Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 526: 5 horses enter Beijing, 1 horse takes th

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"Do you want to join the party?" Sir Zhuang changed his diaper and held the child in his arms. Yang Jianhua adjusted his expression and suddenly asked.

Zhuang Shikai's expression was taken aback: "Join the party?"

"The country allows you to join the party secretly!"

"Specially approved!"

Yang Jianhua's expression became serious, his eyes pierced, and he stared at Zhuang Shikai and answered.

At this time, Zhuang Shikai was very surprised!

Although, he knew that Yang Jianhua took the initiative to ask him to chat, it was probably an instruction from the upper level, and it was likely to "commend".

But he did not expect that the way of "commendation" would be so glorious!

This is not an ordinary interest, but a kind of identity and recognition. The "comrade" in the mouth is no longer just talking, but a real faith.

Zhuang Shikai took a deep breath, adjusted his expression, and fell into thinking.

Yang Jianhua knew that it was a big event, and Sir Zhuang must be cautious, so he waited silently for a reply.

"Is it just me?"

Zhuang Shikai asked.

"Only you."

Yang Jianhua said aloud.

Zhuang Shikai's chest rises and falls, and he exhales slowly: "Sorry, I don't deserve it."

He is telling the truth! With his current position as a capitalist, he is only willing to abandon certain interests for the country and pursue better welfare, but he cannot put his "faith" first and make his "Party D" greater than "humanity."

The country can be said to have considered him well. "Secretly joining the party" not only gives him a chance, but also guarantees that his current interests on Hong Kong Island will not cause him to suffer major losses before the return. After the return, he can naturally disclose his identity...

At that time, the door to business in the mainland will be opened, and you will get the most smooth express train in the new century and make the most money...

Think about it, I feel good!

This is the best reward for him!

But Zhuang Shikai is not a stupid boy, let alone “faith”. On the contrary, he used to be a team in his previous life, an “activist” of college students, and he understands how important and great “faith” is.

People who don't understand anything can speak up without embarrassment and plunge into it, not ashamed, but proud.

Zhuang Shikai has attended party classes, read the red book, and understands the meaning of faith better.

He can enter in the last life, he in this life? Not worthy of entry!

If you don’t deserve it, don’t force it. Faith is a personal choice. You need to know how to listen to your inner voice and make the most suitable choice.


"I understand you."

Yang Jianhua sighed and preached with a little regret: "The organization has investigated your background and knows that you started in a chaotic era. There must be many factors of the times..."

"But everyone on Hong Kong Island has problems left over from the times, not you. You are the most enlightened one, so the organization only approved a quota."

"Times make heroes, and Hong Kong Island also makes you. As long as you continue to contribute to Hong Kong Island society, the country will still recognize you!"

Yang Jianhua's eyes lit up and he said: "The country is the country of the people. Organizational comrades, democratic comrades, and people without party affiliation are all comrades, regardless of you and me!"

Yang Jianhua said this very clearly.

One: The organization invites you to join the party to appreciate you. It is normal for you to have your own considerations, so there is no need to worry about other problems.

Two: Zhuang Shikai's deeds of not joining the party are still there.

Three: Your previous problems are no problem, but joining the party must "take party lessons" and "raise awareness" to give up some benefits for the people.

Regardless of the subtext or the manuscript, Zhuang Shikai made the most advantageous choice.

"Thanks!" Zhuang Shikai's eyes lighted up, and he thanked him as he clutched the bottle.

With the tolerance and heart of a great country, how can it be attacked indiscriminately?

Good comrades everyone!

You must know that capital does not talk about national boundaries. However, Zhuang Shikai delineates capital on national boundaries and nationalities. To a large extent, he has betrayed the "capital nature", and commercial interests will be greatly affected.

The simplest analogy is this: The money lost this time could not have been lost.

If you don't even recognize Zhuang Sheng, that would be too unreasonable.

However, Zhuang Shikai delineated his own capital, but chose to maintain his unaffiliated status. The big reason was not for money, but for the convenience of doing things at certain times, so he didn't have to worry too much.

After all, he can do everything a party member can do. There are things that a party member cannot do, but he also does some things.

He sneered at "democracy and freedom", but knew that Hong Kong Island needs "tough manoeuvres."

Yang Jianhua shook his head and said: "In fact, I personally hope you will join the organization, because I see in you something that Hong Kong people lack, but I respect your choice..."

"In addition, the country knows that you owe the money you owe and loses money, and feels a little sorry, and decided to contract you for a railway construction project. You can apply for a qualified company and send me the company name at that time..."

Is this love from the father of the motherland?

Zhuang Shikai was warm in his heart, holding a milk bottle and preached: "Thank you for your organization and understanding!"

"Let your subordinates contact you tomorrow."

As for the question of whether there is an engineering company under it?

Ha ha.

Are you afraid of not having a company?

Buy it directly!

And how much can domestic railway projects earn?

At least it can give the five big bosses a wave of blood, but this is not the same as the opportunity to join the party. It is equal to the benefits of the big boss, and the five big bosses have a share.

Sir Zhuang likes to breastfeed his son, and the country also likes to breastfeed his son.


"You have a business meeting next month. The organization invites you to attend. It is not convenient for you."

This meeting is to meet with the leaders, plus Mr. Huo and others, a total of five, that is, the top five bosses! Meeting of patriotic businessmen!

