe warning, and final warning!

Represents the first verbal warning, the second verbal warning, and the ultimate warning before the final action.

The flags are yellow, dark yellow, and crimson!

One person can lift up the slogan banner with both hands, ensuring simplicity and convenience, and every Hong Kong Islander can see the warning.

The slogan is annotated with English and Cantonese bilingual and traditional Chinese characters, which is very majestic.

At this time, the ghost parade had reached its peak, and no one paid any attention to the police's advice. On the contrary, it caused a stir.

"Tick tick tack." In the office, Zhuang Shikai picked up the phone and dialed the number of the Governor again.

"Mr. Governor."

"The police force has issued a warning sign!"

The call is connected.

Zhuang Shikai chuckled softly.

This is the final warning before the war begins.

The Hong Kong Governor watched the TV and picked up the microphone: "Officer Zhuang, please handle this incident properly."

He just wanted to see how Zhuang Shikai accepted the move.

"Yes, sir!" Zhuang Shikai replied in a solemn voice, putting down the phone, a fierce light burst from the corner of his eyes.


"Second warning! Please keep quiet! Don't hit the cordon!"

The frontline sheriff changed the slogan, held up the dark yellow banner with both hands, and shouted the words "Severe Warning" on it.

"Wow!" The parade staff became more agitated.

The yellow warning slogans produced by the police force stimulated the dignity of Gui Lao and drove Gui Lao to rush forward.

The police officers held the cordon firmly.

Now the second stern warning, instead of letting the ghosts calm down, the ghosts began to restore order and crouched beside the guard area.

This is the standard personality of a guilao: acting hard inside, being strong outside and doing it in the middle.

Fear of power!

You are not hard enough to bluff!

Be tough to the end, tougher than them, this is enough to bluff!

Li Ying nodded slightly at the ghosts who had recovered their calm, and made a gesture to depress the alert police officer.

Blanche also yelled out among the citizens: "Quiet! Quiet! Please be quiet!"

"Staff, don't be impulsive, we are good citizens who are law-abiding, please carry out the parade in accordance with the provisions of the law!"

"We should express our demands correctly! Present our opinions to the official! Please be quiet!"

The ghosts gradually calmed down.

Because according to the plan reached by Blanche and the Governor, according to the instructions of the Governor, "peace" is the main theme of the normal parade.

They have no chance of winning head-to-head with the police, and the reason is untenable.

But they have forgotten who it was just now to swear loudly, trample on their dignity, and be arrogant and arrogant!

There is a kind of person in the world who always stands on the moral high ground and always chooses the reason that suits him, as if he will never make a mistake!

Beside the police phalanx, Zhou Huabiao glanced at Blanche: "Dog stuff!"

There was a fierce look in his eyes, and a rare disgust flashed in his eyes.

This is different from the usual gentle, kind and gentle "Uncle Biao" image, which shows how much he hates ghosts in the heart of "Uncle Biao".

At this moment, Uncle Biao did not speak much, and made a gesture to let Sima Xiang step onto the stage.

Sima Xiang is the representative of the "Big Five Bosses" and is responsible for the allocation of funds. He has the status of the Queen's Trader of the "Boss Zhuang" and is the spokesperson of the Big Five Bosses on certain occasions.

I saw him in a gray suit, ******, not at all surprised by the crowd, and came to the people in a gentle manner.

Huang Shitong, Chen Zhan, Mai Shengyun, Lin Rundong.

Four landlord members stood on his left and right sides.

All four of them have black suits, but Sima Xiang has a different style, preferring gray.

"I am the representative of the Chinese business community." Sima Xiang tidyed the corners of his clothes and spoke in a smooth London accent in a gentle tone.

This authentic accent is different from the "Hong Kong-style English" of most Hong Kong people. It represents a highly educated and high-level education, which surprised the ghosts.

The ghosts began to listen to Sima Xiang's speech.

Sima Xiang introduced the arrangement rules provided by the "Big Five Bosses" to the public in English, saying that the "Big Five Bosses" had surrendered huge benefits and were willing to "negotiate" on behalf of Chinese and British capital.

