Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 536: Brothers gather

Latest website: After Zhuang Shikai used his power on Hong Kong Island to influence the outcome of the Sino-British negotiations, he not only won awards from the Mainland, but also attracted strong attention from the British side.

There is hostility if there is recognition!

This is the inevitable result of choosing a team!

The British pressure on Zhuang Shikai once came mainly from the Governor of Hong Kong and was confined to Hong Kong Island, but since the last incident, he has attracted the attention of the British upper management.

The pressure from the ancestors of the British Fang directly hit him!

"Downing Street Phone"!

This is the attention that "Luo Ge" did not enjoy in the past,

It can be seen that Zhuang Shikaiqing is blue, better than blue, and being a leader of the Chinese power is even more arrogant than the "Luo Ge" back then!

Now that the British side has completed the Sino-British negotiation agreement, it is finally free to deal with him.

This is to deal with him, and also deal with the situation of the entire Hong Kong Island, to prepare for the dark hands before the return.

This layer of pressure is on the governor, and on every ghost.

This will condense into a force to directly hit Zhuang Shikai.

This knife can't hide from the sir!

After receiving the news, Miles suddenly found that his ancestor's ideas coincided with him, and quietly thought: "Buying mine, digging mine, maybe you can kill two birds with one stone!"

"It's done in the first battle!"

The ancestral think tank should have also done a situation analysis on Hong Kong Island, knowing that other methods are very slow at the moment, or there is no time, it is too late.

Only "amendments" is the most effective and powerful way to change the "British school's predicament."

"Then revise the "Policy Regulations"!" Miles found a direction and made up his mind.

Direct action police case!

This is definitely the best way to change the pattern of the police!

As a law enforcement officer, the police force's innate justice stems from the "Policy Regulations", and every police regulation is the support of the police force.

Many things that can be done without the support of the "Policy Regulations" are difficult to do.

Everyone is playing with the rules, "Police Regulations" are the rules of the police force!

There is no need to revise too many "Policy Regulations", as long as a few key items are changed, the control of the police force may be regained and Zhuang Shikai's legitimacy will be abolished.

Of course, amending the legislation is equivalent to amending the law, and it is the last resort for a certain regional government, those in power, and the handling of incidents.

In the case of less than a last resort, the general government will not implement the "Amendment", at most, with the development of the society, it will continue to delete clauses, add notes, supplements, and adapt to the social environment.

Because every citizen knows the horror of the "Amendment" and also knows that the "Legislation" is closely related to every citizen. Every time the "Amendment" incident occurs, it will affect the lives of every citizen, attract a large number of citizens' attention, and trigger Many voices of public opinion, even rallies, riots, and wars.

This has resulted in regional governments not daring to amend regulations frequently.

Authority cannot be abused, and abuse is without prestige.

But Miles must now "amend the regulations"!

"As for how to fix the "Policy Regulations"... Then we need to think carefully."

"You can't fix too much, but you have to fix it to the point. One thing directly changes the structure of the police force!"

This is called "the big move must be accurate!" and "the group must be ruthless!".

Miles picked up a cigar, pinched his fingers back and forth, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He actually has some clues about the "revision" and knows how to fix it.

What is left is to let the Secretariat of the Government of the Governorate to help advise the staff, and then discuss specific plans with officials of the Department of Justice, and the amendment process will be launched soon.

If everything is instant.

The "Revision" event can be finished before the end of the year!

Not smooth?

How could it not go well! ! !


Early April 15th.

Headquarters, auditorium.


Zhuang Shikai was wearing a white uniform and wearing the "Gold Medal of Valor", "Peacekeeping Medal", "Police Medal of Excellence"... and many other medals on his chest.

I saw that his waist was straight, his face was serious, his legs were brought together, and he raised his hand in salute with a serious attitude.

"Congratulations." The Korean detective picked up the epaulettes on the tray and personally changed the police rank for Sir Zhuang!