Zhuang Shikai's expression immediately shrank, and his tone solemnly said, "Is there something wrong with my identity?"

"It's ok."

"I am here as a businessman, and things will be arranged at the top!" Yang Jianhua said.

"Hey! So this is the highlight!" Zhuang Shikai took a breath in his heart, and said: "You must be there!"

This kind of opportunity should not be missed. I don't know the significance, and it can also give the future a halo.

Next, Zhuang Shikai and Yang Jianhua talked about some trivial matters, including the public order on Hong Kong Island, the negotiation event, and even the "Li Chaoren" matter.

After all, Yang Jianhua is in charge of Hong Kong affairs...so there are not many things in the Mainland, mainly talking about Hong Kong Island affairs.

There is nothing to talk about in terms of law and order. In the negotiation, it is said that there are other "government personnel" on Hong Kong Island who are helping the mainland to obtain a lot of intelligence at once, so as to force the British to lie.

By the way, Li Chaoren also began to show his favor to the mainland. These long-sighted but selfish people have a good strategic vision. They know how to take a ride in the last wave of negotiations and buy a ticket in advance.

What if it is changed to after the joint statement is issued? Hehe, it's hard to buy a ticket.

Zhuang Shikai is quite contemptuous of this, and is secretly guessing which department the government personnel will belong to.

It is a pity that Yang Jianhua could not disclose confidential information, which caused Zhuang Shikai to still think about cooperating with the "comrades" on Hong Kong Island, and to win over his teammates.

During the conversation, Yang Jianhua regretted the loss of the "Big Five Bosses".

No way, the economy of the mainland has not yet risen, and the economic capital is more important. The comrades of Hong Kong Island have lost so much in vain, and it hurts for anyone to look at it...


There must be sacrifices in war!

Therefore, the two did not talk much about "money". Zhuang Shikai only thought of the business case of "Li Chaoren" snake Tunxiang, and said in his heart: Regardless of character, his business skills are truly unique on Hong Kong Island. Mr. Huo and others On the "scheme", it is inferior in the end.

With the help of Li Chaoren, I am afraid that Zhuang Shikai will fight the business war more beautifully, and the loss will be much smaller.

Of course, Zhuang Shikai's entire business war, including the handling of the parade, was all about fighting the cows and winning upright.

After the whole incident, the "Hong Kong Governor" did not have the slightest strength to parry. It was not because the Governor and the British capital lacked strength, but everything was being calculated! Only the Governor and British capital can't fight back!

This is the style Zhuang Shikai likes: strategizing, spring breeze blowing.

However, respect for their commercial strength does not mean that they have to shake hands and make peace.

The two sides have already competed with each other several times in business, and their subsidiaries have a competitive relationship, so they still have to fight "Li Chaoren" painfully! Seize the opportunity to be beaten to death!

"At night, the sea is windy, which is not good for the children, so hurry up and take the children home."

It's getting late.

The seaside wind began to grow stronger, and it was chilly, Yang Jianhua said actively.

Zhuang Shikai nodded: "OK OK!"

He picked up Zhuang Ziwei and stuffed it into the stroller, got up to hold the stroller, put on sunglasses, and turned his head coolly: "Flash."

"Walk slowly, don't give it away." Yang Jianhua raised his head and smiled bitterly.

She couldn't figure out how old a woman would dare to leave the child with Mr. Zhuang?

Zhuang Shikai hummed twice and pushed Zhuang Ziwei into the nanny car. Zhuang Ziwei was also humming while lying in the stroller...


In the evening.

"Where did you take your baby?"

After Ami got home, she hugged the baby and asked suspiciously.


Zhuang Shikai answered naturally while eating abalone.

As long as there is no substantive evidence, he must be a good father!

Take care of people!

Good gentle and considerate father!

"Why is that Ziwei's diaper different?"

"There is no such brand at home!"

May unbridled mercilessly.

Zhuang Shikai's mouth twitched, "Huo Sheng sent it here."

"Anyway, they are all top imported goods! Super A goods! What's the difference?"

"Frankly explain!"

"Where did you take the kids?"

This time Ami became serious, especially with regard to children, there is absolutely no room for negligence.

Zhuang Shikai said casually: "I didn't go anywhere... I just took Ziwei to find Huo Sheng to drink tea, go to Stanley to blow the wind, listen to the world of big capital, understand the upper-level politics, and do some patriotic education..."

Ami’s face became darker and darker as she heard it, and finally broke out a roar: "Zhuang Shikai!!!"

"You take a seven-month-old child to drink tea and blow hair??"

"Then seven-year-old can't bring knives and guns to the shooting range??"


Two months later ~lightnovelpub.net~ the capital.

A special plane arrived.

Mr. Huo, Mr. Zhuang, Mr. Shao and others all ended in file.

They all wore suits with serious expressions, and walked into the courtesy car politely.

Among them, Mr. Zhuang did not go directly to the hall, but transferred to the VIP room of the Capital Hotel. He did not show up in the public during the whole process, and the itinerary was extremely confidential.

In this business meeting, the outside world only knows that the "four big bosses" went home to have a look. It is natural to make various agreements on the business communities of Hong Kong and Island in private, and then accept compliments and face-to-face meetings.

Until 2000, the file confidentiality time expired, history was unveiled, and the world knew that it was the five bosses who went home! So the world called this incident "Five Horses Entering Beijing" and called out the name "One Horse Leads"!

And this horse is the one that entered Beijing from secrecy!