Huang Shitong raised the loudspeaker, and every time Sima Xiang said a word, he yelled out a loud voice, so loud that everyone in the audience knew!

At this moment, the "uncle" who is holding up the horn and yelling looks no different from the migrant workers on the construction site.

The only difference is a black suit!

But the suit made him even more wild! Bring the serenity to the scene! Talk to people in the financial world!

Those who can't raise the horn and shout are not worthy of being a gold broker!

People who don't charge for the boss are not worthy of being in position!

As for the five big bosses' "discussion", the details are not detailed...

"Original salary, original post, original post" thrown out? The ghosts are all tempted!

What's more, Chinese capital bears "severance pay"? This is the conscience of capitalists!

But capitalists have no conscience!

Capital is only about winning or losing!

The plan of the five big bosses did not mention the “return of equity” in the whole process. In fact, the Chinese capital is not negotiating with the “British capital”, but with the British employees.

This is to win over the enemy's masses, isolate the enemy's culprit, strive for all available forces, and divide and attack the opponent.

At this time, Sima Xiang and others asked the parade staff who were willing to accept severance pay and wanted to join the Chinese-owned company to leave the parade group with the secretary next to them, to sign their employment documents, or to go to the company to receive severance pay.

Immediately, more than 3,000 Guilao staff and their families left the parade one after another, including a few Chinese staff.

"Huh!" Zhuang Shikai sneered when seeing the ghost who was leaving vastly, and put the cigarette on his fingertips into his mouth: "It's done!"

The departure of more than 3,000 ghost workers reduced the mighty parade, and in a blink of an eye, there were more than 1,000 people left, a phalanx of less than 2,000 people.

The parade used to suppress the police phalanx in terms of numbers, but now it is on par with the police phalanx. In terms of momentum, it loses completely, and even appears to be sparse and loose.

This is the power of money! Regardless of country, region, company, or individual!

Nothing can escape the economic ecology!

Money can be overwhelming! The treatment conditions proposed by the five big bosses are already generous enough in the eyes of the Guilao staff, and naturally there is no need to fight against each other.

The so-called language, discrimination, and even violence.

In many cases, it is just a means of fighting for money...

The Zhuangye gave the money to the bottom of the opponent and immediately drew out the opponent's base plate, successfully disintegrating the opponent. The remaining thousands of ghosts are mostly middle-level seniors in ocean trading, at the management level, with smarter heads, and often want to earn more profits.

They first suspected the treatment given by "Chinese capital", and secondly they were not satisfied with the treatment given by "Chinese capital".

The key reason why a British company is a British company is that it is managed by a British company. What is the matter of transferring to a Chinese company?

They want to be "human masters"! Don't be "beating workers"!

They are staunch supporters of Blanche! He is also the most disciplined and loyal to British capital!

And the number of British employees who left was more than Zhuang Shikai had imagined, and the number of Chinese employees who had left was even less than Zhuang Ye had imagined...

Zhuang Ye stood upstairs and sneered: "That's right, the spineless people have left early! They are all spineless to stay!"

"Spineless lackeys always like to bark and bark, to please their master, and ask for a few bones."

"Wild dog!"

The choice of British staff also fully explains the truth: there are few smart people in the world and many short-sighted people.

The rest are no longer a concern.

"It's going to win!" After Sima Xiang advised several times again, he left with the people from the Landlord Association and the surrendered British staff.

Zhou Huabiao looked at the scene, the situation gradually became clear, most of the crowd was evacuated, and his heart was calm.

Li Ying and other police officers also breathed a sigh of relief, maintaining the image of being prepared and abiding by their duties.

Blanche was like a flea, shouting, jumping back and forth, trying to stop the leaving staff...

But the staff marched with him to fight for benefits, not to die in battle. Now that the benefits have been successfully obtained, why should they stay and continue to make trouble?

According to the description of the landlord association, the time for the Chinese-owned company to accept personnel is only one hour!

The staff have no time to make trouble with him!

Therefore, Blanche was helpless to watch the crowd evacuate, and only a group of "Iron Party" remained behind him to continue to support him to earn more benefits.

There is always a small part of people who think that the "Great Qing" is here!