Police rank of Assistant Commissioner!

At this time, Han Li looked at him with a calm expression, raised his hand in salute, and then stretched out his palm.

"Thankyou, sir!"

Zhuang Shikai thanked him and shook hands with the Commissioner of Police.

The two people's eyes were calm, but their eyes flashed for a while between shaking hands, and the two words were invisibly reflected-tacit understanding!

"Pada!" Zhuang Shikai released his hand, and then faced the police officer offstage. The reporters raised their hands, stood at attention, and saluted!

"Wow!" Applause from the audience.

"Crack! Click!" TV station, PR department, dozens of cameras pressed the shutter.

Today is the day when Sir Chuang was officially appointed as the "Assistant Commissioner" of the Police Force. The relevant news appeared in the newspapers that night, which caused an uproar among the people of Hong Kong Island and felt a little unbelievable...

This society has really changed!

The Chinese police officers achieved the rank of director under the colonial rule of the British government? What is the difference between this and being the Chief of Police?

Of course there are differences... but after all it is a matter of time!

Chief of Police?

Sir Zhuang could not let it go!

And the closer you get, the more you have to work hard!

That night.

Eight o'clock

Ying Kee Hot Pot Shop.

Shancheng likes "butter hot pot", and Hong Kong Island likes "seafood hot pot".

One is to eat the taste in hot pot, and the other is to drink the soup in hot pot.

After all, Hong Kong people still like "soup"! Even shabu-shabu is a kind of "soup"!

In the hot pot shop.

A small hall, three tables.

Officers above the superintendent level such as Zhuang Shikai and Li Shutang sat at the main table.

There are also "Zhuo Jingquan" and "Lin Guoxiong" on the main table.

Miao Zhishun, Yuan Haoyun, Zhou Xingxing and other key players sat at a table.

Chen Jiaju, Li Ying, Song Zijie and other new forces sat at a table.

Guan Li, Ma Jun, Huang Qifa, Li Cangdong and others were also present.

"Gululu..." In the middle of the three tables, there is a copper pot with a carbon stove burning at the bottom of the pot.

Beef, lamb, sea shrimp, squid, green vegetables...

A dish of processed ingredients was placed on the side, surrounded by the outer circle of the copper pot, and the table was filled with "chicken soup", and there were medlar and dangshen floating in the pot.

"Huh..." Taking a breath, the sweet soup flew into the tip of the nose.

"This TM is also a hot pot?" A passing mountain businessman smelled it, raised his head, his face was full of contempt.

"This TM is hot pot!!!" A Hong Kong citizen stood beside him, shouting with confidence and confidence.

The correct answer to this kind of question has nothing to do with rationality. It is best to be correct wherever you stay, and insist on being beaten carefully.

Of course, the guys also have a sauce with soy sauce, aged vinegar, and chili rings, so that the hot pot taste is obviously too monotonous.

At this time everyone looked at the main table... Zhuang Shikai took the lead in picking up the chopsticks, picking up a piece of beef and putting it in the pot, and said, "Don't be too restrained! Just treat it as a private dinner, and the chopsticks will move!"

While shaking the slices of meat on his chopsticks, he said with a smile: "If you want to drink, drink, drink and drink, and if you want to press your feet, let Dago arrange it!"

"But you have to drink it before you can press your feet..." Sir Zhuang said with a long tail tone: "I'll please!"

"Hahaha!" There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone responded in unison: "Yes, sir!"

Zhuang Shikai shook his head, garnished beef with flavored dishes, and then put the beef into his mouth. He chewed and thought to himself: "These stinky guys smile when they say press their feet. I guess they don't press them less often..."

He shook his head and sighed in his heart.

Fortunately, the police's salary is not low. It is said that there are also associations offering "A sir" discounts, which are 30% off with a police officer's card.

Police officers can afford to play, so let's contribute to the economy of Hong Kong Island!