You can still indemnify you after grabbing the land!

Huazi can make ten moves with one step!

Haha, Lord Zhuang will let them know today! What is the national self-confidence and great power style from later generations!

And when the British staff were evacuated...some unfamiliar faces dressed in white shirts and low-key behavior quietly mixed into the crowd, pretending to protest, and soon mixed with the protesters and no one knew...

Zhuang Shikai put down his arm, turned around to squeeze out the cigarette, picked up the phone at the desk, and gave the Governor an ultimatum.

"Mr. Governor, I am Zhuang Shikai!"

"Officer Zhuang!" Miles picked up the phone in the office, his tone no longer as pleasant as before.

The Chinese power and the five big bosses headed by "Mr. Zhuang" are actually willing to show their favor to the British capital?

Even if it's just to show good to the British staff at the bottom! It was beyond my expectations!

Moreover, it is estimated that the Chinese capital already lacks funds. If they want to spend such a large amount of severance pay, the five big bosses have to change the property of the seller and borrow loans.

This trick to "cut meat and feed the eagle" is amazing! He has forced Miles to the corner!

And this kind of trick Miles is not unexpected, but unable to do it, so it is estimated that the other party will not be able to do it!

It is equivalent to the coalition forces not being able to eat the snow regiment, use flour, and attack the enemy, so the subconscious cannot make judgments...

"The assembly time for the parade application has passed."

"Do you want to disperse the citizens?" Zhuang Shikai glanced at his watch and said.

Miles was very calm, and replied in a solemn voice: "You are the person in charge of the Hong Kong Island Region, and you have the right to handle the parades in the Hong Kong Island jurisdiction!"

"Understood!" Zhuang Shikai directly hung up this time without waiting for the Governor to reply.

The ultimatum is down!

It's time to act!

This time, fight who can be more calm!

Zhuang Shikai picked up the intercom, turned around, tapped the glass with a fist, and preached in a solemn voice: "Listen to the frontline!"

"Yes, sir!" Zhou Huabiao quickly grabbed the intercom, his expression stunned, showing his power.

"According to Chapter 245 of the Laws of Hong Kong Island, the procession must not exceed one hour, otherwise the police have the right to disperse it."

"The front-line explosion-proof troops are now ordered to issue a final warning to the marchers! If the assembled personnel are not evacuated, they will be evacuated in accordance with Part IV of the Public Safety Ordinance "Illegal Assemblies, Riots and Similar Crimes"!"

"The police are requested to strictly enforce the law! Protect the public safety of citizens!"

"Yes, sir!!!"

Zhou Huabiao shouted loudly.

Zhuang Shikai put down the intercom, raised his eyebrows, and stared downstairs heroically.

Hong Kong Island’s laws do have restrictions on the "parade time". The restriction here does not refer to the entire process of the procession, but refers to the assembly time after the procession is assembled.

After all, the assembly time is too long may affect the municipal government, and more likely to brew a crisis.

So, how about the parade! How to draw the route! How much time is spent!

It's up to you!

After the parade?

Only one hour!

This is not in the application form, but silently written in the provisions of the law...

Few people use it! But it is very practical!

It's even more about whether the law enforcement dare or want to use it!

The "Public Safety Ordinance" is more common and often comes in handy. When the assembly activity exceeds the time limit, it can automatically be classified as an illegal assembly. It applies to "illegal assembly, riots and similar crimes", and can be punishable by imprisonment for 5 years, level 2. Fine and imprisonment for 3 years.

Those who attack or injure a police officer in the course of law enforcement can be sentenced to 2 years’ imprisonment for “Assault, resist or deliberately obstruct any police officer in the proper performance of his duties or a person assisting the police officer in the Offences Against the Person Ordinance” 36b . In accordance with Article 63 of the Police Force Ordinance, he was fined US$5,000 and imprisoned for 6 months.

At this time, the ghost staff took out boxes of rotten eggs and boxes of rotten cabbages from nowhere, and began to throw cabbage and smashed eggs at the police phalanx. Their language weapons were upgraded to extremely "minor" physical weapons...

This seems to be paving the way for the next thing.... Give something fun to the atmosphere first? Practice your hands?