It’s just that the case of the anti-prostitution group is much more difficult to handle. You can only catch so many three or five companies every month, and you often catch your colleagues and let him slip away from the back alleys, so that a sir in the anti-prostitution group is given to the deputy director Transferred to the reservoir department.

"Hey, Sir Zhuang said please wait for us to press our feet! Do you have any recommendations?"

"Dream Xiangjiang, on the 18th, looks like Lan Jieying!" Li Cangdong and Huang Qifa whispered to each other on a table, one of them was boiling tripe, the other was boiling lamb, their faces grinned, irritating the side. Chen Jin rolled his eyes.

However, Chen Jin was not as high as them, and his qualifications were very small, so he didn't even interrupt.

"Damn! You got a good bite?"

"I recommend the Yanmar in Wenrou Township next door. Would you like to give it a try? It's so cool for you!" Li Cangdong and Huang Qifa continued.

Miao Zhishun and Li Ying did not move their expressions, they exchanged their eyes privately...

Swish! After a few eyes exchanged, they decided on the same place without saying a word!

Yuan Haoyun seemed to see something. Before eating a few bites, he picked up the toothpick and stuffed it into his mouth, leaning against Li Ying with the toothpick in his mouth, touched Li Ying's shoulder with his shoulder, lowered his head, and preached sneakily: " Eh!"

"I got it, I got it, take you one." Li Ying agreed with the wine glass, his tone also revealed a hint of impatience. Obviously Yuan Haoyun didn't do "sniffing" things once or twice.

Cao Dahua wore a red shirt, unbuttoned the four buttons on the neckline, and opened his chest to reveal a few black hairs inside...

He sat next to him, propped up the table with his hands, and said with a grin in his heart: "You young chicks! No matter how high the status is, how good the marksmanship is?"

"Playing and playing are all leftovers of Master Wan from the year! And Lan Jieying on Portland Street! Lost, but I personally try her clock!"

Hehehe, "soft rice cao" talks about marksmanship and tactics, but it can be talked about "feet washing and massage eating soft rice"? That is definitely the Patriarch's level!

"Old Bird" is wrinkled!

He glanced across the audience at will, then guessed the thoughts of the police officers present...

"The newcomer is more pure!"

"Sure enough, talented people come out from generation to generation, and one generation always wins over one generation!"

Zhuang Shikai raised his arms high, holding the wine glass, and sighed in his heart.

He just saw Chen Jin's performance in his eyes.

Immediately, he raised his wine glass and shouted: "Thank you all for joining us, your drink!"

"Wow." Li Cangdong, Miao Zhishun and other police officers immediately picked up their wine glasses, stood up, respectfully, and shouted: "Congratulations to Sir Zhuang for being promoted to Director!"

"Congratulations to Sir Zhuang for being promoted to Director!"

In this case, even the "assistant director" must be called "director", otherwise the ignorant people will guard the pond.

At this moment, a group of people stood up in the street hot pot restaurant with three tables.

Most of them wore suits, white shirts, a red shirt, and a T-shirt, all of different shapes, but they all had a gun on their waist, with a natural and powerful aura.

"Thanks a lot."

"Thanks a lot."

"Everyone sit~lightnovelpub.net~ After Zhuang Shikai finished drinking, he raised his hand and pressed it. After drinking, the guys lighted the bottom of the cup, and immediately sat down.

Superintendents such as Zhou Huabiao and Cai Yuanqi didn't need to toast, and stayed with Sir Zhuang.

This is the respect that should be given to the identity of the boss!


"A toast to Zhuang Sir!"

After Zhou Huabiao and his brothers sat down together, they picked up a dish and put them in their mouths, took the opportunity to turn their heads and winked frantically at Chen Jiaju.

Chen Jiaju picked up the wine glass inexplicably and walked to Sir Chuang: "Sir, congratulations on your promotion."

"I respect you for this cup."

Zhuang Shikai opened a large backpack at his feet, revealing a thick pile of folders inside, and the meat show at night was about to begin.