Citizens on the TV, seeing this scene, have already begun to swear.

On the one hand, it is shameless to scold the ghosts, and on the other hand, why don’t you scold the police?

The three police phalanxes stood still, allowing them to fight, still maintaining the lineup, and standing by for orders seriously.

"Don't throw! Don't throw!" Blanche was in the whirlpool, spreading his arms and shouting loudly.

He has keenly realized that something is wrong, his emotions have been out of control, and a black hand behind the scenes has triggered the vortex to lead the incident in another direction.

"Papa!" An egg slammed on Blanche's head, and the broken pale yellow fell along the bangs, fascinating his eyes, making him very embarrassed.

You know, when he goes out, he fills up with dry glue and keeps it well in order to maintain his grace in front of the camera.

Break the power now! He was extremely embarrassed.

"Kacha! Kacha!" The media camera snapped immediately, but wanted to capture his most embarrassing moment...

"Papa!" An egg hit the top of Zhou Huabiao's head, hit the white police cap, and dyed the front end of the cap yellow.

Zhou Huabiao stood up straight, did not flinch, and put on a brave attitude.

"Kacha, Kacha..." At this time, the media police slapped him frantically.

Similarly, both sides smashed the eggs, but as the two sides have different auras, they showed completely two pictures.

A heroic guardian! An obscene and obscene!

"Good smashed!" Zhou Huabiao held the baton, secretly applauded

"Who! Who! Who smashed the egg!" Blanche cleaned his hair and cursed in the crowd.

"Last warning!" At this moment, the sheriff raised the crimson banner and issued a final warning to the front.

Then various eggs and cabbage smashed at him, but he stood still, still holding the banner high.

"Sir! The final warning is over!" Li Ying turned around suddenly, Uncle Biao raised his hand: "Three minutes to prepare!"

"Three minutes to prepare!" Li Ying raised his neck and shouted loudly. The officers of the explosion-proof group immediately changed their expressions, squeezed the baton tightly, and began to breathe heavy...

Zhou Huabiao's three-minute preparation is not only for police officers, but also for "troublemakers"!

"Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!" Just two minutes passed, and the troublemakers who threw vegetables and eggs lost their "ammunition", and then one by one showed the machete.

They don't know where the chopper came from, anyway, after throwing out the eggs and cabbage, the rest will use whatever they hand over!

Chaos always starts with chaos!

"Return the equity! Reorganize the company!" Suddenly someone in the crowd rang out a slogan.

The same slogan is shouted at different times and obviously has different effects.

The slogan instantly detonated the emotions of the current marchers and pushed the march to the climax in one fell swoop!

With a weapon in your body, kill yourself! Those with weapons and those without weapons are just like beasts and humans!

"Return the equity! Reorganize the company!"

"Return the equity! Reorganize the company!" A large group of hand-held weapons rushed forward!

Blanche rushed to the ground, Zhou Huabiao severely cut off his arm: "Action!"

"Drink! Drink! Drink!" The three phalanx uniformed police officers struck their shields with sticks, stepped forward, and advanced neatly.

"Action!" Zhou Huabiao waved his arm again.

"Catch people!" A group of O Ji members dressed in plain clothes pushed the car door, took out their handcuffs, and quickly plunged into the crowd.

The explosion-proof group's phalanx is overwhelming, and the members of O's record strike accurately!

"Call you crazy! Call you crazy! I'll call you crazy again!"

"Mother Thulei!" On the side of the street, the gas drifted and fell down! Drop it! Drop it again! A police officer raised his baton and quickly fell off, catching someone on the ground and beating him severely!

There was chaos at the scene, smoke and gas of various colors filled the corner, and the perpetrators were detained in the corner. The scene went into the arrest process smoothly during the strong enforcement of the police.

Who was beaten on the ground? Take a closer look, hey, it turned out that it was the president! Blanche!

"Haha..." Zhuang Shikai stuck his chin in his mouth, stroked the scum with his fingers, and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Ding ding ding ding! Ding ding ding ding!" The phone kept ringing on the office desk.

The governor can't hold his breath!

Zhuang Shikai raised his wrist and looked at the watch, ignoring the ringtone at all.

[Currently participating in the curtain of the era: Sino-British negotiations]

[You complete a story of your own: Chinese business war]

[You exerted your influence in the business and police circles on Hong Kong Island, successfully led the Chinese capital to defeat the British capital, proved to the British the strength of the Chinese economy, and repelled the British capital’s protest marches, preserved the fruits of the business war, and indirectly affected the negotiation process. Major historical event and victory]

[Story rating A, you can upgrade a skill]

Compared with the phone ring, the system prompt is undoubtedly more important.

After reading the prompt message, Zhuang Shikai was delighted. Not only was he happy to get the story rating, but he was also honored to participate in historical events.

The torrent of history is rolling forward. Who doesn't want to give it a little push?

And it's the result of longing for!

Of course, this result will not change with or without him, and his effect is still very small, but as long as there is a little effect, he is full of pride! Not in vain to live again!

He tried his best, emptied his assets, and risked himself. Perhaps he could only become a sentence on the negotiating table: Facts have proved that the Chinese can also do business well!

That's worth it!

In addition, Sir Zhuang has not received a story rating for a long time, and an A-level story rating is very important to him.

"Ding Ding Ding."

The phone rang and rang.

Zhuang Shikai embraced his hands and stood on his legs, arrogantly admiring the beautiful scenery downstairs.

I saw that the activity had been roughly dispersed, and the police were driving a line of ghosts **** with nylon ties, bowed their heads, and lined up into the headquarters.

They changed their way to enter the main area gate. Obviously he has fulfilled his wish, how does it look a little pitiful?

This group of people!

It looks like Xun Ling!

"Ding Ding Ding." The phone rang again.

Zhuang Shikai answered the phone and asked aloud, "Who is it?"

This time he asked it knowingly!

The Governor of Hong Kong took the phone and breathed heavily: "It's me, Miles."

"Sorry, sir! I just commanded the action on the front line, and didn't hear the call in time." A pretty boy preached while standing in the office.

In fact, in this incident, Zhuang Shikai is responsible to his hometown, and the Governor of Hong Kong is also responsible to his ancestors.

Since the high-level games between the two sides did not show a breakup.

Then both of them should pay attention to avoiding bloodshed, one is to avoid the blood of the Chinese, and the other is to avoid the blood of the British.

Now the Governor’s phone call shows that he can't hold back his breath, intends to surrender, and voluntarily surrenders.

Because when the British marchers showed off their weapons, the parade was regarded as "atrocity." No reason can be justified, and no goal can be achieved.

The incident continues? If there are many casualties of British citizens, the Hong Kong Governor will be greatly affected, but there will be casualties. What if he can't take the police force!

After all, the police enforced the law reasonably and couldn't fault it, and he could only sacrifice the British-funded enterprises, saying that he would surrender and lose half!

Lose British capital! Keep yourself!

"It's okay." Miles smiled and preached: "I just want to praise you for the beautiful resolution of the matter! However, mass demonstrations are not a serious crime. You must speak out what the citizens need. This is a manifestation of democratic governance of Hong Kong. Please ensure that the law is enforced. Strength."

Miles spoke very mildly, and this is the mildness of the loser.

"Yes! Sir!" Zhuang Shikai raised his hand to salute ~lightnovelpub.net~ and preached: "I must ensure the strength of law enforcement!"

This is the promise of the winner.

Because only the winner is qualified to promise!


This happy governor!


On September 6, 1984, after 22 rounds of negotiations, the "Sino-British Joint Declaration" was formally issued. The statement stated that the "British side" would return the sovereignty of Hong Kong Island at 0:00 on July 1, 1997 when the lease agreement expires. Hong Kong Island upholds the great policy of "Hong Kong governing Hong Kong" and one country, two systems.

In the document, the “Chinese side” agreed to retain the current legal and judicial system, establish autonomous regions, retain the international financial center, shipping system, and education system, and maintain these basic terms unchanged for 50 years. Take management responsibility.

The attachment also lists in detail 12 plans concerning foreigners and local officials who retain their jobs in the British Hong Kong government...